Located in the centre of the town, once activated this lodestone is the easiest way to get to Al kharid.
Gem Trader and Gnome Pilot:
Here we have the Gem trader and gnome pilot, Captain Dalbur. The gem trader will sell and buy all uncut and cut gems you may have. You cannot steal from his stall if you are a member. Captain Dalbur can be used anytime after completing The Grand Tree quest.
Ali Morrisane:
This is Ali Morrisane's stall. You will need to talk to him to start The Feud quest. You can start the Rogue Trader Mini-game by talking to him as well. Be careful about having money with you after talking to him, as he will manage to sell you something without your consent.
Silk Trader:
Here is where the Silk trader sets up his stall to sell silk for 3 gp each.
Cactus Patch:
Here is the only Cactus farming spot in all of RuneScape. You will need 55 Farming to plant your Cactus seeds here. There is no one around to ask to watch over your cactus.
Crafting Shop:
This is one the few Crafting stores that you can find anywhere locally and easily. You can find almost all of your crafting needs in this store.
General and Platelegs Shops:
In this duplex of buildings, you will find the General Store and Louie Leg's platelegs shop. The general store is like any other and Louie Leg's shop will sell platelegs up to Adamant.
Plateskirt Shop:
This is Ranael's plateskirt shop where she will sell and buy plateskirts up to Adamant.
Scimitar Shop:
This is Zeke's Superior Scimitar shop. He sells scimitars up to Mithril.
Tanner, Furnace and Kebab Shop:
This multiplex of buildings holds the Tanner shop, a furnace, and a Kebab store. The tanner will tan from Cowhides up to Snakeskin for a minimal fee. The furnace is the second closest one in RuneScape to a bank. The Kebab seller will sell you kebabs for 1 gp each.
Games Stall:
This is Faruq's Toys for Games stall. He sells a selection of items that can be used to have fun in a clan chat.
Osman is known as the "Spy Master of Al Kharid". He cannot be spoken to until after Stolen Hearts quest is completed. He is also a major part in the Contact! and Diamond in the Rough quests. You can talk to him to start the Sorceress's Garden mini-game.
In here we have Hassan, the adviser of Prince Ali.
Agility Shortcut:
This is the Agility shortcut used to get to Al Kharid from the Lumbridge Swamps. You will need 8 Agility, 19 Strength, 37 Ranged, a crossbow, and a Mithril grapple to cross.
This is the local bank that you can use. Outside of the bank you can talk to Father Reen, to start the Shadow of the Storm quest.
Fishing Spots:
This is the net and baiting area. Some beginner fishers in non-member worlds will come here and get quick and easy experience. For low level players, be careful of the Scorpions that are there! They will attack you!
Duel Arena:
This is the Duel Arena entrance. Here you can keep going to enter the lobby for the Arena. For more information on the Duel Arena, please refer to the Duel Arena mini-game guide.
Al Kharid Mine:
This is the Pit scorpion mining grounds. Inside, there are many different types of ores you can mine. There is a man in here that is mentioned in the Family Crest quest. He can change your gauntlets to the Goldsmith gauntlets for a fee of 25k, or free if you haven't had them enchanted yet. There are 9 Iron ore rocks, 2 Gold ore rocks, 5 Silver ore rocks, 3 Copper ore rocks, 1 Tin ore rock, 2 Adamantite ore rocks, 3 Coal ore rocks, and 2 Mithril ore rocks. Water runes and fire runes spawn at the northern end of the mine.
Mage Training Arena:
This is the entrance to the Mage Training Arena. There are many things to do in this arena and they can all be explained in the Mage Training Arena Guide.
Fire Altar:
Here is the mysterious ruins to the Fire altar. You will need a Fire talisman/tiara and 14 Runecrafting to craft these runes.
Shantay Pass:
This is the Shantay Pass store where you can buy all the supplies you'll need for adventuring in the desert.
Ship to Daemonheim:
This ship will take you to Daemonheim, where you will be able to train the Dungeoneering Skill. You may talk to the Fremennik shipmaster to learn more about this skill.
Entrance to the Polypore Dungeon:
In the far northeast corner of the desert, to the east of the Mage Training Arena, you will find the Polypore Dungeon. To access it, cross the bridge to a small island on the river Salve. This is a four-level slayer dungeon filled with monsters ranging in levels from 9 to 280.
Desert strykewyrm hunter area:
Head east of the palace to an enclosed area. Climb over the stile to reach the Desert strykewyrm hunter area.
Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede:
East of the Desert strykewyrm hunter area is the abbey. This is where the One Piercing Note quest takes place.
This City/Area Guide was written by Hampster_Hat. Thanks to Jakesterwars, Motion_Man, DarkBlitz, Chaosgodkarl, Maonzhi, Wmfs, Ventura2oo5, Bammoxx, Ralkal, Crablogger, Pking_Pwn1, Jarkur, SpiritsSiren, and Alfawarlord. for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Apr 18, 2004, at 03:30:46 PM by stormer, and it was last updated on Sun, Feb 02, 2020, at 07:29:10 PM by Chath.
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