Swamp lizard quota ticket | Carniverous chinchompa quota ticket | Pawya quota ticket | Polar kebbit quota ticket | ||||
Grenwall quota ticket | Protea flower | Swamp toad | Flax | ||||
Swamp tar | Experience (Hunter xp X 5) |

At the Player-Owned Farms, Mieliki is a Small pen buyer who specifically wishes to purchase your chinchompas. She will purchase up to 12 for a varying amount of beans. The base value is dependent upon the animal's age and are as follows:
Age | Beans |
Baby | 50 |
Adolescent | 250 |
Adult | 213 |
Elder | 175 |
- -10% - Nice but Dim trait
- -05% - Surly trait
- -02% - Limited Effency trait
- +02% - Lucky trait
- +05% - Unlucky for Some trait
- +05% - Animal farmer outfit
- +10% - Master farmer outfit
- +10% - Fortunate trait
- +10% - Buyer's desired breed
- +10% - Buyer's desired trait
- +25% - Buyer's desired breed and trait
- +52% - Highest possible bonus - Lucky, Unlucky for Some, and Fortunate traits + Master farmer outfit + desired breed and trait
Note that you will not ALWAYS find this NPC at their Player-Owned Farm location. They will need to be your current buyer for that size pen and you must have not sold them their max amount of critters.
This Data was submitted by: Alfawarlord and ChathMurrpau
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.