Archer | Chaos druid | Cow | Cyclops | ||||
Farmer | Giant bat | Grizzly bear | Guard | ||||
Guard dog | Hero | Jogre | Knight of Ardougne | ||||
Man | Monkey | Ogre | Paladin | ||||
Penguin | Pit scorpion | Scorpion | Snake | ||||
Unicorn | Warrior woman | Wolf | Woman |
- Back to my Roots - Speak to Horacio
- Back to the Freezer - Speak to Chuck
- Biohazard - Speak to Elena
- Carnillean Rising - Speak to Xenia
- Cold War - Speak to Larry
- Eagles' Peak - Speak to Charlie
- Hazeel Cult - Speak to Sir Ceril Carnillean
- Hunt for Red Raktuber - Speak to Larry
- Legends' Quest - Speak to Legends guard
- Plague City - Speak to Edmond
- Regicide - Speak to King Lathas (after receiving a message)
- Sheep Herder - Speak to Councillor Halgrive
- Some Like It Cold - Speak to Chuck
- Temple of Ikov - Speak to Lucien
- Underground Pass - Speak to King Lathas

Legends' Guild and Legends' Quest Start:
In this area we find the Legends' Guild. It can be quickly reached by using Fairy Ring just to the East, it is accessed via code B-L-R. Within the hall’s walls, you will find Ariane, Fionella, Linza, Ozan, Radimus Erkle, Siegfried Erkle, Sir Owen, The Raptor, and Xenia; though some will not always be present. Note that you will not be able to pass the gate unless you are worthy of beginning the Legends' Quest and you will not be able to enter the Guild hall until you have completed it.
The World Wakes Start:
West of the Legends' Guild is the start point for The World Wakes. Here you can find Orlando Smith to begin it. It also provides access to the Guthix Shrine after completion, though it is faster to reach there using the Sixth-Age Circuit you received.
South West of the Guild is the East Ardougne Mine. Here you will find about a dozen Grizzly bears, Dwarven Miner, 11 Iron ore rocks, and 13 Coal rocks.
Manor Farm:
Directly North of the city is the Manor Farm. It requires 17 Farming and 20 Construction before you can make use of it. Once you have the levels, Granny Potterington, seen here, will give you a tutorial so that you can begin. In addition to the Manor, this area also offers 2 allotment, an herb, and a flower patch as well as a compost bin, Tool Leprechaun, and Kragen.
Servants' "Guild":
Just South of the Farm is the Ardougne Domestic Service Agency. At this house, you may hire butlers for your player owned house; Which ones are available depends on your Construction level. You may speak to the Chief Servant for more information.
Wizard Cromperty's House:
South East of the "Guild" is Wizard Cromperty's house. Here you will find a hammer and a chisel respawn. Wizard Cromperty can also teleport you to the Rune Essence mine.
Ardougne Marketplace:
In the center of the city, you will find the Market. Amongst the various types of stalls, you will find Guards, Paladins, Knights of Ardougne, Heroes, and a Town crier. All of the stalls, and most of the people, can be used to train your Thieving skill.
Thieving Highlights:
In the buildings to the East of the Market can be found 2 chests which you can lockpick for Thieving experience. In the Northern house, you will find a chest which rewards you with 10 Coins (level 13). In the Southern house, you will find two chests: one chest contains 50 Coins (level 43) and the other chest contains a Nature rune and 13 Coins (level 28). In addition to these, there are several safecracking locations located throughout the city. See our Safecracking guide for these locations.
Guild Registry:
South East of the Market you'll find the Guild Registry. It will only be used during the "A Guild of our Own" caper to unlock more of the Thieves’ Guild.
Brimhaven Boat:
South of the Registry you can purchase passage to Brimhaven by speaking to Captain Barnaby and paying him 30 Coins. If you have an unlocked Ring of charos equipped, you will be able to travel for free. Alternatively, you can wear Karamja Gloves 1, 2, 3, or 4 to cut the price down to 15 Coins.
Poison Arrow pub:
Directly West of the dock is the Poison Arrow Pub. Here you can buy a Ranger's Aid, a Mature Ranger's Aid, a regular beer, or a skewered kebab.
RPDT Company:
The RPDT Company is affiliated with the transportation and movement of goods. The RPDT Company plays a part in Tribal Totem.
South Bank:
Here is the first of 2 banks located within Ardougne. This one is ideally placed for those stealing from the Market to the North.
Platebody Store:
On the South side of the Market, is Zenesha's platebody store. It is the only shop that is around the Market and, of course, cannot be stolen from.
Windmill and Farming Store:
Far to the North of the city is a windmill. Within it you can find Richard running his Farming store and Milton the Miller. The windmill can also be used to turn grain into flour.
