- Observatory Quest Start:
Here, you will be able to start the Observatory quest by speaking to the Observatory Professor. On one of the walls you will find the Shooting Star Distractions and Diversions noticeboard. It indicates recently arrived stars and who was first to arrive to the star.
- The Observatory:
You will access this building while doing the Observatory quest. The only way to access this area is by traveling through the Observatory Dungeon.
- Fishing Spot:
Here, you will find a "lure / bait" fishing spot (which is useful for catching trout, salmon, and pike, for example). For more information regarding fishing, please refer to the Fishing Skill guide.
- Observatory Dungeon Entrance:
Here, you will find a staircase which leads to the Observatory Dungeon. You can only access the Observatory by traveling through this dungeon.
- Everlasting Fire:
Here, in the center of the goblin area, you will find an everlasting fire (a fire which never burns out). This fire may be used to cook various items.
- Super Antipoison Respawn:
In this building, a super antipoison(1) potion will respawn.
This City/Area Guide was written by hampster_hat and MysticEchos. Thanks to Switcher for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Jul 10, 2005, at 06:54:20 PM by Switcher, and it was last updated on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 12:39:12 AM by DRAVAN.
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