West Ardougne Door:
Here, after the completion of the Biohazard quest, you will be able to travel between East Ardougne and West Ardougne through this door.
Here, you will find a graveyard which consists of ghosts and zombies.
Cat Buyers:
When your kitten has grown into, at the very least, a cat, you may sell it to any Civilian for 100 Death runes.
General Store:
This general store contains supplies which are necessary for the Underground Pass quest.
Mourner's House:
In this building, you will find a group of Mourners.
Underground Pass Entrance:
Here, you will find the entrance to the Underground Pass. In the closest building to the Underground Pass, you will find a wizard which will repair your Iban's staff.
Respawn Map:
This City/Area Guide was written by Hampster_Hat. Thanks to EKred49r, MysticEchos, Hilwin1, and Crablogger for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jun 27, 2005, at 03:42:33 PM by MrStormy, and it was last updated on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 12:36:50 AM by DRAVAN.
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