Log Cross:
In order to access the camp, you must cross this log.
Lure and Bait Fishing Spots:
Southeast of the camp, you can fish with lure or bait. You may cook your catches on one of the everlasting fires inside of the camp. For more information, refer to the Fishing skill guide.
Elf Camp:
Here, you will find Lord Iorwerth and a loom, which are both accessed during the Regicide quest. The loom can also be used to weave a variety of items. You may use empty Beer glasses on the nearby Beer barrel to fill them up again. In the camp you will also find 2 everlasting fires and an Empty pot respawn.
Shark and Big Net Fishing Spots:
Northwest of the camp, you can fish for Shark and use a Big fishing net to catch a variety of other fish. You may cook your catches on one of the everlasting fires inside of the camp. For more information, refer to the Fishing skill guide.
This City/Area Guide was written by Hampster_Hat. Thanks to Alfawarlord, QueenSteffie, and Eragon7985 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Fri, Jun 24, 2005, at 04:14:29 PM by MrStormy, and it was last updated on Mon, Jan 24, 2011, at 02:45:12 AM by DRAVAN.
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