Table of Contents:
In order to completely finish a dungeon, you must always defeat a final boss. The boss you will have to face varies based on the theme of the floor you are on and your Dungeoneering level. If you have and are wearing the Daemonheim aura 1 or better, you will be given the option to choose which boss you will face once per day. Your choice is still dependent upon your Dungeoneering level as well as which floor theme you will be accessing. The bosses are always more difficult than the average monster in a dungeon and will require a certain strategy in order to defeat. Below is a list of the bosses and basic strategies to kill them. Clicking on a Boss name in the list will take you to their section of information found farther below.
Once you have entered a boss room, you cannot leave it through the door until the boss is killed. It is therefore advised to place a (group) gatestone right outside of the room and teleport to it when you are about to die. It is also recommended to leave resources needed for the fight near the gatestone. This will allow you to restock easily if are running out of resources or when you are about to die.
To prevent yourself from running out of Prayer points during the boss fight, you can use various potions or pray at an altar to replenish them. If the dungeon does not contain an altar, you can convert the Group gatestone portal into an Altar.
- To do this you will need: 75 Construction, as well as 5 Bovistrangler branches and 5 Zephyrium bars (worth about 151K Rusty coins if bought from the Smuggler).
- Familiars can come in handy when fighting a boss. Some of the best familiars you can use are Bloodragers and Skinweavers. A Bloodrager is a simple Melee combat familiar, but its special attack scroll greatly lowers stats of an enemy, which makes it great for boss fights. Skinweavers are great to use because not only do they heal you with their scrolls, they also make food heal more (up to 30 extra Life points per food).
Floor Theme | Floors | Boss | Level Required |
Members Only |
Drops |
Frozen | 1-11 | Gluttonous Behemoth | 1 | No | Boots |
1-11 | Astea Frostweb | 1 | No | Shoes and Wands | |
1-11 | Icy Bones | 1 | No | Knives and Vambraces | |
3-11 | Luminescent Icefiend | 5 | No | Daggers and Off-hand daggers | |
6-11 | Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz | 11 | No | Gauntlets | |
9-11 | To'Kash the Bloodchiller | 17 | No | Mage gloves | |
Abandoned | 12-17 30-35 |
Skeletal Horde | 23 | No | Helmets |
12-17 30-35 |
Hobgoblin Geomancer | 23 | No | Leather boots | |
12-17 30-35 |
Bulwark Beast | 23 | No | Hatchets and Pickaxes | |
15-17 30-35 |
Unholy Cursebearer | 29 | No | Staffs | |
30-35 | Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan | 59 | No | Kiteshields | |
33-35 | Bal'lak the Pummeller | 65 | No | Warhammers and Off-hand warhammers | |
Furnished | 18-29 | Rammernaut | 35 | No | Mauls |
18-29 | Stomp | 35 | No | Coifs and Ranged shields | |
18-29 | Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter | 35 | No | Rapiers and off-hand rapiers | |
20-29 | Lexicus Runewright | 39 | No | Hoods and orbs | |
23-29 | Sagittare | 45 | No | Longbows and arrows | |
26-29 | Night-gazer Khighorahk | 51 | No | Plateskirts | |
Occult | 36-47 | Skeletal Trio | 71 | Yes | Shortbows and Arrows |
36-47 | Runebound Behemoth | 71 | Yes | Robe bottoms and Mage shields | |
36-47 | Gravecreeper | 71 | Yes | Chainbodies | |
39-47 | Necrolord | 77 | Yes | Chaps and Off-hand knives | |
42-47 | Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk | 83 | Yes | Platelegs | |
45-47 | Yk'Lagor the Thunderous | 89 | Yes | Battleaxes and Off-hand battleaxes | |
Warped | 48-60 | Blink | 95 | Yes | Longswords and Off-hand longswords |
48-60 | Warped Gulega | 95 | Yes | Robe tops | |
48-60 | Dreadnaut | 95 | Yes | Platebodies | |
51-60 | Hope Devourer | 101 | Yes | Leather bodies | |
54-60 | World-Gorger Shukarhazh | 107 | Yes | Spears | |
57-60 | Kal'Ger the Warmonger | 113 | Yes | 2h swords |
1 Dungeoneering

When encountering this boss, you will notice that there will be one or two Bovimastyx carcasses near him. When playing solo dungeons, there will only be one carcass and with two or more people there will be two carcasses, one on either side of him. These carcasses come into play when the Gluttonous Behemoth is down to less than half of his health. He will turn to a carcass and start eating it, which heals him to nearly all of his Life points. It is therefore necessary for you to stand between the Behemoth and the carcasses, circled in the image above. The Behemoth uses attacks of all three combat forms, so it is advised to be wary and have plenty of food.
1 Dungeoneering

