Spirit Tree Patch:
Here, you will find a spirit tree farming patch. You must have 83 Farming to use this patch. Frizzy Skernip will watch it for 5 Monkey nuts, 1 Monkey bar, and 1 Ground Suqah tooth. Nearby you will also find a Tool lephrechaun.
Rusty Anchor Pub:
Here, you are able to buy Beer from the Bartender. In and around it you can find: Ahab, Bard Roberts, Drunken sailor, Flippers McGraw, Jack Seagull, Longbow Ben, Redbeard Frank, Stanky Morgan, Thaki the delivery dwarf, and Holstein; once Impressing the Locals has been completed, you will also find (Navigator) Seasinger Jemi, (Bosun) Evie Higgs,
Arc Transportation:
Here we can find Sarim’s Revenge a ship unlocked by completing the miniquest, Impressing the Locals, we can also find (Quartermaster) Mister Gully here once it is completed. You can talk to (Quartermaster) Mister Gully to travel to the Arc.
Player-Owned Ports Portal:
This is the entrance to the Player-Owned Ports minigame.
Vacant House:
Here, you will find a house with a sink and a Bronze bolt respawn. Note that the respawn is located upstairs and can be reached by climbing the nearby ladder.
Magic Store:
This is Betty’s Magic Emporium. She sells various runes and a few magic supplies.
If you climb into the basement you can find her assistant Lottie.
Brian’s Axe Shop:
Brian’s Battleaxe Bazar sells various battle axes and offers both an anvil and a furnace to Smith your own items.
Jewelry Store:
Grum's Gold Exchange sells jewelry ranging from plain gold up to diamond. It is also accessed during Merlin's Crystal when you convince the Lady of the Lake that you are worthy of owning Excalibur by feeding a Beggar a loaf of bread.
Cooking Range:
In this house is a Cooking range. Just South of the house you will find The Face, Bellemorde, and Felkrash.
Monks of Entrana:
This is where you will find the Monks of Entrana who can transport you to Entrana. Note that you cannot carry or wield any weapons or armor to the Island. There is a bank deposit box here if you need to store any items.
Fishing Store:
Gerrant's store, Fishy Business, sells a variety of raw fish (if players have sold to him) as well as different fishing tools. This store is accessed during Heroes' Quest when you demand information about catching Lava eels. You can also find a White apron respawn here.
Musa Point Transportation:
For a small fee, Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris, or Seaman Thresnor can transport you to Musa Point. The normal cost to travel there is 30 gold coins. However, there are 2 exceptions. If you are a member and you are wearing Karamja 3 gloves , it will cost you 15 gold coins. Or if you are a member and are wearing a Ring of charos, you will be able to travel to Musa Point for free.
Once activated, you can use the Home teleport spell to travel here.
Food Store:
Wydin 's food store sells various food products. This store is accessed during Pirate's Treasure when you need to access his back room in order to obtain your smuggled Karamjan rum. In this room you can also find a Banana respawn and another White apron respawn.
The Lady Lumbridge:
Wandering around here is Ned and standing on the dock is Klarense, who sails your boat to Crandor during Dragon Slayer. Unfortunately, the boat is not accessible after the completion of this quest.
You can restore your Summoning points using this small obelisk.
The Jail:
Wormbrain, who is a key element in Dragon Slayer, can be found in one of the cells here along with Prison Pete and Guard Captain Roarkwin nearby. Just South of the jail you can also find Endwyr.
Void Knight Outpost Transportation:
Here you will find the Squire who can transport you to the Void Knight Outpost.
Trader Crewsmembers:
Trader Crewsmembers will charter you to various locations for a small fee. These locations include: Brimhaven, Catherby, Mos Le'Harmless, Oo'glog, Port Khazard, Port Tyras, Port Phasmatys, and The Shipyard. You can also trade them for a large number of various foods, as well as Cooking, Crafting, and Fishing items. And Just East of them is Trader Stan, the starting point for Impressing the Locals.
You can restore your Prayer points using this altar.
Asgarnia Ice Dungeon:
This is the entrance to the Asgarnia Ice Dungeon, which contains Ice warriors, Ice giants, Skeletal wyverns and the Frost dragon resource dungeon.
Thurgo is the master of Smithing and will sell you the Smithing cape for 99,000 gold coins. There is also an anvil in his house that you can use.
Muskipper Point:
South of Port Sarim is Mudskipper Point. Here you will find a Fairy Ring (Code: A I Q) and several ominous fishing spots. These spawn Mogres if you throw a Fishing explosive into them.
This City/Area Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to Previous guide written by: Jakesterwars, Meowmix686, and Javezz.
for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Apr 18, 2004, at 04:29:34 PM by Freakybat, and it was last updated on Tue, Jan 10, 2017, at 04:24:45 AM by ChathMurrpau.
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