Rasial's Citadel
Max Hit:
Examine Information:
The so-called 'Spirit of War'.
100% Drop:
Unknown, please submit.
All Possible Loot:
Boss encounter unlocked after completion of The Spirit of War. Additionally, he will be fought during Alpha vs Omega.

As Hermod is an undead, he is susceptible to Undead Slayer effects (Salve amulet (e), perks, and abilities). Note that he does not count for any undead Slayer assignments, but the Armoured phantoms he spawns do.

Hermod is a group encounter allowing for up to 5 players. Each additional player will increase his health by 200,000 Life points (up to 1,000,000) and each player will receive their own drop so lootshare is not necessary.

  • Hermod will draw back his sword, spin, and smash it down on the location you were standing when the attack started
    • Damages up to 2,250 in a 3x3 area and disables any Protect/Deflect you had active
    • Step/Dive/Escape/Surge at least 2 spaces away to avoid the hit
  • Hermod will become immune and summon 2 Armoured phantoms (roughly every 48 seconds)
    • He will remain immune until the phantoms are killed
    • Options to kill them rapidly include:
      • Command Putrid Zombie - must be within 2 spaces of the phantoms
      • Threads of Fate - add Volley of souls then Soul Sap during volley for an extra kick
      • Soul Strike and Spectral Scythe - must be within 1 space of each other

Attack Rotation
  1. 4 Basic attack
  2. Smash attack
  3. Basic attack
  4. Smash attack
  5. 3 Basic attack
  6. Summon
  7. 2 Basic attack
  8. Repeat from attack 2 down until defeated

This Data was submitted by: ChathMurrpau

If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.

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