This is the location where you first arrive on Miscellania when you have exited the boat from Rellekka.
Fishing Spots:
On this dock you can cage lobsters and harpoon fish for the Throne of Miscellania quest, as well as increase your approval rating.
Broken Pier:
While wearing Fremennik boots 2 or 3 you shall be able to use the Broken Pier providing faster access to Etceteria from the docks.
Wheat, Cabbages and Potatoes:
Here you can find a cabbage patch, potato patch, and wheat field. Additionally the wheat field will have the occasional crop circle in which you can use to teleport to Impetuous Impulses.
Weed Patch:
Here, you can weed a patch and have workers in your kingdom collect flax for you.
Maple Trees:
These maple trees can be used to increase your approval rating. Additionally, workers in your kingdom will collect these for you. There are twelve maple trees here; however, only eleven are accessible for you to cut.
Coal Mine:
Here, there are eight coal rocks. Since Miner Magnus is constantly mining one, only seven can be mined.
Penguin Island:
This island is directly northwest of the coast of Miscellania. To access this island, use the following fairy ring code: "A J S".
Miscellania Market:
In Miscellania's courtyard market, you can steal from fish and vegetable stalls (please refer to the Thieving Skill guide for more information). Fish and fishing supplies can be bought from the Fish Monger, flowers from the Flower Girl, and food from the Greengrocer.
Miscellania Castle:
Nothing interesting is to be found on the first floor of the castle. On the second floor, you will find Advisor Ghrim, King Vargas, Princess Astrid, and Prince Brand. You can collect your items here which workers have obtained for you. Additionally, you may start the Royal Trouble quest here.
Derrik's House:
Derrik is located in the building with the anvil. He plays an important part in the Throne of Miscellania quest.
Teak and Mahogany Trees:
In total, there are nine teak trees and two mahogany trees located just west of the bank on Etceteria.
Here, you will find a bank which is only accessible after the completion of the Royal Trouble quest.
Etceteria Market:
At the market on Etceteria, you can thieve from stalls, buy fish and fishing supplies, and buy food.
Etceteria Castle:
On the second floor of the Etceteria castle, you will find Queen Sigrid.
Spirit Tree Patch:
Here, you will find a spirit tree patch. To plant a spirit tree, you must have level 83 Farming.
Here is the dungeon which is accessed during the Royal Trouble quest.
This is one of places where your citizens will collect many types of resources for you after you have completed the Royal Trouble quest.
Bush Patch:
You can use this bush patch to plant bushes. You can also pay Rhazien to look after your crops.
Fairy Ring:
You can this fairy ring as a way to get to Miscellania easier or travel from Miscellania to Zanaris. The code for Miscellania is C I P.
Approval Ratings:
Anything obtained on Miscellania and Etceteria can not be kept. Instead, your approval ratings will increase, and, unfortunately, you will not gain any experience points. Your approval ratings increase for every task completed. The approval rating percentage is directly proportional to the difficulty of the task. Below is a chart of some tasks with their corresponding approval rate percentages:
- Weeding - 0.1% per weed
- Maple Logging - 0.6% per log
- Coal - 0.8% per rock
This City/Area Guide was written by Shebok10 and MysticEchos. Thanks to Alfawarlord, Radmite, Clamball, thehi, Darkblitz, Skeletonmat, Emberingpheonix, Sire_TRM, and Mimz for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Tue, Aug 19, 2008, at 04:34:00 PM by Alfawarlord, and it was last updated on Thu, Feb 27, 2014, at 06:52:37 AM by MrStormy.
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