The Phoenix is a one-person activity and can be either ranged or melee'd.
Melee Equipment:
- Helm: Torva full helm > Bandos helmet > Helm of neitiznot > Verac's helm > Dragon full helm
- Amulet: Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory
- Cape: Completionist cape > Max cape > TokHaar-Kal > Fire cape > Skill cape (t) > Skill cape > God cape
- Main hand weapon: Drygore mace > Drygore rapier > Drygore longsword > Chaotic rapier > Chaotic maul > Chaotic longsword > Any Godsword > Abyssal whip > Dragon scimitar
- Off-hand weapon: Off-hand drygore rapier > Off-hand drygore longsword > Off-hand drygore mace > Off-hand chaotic rapier > Off-hand chaotic longsword > Enhanced Excalibur > Off-hand dragon scimitar
- Torso: Torva platebody > Bandos chestplate > Dragon platebody OR Dragon chainbody > Fighter Torso
- Legs: Torva playlegs > Bandos tassets > Proselyte cuisse > Dragon platelegs OR Dragon plateskirt
- Boots: Steadfast boots > Torva boots > Bandos boots > Dragon boots
- Gloves: Pneumatic gloves > Torva gloves > Goliath gloves > Bandos gloves > Barrows Gloves
- Ring: Sixth-age circuit > Berserker ring > Warrior ring > Ring of life
- Potions: Overload > Extreme attack and Extreme strength potions > Super attack and Super strength potions
- Food: Monkfish or better
- Teletab: Teleport to house > Teleport to spawn location > Other Teleport
Ranged Equipment:
- Helm: Pernix cowl > Armadyl helmet > Karil's coif > Archer helm
- Amulet: Saradomin's murmur > Amulet of fury > Amulet of ranging > Amulet of glory
- Cape: Completionist cape > Max cape > Ava's alerter > Ava's accumulator > TokHaar-Kal > Fire cape > Skill cape (t) > Skill cape > God cape
- Ammo: Royal bolts > Broad-tipped bolts > Bolt racks
- Main hand weapon: Ascension crossbow > Royal crossbow > Chaotic crossbow > Crystal bow > Karil's crossbow > Rune crossbow
- Off-hand weapon: Off-hand ascension crossbow > Off-hand chaotic crossbow > Off-hand rune crossbow
- Torso: Pernix body > Armadyl chestplate > Royal d'hide body > Black d'hide body
- Legs: Pernix chaps > Armadyl plateskirt > Royal d'hide chaps > Black d'hide chaps
- Boots: Glaiven boots > Pernix boots > Armadyl boots > Ranger boots > Spined boots
- Gloves: Tracking gloves > Pernix gloves > Armadyl gloves > Barrows Gloves > Royal d'hide vambraces
- Ring: Sixth-age circuit > Berserker ring > Archer ring > Ring of life
- Potions: Overload > Extreme ranging > Super ranging
- Food: Monkfish or better
- Teletab: Teleport to house > Teleport to spawn location > Other Teleport
There are three main ways to get to the Phoenix Lair. Using a Phoenix Lair Teleport scroll will teleport you right outside the Phoenix Lair. The Fairy Ring Method is the second quickest. To get there with the Fairy Rings go to any Fairy Ring (with your Dramen staff equipped if you have not done Fairy Tale Part III) and click on the Fairy Ring. Once at the Zanaris Fairy Ring enter the code A K Q. Once at the Piscatoris Hunting area run West then go North when you reach the rocky area where you started In Pyre Need quest. The last method is via the Lodestone Network, select Home Teleport > Eagles' Peak then run North and West.
To get to the Phoenix you must first go through five Caves inside the Lair and collect one of each: Cinnamon twigs, Sassafras twigs, Ailanthus twigs, Cedar twigs, and Mastic twigs. The caves will be in a random order but you will always come in on the Southern enterance and all monsters inside the cave are aggresive. In each cave there are the Phoenix's minions. There are the Lesser minions and Greater Minions. If there is a Lesser or Greater Mage attacking you you should have on the Magic Protection Prayer. Some of the minions will block your path similar to the Monkey Guards on Ape Atoll however these cannot teleport throughout the cave. You will have to kill these to get past. When you get close enough the Minions will often teleport near you and attack. Below are the five caves and the best routes for each. Below is minimaps with the best route for each.

After you've defeated the Phoenix, you can walk out of the cave again.
If you're lucky, you might find yourself in another room with phoenix eggs in it.
If you're under 72 Summoning you will walk out with the Phoenix egg and will be able to hatch and choose your type of Phoenix Eggling you want after you reach 72. If you're 72+ Summoning you can then choose whether you want to clap at the egg or kick it. If you decide to clap, you'll receive a cute phoenix eggling. If you kick at the egg, you will receive a Mean Phoenix eggling.
Good luck, and have fun!
This Distraction/Diversion Guide was written by Teh_Admiral. Thanks to Jasper, Shanty_Claws, Crablogger, Beatter, Ludo, Clamball, and Smexy Sarah for corrections.
This Distraction/Diversion Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jan 11, 2010, at 09:32:16 PM by Egekalaycan, and it was last updated on Wed, Jul 17, 2013, at 01:45:50 AM by Amoa.
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