Retain After Quest?
Partial completion of Requiem for a Dragon to obtain.
Where Found:
Found in the bookcase North of The Archivist.
Item Uses:
Read to provide conversation prompt.
This book is the diary of the master of Ungael (Zorgoth).

If lost or destroyed, a new copy can be obtained from the bookcase in your Player-Owned House made through Construction.

It can be read to Vorkath after Requiem for a Dragon to complete the "Soft Dragon, Warm Dragon" Achievement for the Master Quest Cape.

Below is the text you can read from within the book.
I despise humans.

Their population spreads across every world they touch, like some foul moss across rotted wood. Where they walk, devastation follows. Trees, stone, ore, creatures, they are all whittled down to nothing so that a single village thrives. And there are more villages than there are reasons to have them, with more appearing with each passing day.

Everything about humans is repugnant. Their science is laughable, their oratory stunted. Their religions weak and reek of desperation. Whatever they touch, they coat in vile oils and greases that erupt from their very skin to taint the world around them.

Yet, for all their foulness, she does not touch them. Jas is content to slumber. They do more damage to creation than we ever did, yet it is we who are cursed. It is we who live with chains around our necks.

If she will not punish them, then I shall.

I miss competence. None of my assistants seem to possess it. Ever since Lacrussa left on her egotistical campaign, it's as if none of my other assistants have a brain between them.

It's failure after failure after failure, just like this latest experiment. He was meant to be a weapon, a deadly creature of fury and rage. He was supposed to annihilate human cities, but instead he looks on them with affection.

He sees a human and wants to pull them under his wing, to warm them against the elements so that they can keep nice and safe. He wants to coo at their progeny and laugh at their games.

How dare he? I had such plans. I poured so much time and resources into building this weapon and he thinks his targets should be protected.

No, no, this will not do.

He's more useful dead than alive anyway. His bones are strong; his scales thick. I could cut him apart and find a dozen different uses for each of his organs, yet I think there's something more interesting at play.

Kerapac's studies have yielded some fascinating discoveries. There is a type of stone - black, dark and buried deep in the earth - that offers great power. I have seen it used to bring movement to desiccated bodies, making them walk again as if alive once more.

More than that - I see that when the dead return to life, if their yoke is not carefully grasped, they lumber into violence, destruction and hate. These creatures crave and they crave - they need with a hunger that can never be sated.

They hate with such a passion that it can be easily weaponised.

Perhaps this Vorkath will not be so useless after all.

I start with the heart. I cut it free from the body and discard it. In its place I leave a black stone of similar size. The stone is smooth, like glass, and cold like the depths of the ocean. It feels like it should be heavier than it is.

I am reminded of Kranon, mad priest that he was, and the experiments he made back in that fallen city. He made shrines and monuments out of this same stone, letting the energies run mindlessly and without any proper direction. I am not so foolish.

I align sinew, blood vessel and cartilage, so that the energies of the stone might be more easily directed. I create, in this circuitry, a very deliberate sort of need.

Each creature animated by this substance is driven to want. It's as if there is a hole in each of them, desperate to be filled. With greed. With power. With love. Such things aren't ephemeral nonsense, but the drives of biology perverted by magic. If I take control of the body's internal structure, I can take control of the need it creates.

So, I gave Vorkath a need to destroy. I made him need to rage, to hate, to despise humans. A hole in his heart that can only be filled with bloodlust.

Fitting, I think.

It worked perhaps better than intended. There is a darkness that has crept into this pathetic creature and turned it into something of barest use. Still weak, in its own way, yet stronger in flesh.

What remains is a different beast than before. He moves. He breathes. He hates and he wallows. Held by some melancholy that cannot be removed. A pitiful creature, yet more useful than he was. He is no longer affectionate towards humans and made no effort to stop me as I killed one in front of him.

A step in the right direction, but there is far further to go.

There is promise in this stone. In the madness it creates in the weaker creatures. Vorkath will forever be a failure, but perhaps there are other uses for this material.

Musings for another time. For now, this Vorkath experiment, as it was always doomed to be, is a failure.

The next one will be a significant improvement.
This item cannot be disassembled.
0.5 kg
Examine Information:
Battered but very neatly written.

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau

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