Here, you may buy a Bandit's brew for 650gp if you have completed the Desert Treasure quest. The bandit's brew raises your Thieving level by one.
General Store:
This general store does not carry a normal stock, but rather a specialty store which contains desert equipment.
In the Bandit Camp, there are two types of bandits: Bandits (level 57) and Bandits (level 74). These are excellent for training combat on if you have a high combat level because they have a low defense and a high amount of hitpoints. Additionally, if you have level 53 Thieving, you may pickpocket the bandits. The level 74 Bandits may only be found in the bar, while the level 57 Bandits may be found anywhere else throughout the camp.
This City/Area Guide was written by DownStrike. Thanks to Slow Cheetah, MysticEchos, and Crablogger for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Aug 01, 2005, at 09:19:45 PM by DRAVAN, and it was last updated on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 12:51:40 AM by DRAVAN.
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