There are two ways to reach Tuska’s back:
Teleport to the Bandit Camp lodestone. Run North West and swim across to Tuska’s back.
Teleport to Lumbridge lodestone. Run South East to the port. Talk to Wizard Chambers and he will teleport you to Tuska’s back.
Otot tablet
Grouping system

Once you have stepped through the World Window you will find yourself in Mazcab next to the Goebie scout.
Pit of Trials:
Located directly North of the entrance portal is the Pit of Trials. Here you can battle against Beastmaster Durzag (plus his pets Cormes, Krar, and Tuz) and Yakamaru. Out front you will find a bank chest, Fetcher (both to the East of the entrance portal to the Pit) and Armorsmith (to the West side). The Fetcher can retrieve any loot you may have missed during a raid. The Armorsmith sells melee gear(Teralith), range gear(Tempest), magic gear(Primeval), and abilities in exchange for teci, currency you receive for completing raids.
To the West of the Pit of trials is the village of Kanatah.
Acca Kanatah:
Within the village you can find its leader: Acca Kanatah. Who can talk to you about the people of Kanatah, the past, places (such as Kanatah and Otot), and find out your reputation with the Goebies.
Trinks is just to the West of Acca Kanatah. If you talk to Trinks you can be assigned 3 different daily tasks to receive Goebie reputation. You can also find out a bit about Trinks and the surrounding village of Kanatah.
Goebie supplier:
South of Trinks is a Goebie supplier. Here you can access your bank or buy supplies from the Goebies including: Cooked eeligator, Super restore (4), Summoning potion (4), Super attack (4), Super strength (4), Super defense (4), Super magic potion (4), and Super ranging potion (4).
Note: that the prices of these items change depending on how much reputation you have; prices below are after the second discount (25% off prices).
Lastly in Kanatah we find Querci. Querci is the starting point of the Supply Run. In this Distraction you collect 10 supplies and take them thru the Nemi Forest to Quercy in Otot.
South West of Kanatah and the Pit of Trials is the Graveyard. The statue at the Graveyard is where you can turn in the five stone fragments to receive reputation; 50 points per fragment. You will only receive reputation once, even though the fragments respawn. See the yellow * on the map for the fragment locations.
Airut camp:
Just North of the Graveyard you will find the Airut camp. Here you can kill Airut and (if assigned by Trinks) save several Goebies.
Nemi Forest:
West of the Graveyard is the Nemi Forest. The forest path resets every time there are no people within the forest. That means it can potentially be different every time you enter.
Within the forest there are several things you can do, once daily, for reputation and experience. These include:
- Cleansing a water pool(Prayer )
- Opening a chest(Dungeoneering )
- Pay respects at an obelisk(Prayer )
- Mining corrupted stones(Mining )
- Heal an explorer(Prayer )
- Cure a fungal growth(Farming )
- Check health of mushrooms(Farming )
- Free a dead monk’s soul(Prayer )
- Check health of mysterious flowers(Farming ).
To reach these things, there are occasionally barriers. These include:
- A giant web (burned using burning log from a fire pit)
- 3 pillars (cleared with a small orb of energy that will follow you)
- Mysterious statues (cleared when you use a mysterious staff on the statues, found on a solo statue)
- Bound logs (cleared when you use the raider axe found in a stake to destroy it)
- Barricade (cleared by using a mysterious axe to destroy it)
- A lost Goebie who will follow you to a blue portal.
Just outside of the Nemi forest (as well as one in each village) is a Ranger. Rangers can help you fast travel to several locations; the number of locations increase with your reputation.
Ancient goebie:
One of the locations the Rangers can take you to is a clearing within the forest. Here you will find an Ancient goebie as well as Ancient carers. This location is also important for the Call of the Ancestors quest.
North of the Nemi forest is our last area, the village of Otot.
Between the Nemi Forest and Otot we see Xinachto; who plays a part in the Call of the Ancestors quest.
Acca Otot:
Like in Kanatah, here you will find their leader: Acca Otot. Also like Acca Kanatah, you can talk to Acca Otot about the people of Otot, the past, places (such as Kanatah and Otot), and find out your reputation with the Goebies.
Goebie supplier:
The Village of Otot also has Goebie supplier. Once again you can bank here, or buy Mazcab Emergency Supplies.
Arod the environmentalist:
In the Southeast corner of the village you can find Arod the environmentalist. His goal is to preserve the wildlife found on Mazcab, should the Airut expand again. He is where you can turn in a Choloa, Snuffle, Popoca, and Kerrit once for 15,000 hunter experience and 250 reputation.
In the North West corner, we find Quercy; this is where you turn in your supplies during the Supply Run distraction.
Player house Portal:
Lastly in Otot we can find a Player owned house portal. Here, after you have gained 1,750 reputation, you can relocate and access your home from here.
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This City/Area Guide was written by ChathMurrpau and Dark.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Fri, May 27, 2016, at 11:45:39 PM by Dark, and it was last updated on Tue, Aug 22, 2017, at 07:11:35 AM by Numerous One.
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