Located around the Daemonheim peninsula. Quickly accessed via the Ring of kinship teleport.
Nearest Bank:
Nearest Landmark:
100 Mining required to obtain the ores from these mines. Primal stone spirits can be used to increase the rate at which ores are mined. All ores in these mines are Durability 3,000 and Hardness 275. Use of Primal pickaxe or better recommended.

Ores include:
  • Novite
  • Bathus
  • Marmaros
  • Kratonium
  • Fractite
  • Zephyrium
  • Argonite
  • Katagon
  • Gorgonite
  • Promethium

This Map was written by ChathMurrpau.
This Map was entered into the database on Mon, Aug 19, 2024, at 04:12:53 AM by Chath, and it was last updated on Tue, Sep 03, 2024, at 04:41:32 AM by KsbSingle.

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