It is recommended to bring antipoison because tribesmen's spears are poisonous.
Note: Some of the people on this map will not give you trading sticks as a reward from the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up mini-game.
- General Store:
Here, you will find the general store. This store does not accept trading sticks, rather gold coins.
Anvils and Safta Doc:
Here, you will find anvils and Safta Doc. Safta Doc will craft you gem bladed machetes as well as reward you with trading sticks for participating in the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.
Farming Patch:
This is a calquat farming patch. You need level 72 Farming to use this patch.
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Quest Start:
If you speak to Timfraku, you will be able to start the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio. He is located on the second floor of the house.
Jungle Potion Quest Start:
Here, you will find Trufitus. You may speak to him in order to start the Jungle Potion quest.
Everlasting Fires and Jagbakoba:
Here are two everlasting fires (fires which never burn out). Additionally, you will find Jagbakoba, and as with Safta Doc, he will reward you with trading sticks for participating in the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up mini-game.
Tai Bwo Wannai Clean-up Mini-Game:
Here, you will find Murcaily. If you speak to him, you will be able to participate in the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up mini-game. You will need a machete to hack jungle bushes. At times, monsters will come out of the bush (inclusive of poisonous tribesmen, poisonous bush snakes, jungle spiders, broodoo victims, and mosquitoes). You may kill these monsters for rewards (from drops) and favour. Once your favour level is high, talk to a villager and they will reward you with trading sticks. If you desire to cut mahogany trees or teak trees, you must pay Murcaily 100 trading sticks.
Gabooty's Trading Sticks Stores
This is Gabooty's trading sticks store. You may obtain trading sticks by participating in the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.
Tribal Statue:
After you have started the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest, you may pray at this statue.
This City/Area Guide was written by Kuramawhip. Thanks to Fireball0236, MysticEchos, Egekalaycan, and HcKanji201 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Sep 11, 2005, at 03:07:14 AM by Fireball0236, and it was last updated on Sun, Dec 18, 2016, at 11:31:18 AM by Jarkur.
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