On the far West side of the Manor farm is the Ardougne Lodestone.
Lord Handelmort's Mansion and Back to My Roots Start:
South of the Lodestone is Lord Handelmort’s mansion. Guarding it are several Guard Dogs (beware if you have a low combat level). This location is accessed during Tribal Totem and contains Jade Vine patches, where you can grow Wild Jade Vines after completion of Back to My Roots. Here you can also often find 1 or 2 of the weekly Hide and Seek penguins.
Estate Agent:
Even farther South is the Estate agent. You can speak with him to receive a Construction guidebook, relocate your house, redecorate your house, purchase a Construction skillcape once you have achieved level 99 Construction, or to reset your house.
Dungeon of Pigs and Agility Shortcut:
On the Northern edge of the city, to the East of the river, is a dungeon that contains several Pigs and an agility log shortcut to access the West side of East Ardougne more rapidly.
Northern Bank:
Directly East of the log, and South of the Pig dungeon, is the Northern Bank. This one is of use if accessing the Manor farm, Pottery wheels, or the nearby Furnace and Invention workshop.
Furnace and Invention Workshop:
South West of the bank is a furnace where you can smelt bars. In this same building you will also find an Invention workbench where you can discover new blueprints and make items.
Church and Sheep Herder Start:
East of the Furnace is a church where you can recharge your Prayer and begin Sheep Herder. Walking around the area is Leo, Councilor Halgrive, Doctor Orbon, and a priest.
General Store:
South of the Church is the General store run by Aemad and Kortan. They sell the normal general store supplies only.
Ardougne Zoo:
The fenced in area along the Southern edge of Ardougne is the Zoo. Here you will find various critters in caged and their caretakers walking around keeping an eye on things. Additionally, you may train the Ranged skill here, however, you will only be able to collect your arrows with the tele-grab spell or area loot and the monsters do not have any drops. This area is accessed during Eadgar's Ruse and Monkey Madness as well.
Penguin Hide & Seek and Quest Starts:
Within the Zoo you will find the quest start locations for: Back to the Freezer, Cold War, Eagles' Peak, Hunt for Red Raktuber, and Some Like It Cold. You will also be able to turn in points that you have earned participating in Penguin Hide And Seek by speaking to either Larry or Chuck.
Chaos Druid Tower:
Inside this tower, you will find Chaos Druids and Ogres as well as 2 chests, each containing two blood runes and 500 Coins (level 59). Note that level 46 Thieving is required to access the ogre area.
Tunnel to West Ardougne and Plague City Start:
Here, when you speak to Edmond, you will be able to start Plague City. During, and for a while after, the quest, you will be able to travel from East Ardougne to West Ardougne (and back) through the hole in the garden.
Biohazard Quest Start:
To the West of Edmond’s house is Elena’s, after completion of Plague City. Speaking with her will enable you to start Biohazard.
Pottery Wheels and Oven:
South of Elena’s house is a Pottery oven and 4 pottery wheels to train your Crafting skill. While this is not the closest pottery making studio to a bank in Gielinor, it is still a great option as the agility log supplies quick access to the nearby bank.
Flying Horse Inn and Temple of Ikov Start:
South of Edmond’s house is the Flying Horse Inn. Here you can speak to Lucien, to begin Temple of Ikov. In addition to this, it is also a stop on The Alfred Grimhand Memorial Bar Crawl.
Wilderness Lever:
In a building attached to the wall where East and West Ardougne unite, is a lever. This lever is not for the faint of heart as it will transport you to the Deserted Keep deep in the wilderness. This lever is most often used by Penguin hunters and PKers whom wait at the Keep, ready to ambush the unsuspecting.
West Ardougne Door:
Just South of the lever building is the Gate where East and West truly meet. Note that it cannot be used until the completion of Biohazard.
Ardougne Castle Plus Underground Pass and Regicide Starts:
Directly East of the Gate is Ardougne Castle. Here you can speak with King Lathas to begin Underground Pass and Regicide.
Carnillean Manor Plus Hazeel Cult and Carnillean Rising Starts:
In the South Western most corner of East Ardougne, is the Carnellean Manor. Within this home you will be able to start both Hazeel Cult and Carnillean Rising.
This City/Area Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to Previous guide writers: supercoolyo and Snapdanas, well as DRAVAN, pokemama, evilishies, wilsonsox, Jakesterwars, I_Play_RS, LogGamer, Alk12, Sir_Corgi, hampster_hat, Pirate Bob, super cow80, Senug5, MysticEchos, Alfawarlord, Crablogger, Scott, and Laiorai for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Apr 21, 2004, at 07:25:09 PM by stormer, and it was last updated on Thu, May 16, 2019, at 03:51:32 AM by Chath.
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