Astea Frostweb randomly switches between the three protection/deflection styles. The best method to counter this is to bring two types of combat weaponry (Melee and Ranged is preferred) and protect/deflect Magic. If you are in a group, try to spread out so you do not get frozen by her ice barrage attack. If you do get caught by this, she will sometimes bring up two ice spikes at your feet which can deal high damage. During the fight, she will summon low level ice spiders, two per player, which attack you for a short duration of time before dying. Do not bother attacking these as they are a waste of time and will all disappear as soon as the boss is dead.
1 Dungeoneering

Icy Bones uses mainly Melee attacks which are easily blocked by protect/deflect Melee. He can also form a circle of power around him which can hit through Melee protection. His last ability is to bring up stalagmites around the boss room (seen in image). You cannot run through these until they have disappeared. There is no particular strategy for Icy Bones, but he is weak to crush attacks. This boss is generally easy to defeat at low levels, but incredibly strong at his higher combat levels
5 Dungeoneering

The Luminescent Icefiend uses both Ranged and Magic attacks and it is therefore recommended to protect/deflect Mage. Four times during the battle (at 75%, 50%, 25%, and 1% Life points) the Icefiend will encase itself in ice and become invulnerable for a short period. During this time, ice sickles fall from the ceiling onto every player in the room. These can be very painful and when you have been hit by one, it is difficult to avoid the rest that fall. The only way to avoid these is by running around the room until they stop falling. If you are soloing, this is easy enough as you can just run in a circle. It is harder in a group, as it is more likely you will run into each other and get caught by the ice meant for the other player. However, this attack cannot kill you - it will just take you to low health, as such at higher combat levels it is possible to tank the damage and still kill the Icefiend. Be aware that using this method still puts you at risk of death as the Icefiend himself can hit and kill you still.
Note: you cannot teleport out of this boss room with gatestones, group or personal.
11 Dungeoneering

The room in which this boss monster resides has an ice floor, similar to the sliding ice puzzle room. When you step onto the ice, you will slide across it until you come up against a pillar, wall, or the boss. This makes killing the Plane-freezer a long and annoying battle if you are Meleeing. If you are next to him, he will sometimes push you away. Because of this, it is recommended to Range him, so you can always hit wherever he is in the room.
Note: If you have one of the full Gorajan trailblazer outfits in your bank, you will be able to walk across the ice as if it was a normal floor.
17 Dungeoneering

To'Kash the Bloodchiller uses both Melee and Magic attacks that can hit through your prayer/curse. His special attack will freeze you in an ice block (seen in image), you will not be able to move until you have been freed by a fellow player or until he has smashed you out of it. If you are playing in a group, one of the first things to do after you have been broken out of the ice is to free your teammates so that they can continue attacking. Nothing can block this attack, though use of Freedom can help with it.
23 Dungeoneering

This boss is a unique one, because of the fact that there are many monsters to kill that are no more powerful than the monsters you would find in the rest of the dungeon. The tactic for this boss fight is that you must kill a small amount of skeletons (2-4, normally 3) before "blocking" one of 5 tunnel entrances (circled in red). The Skinweaver will speak when you can block an entrance. If you try to block a tunnel entrance before the Skinweaver has spoken, you will be hit for around 3,000 damage. Once a tunnel is blocked, skeletons will no longer emerge from it. It is advised to use protect/deflect from Mage or Range for this boss. When you have blocked all the tunnels, you must kill the remaining skeletons and then talk to the Skinweaver. She will now open the exit for you. At any time during this boss, you can move onto the raised platform around the Skinweaver (outlined in blue) and she will heal you.
23 Dungeoneering

The Hobgoblin Geomancer is a tough boss because you cannot use any prayers/curses - he will drain your prayer points and heal himself if you do. The Geomancer uses both Melee and Magic attacks. His Earth blasts are the highest damage-dealing attacks, hitting up to 1,500 easily. He also has a binding spell to freeze you in place. If you are standing next to him, he will bind you there and then teleport away so you cannot hit him. If you are standing more than one square away, he will teleport next to you after binding. However, he will only bind one person at a time
Note: You can use the Freedom ability to break free of his bind if you are using Melee against him.
23 Dungeoneering

The Bulwark beast is unique from the other bosses you'll find while Dungeoneering, as he has almost infallible armor at the start of the fight. You must break off this armor by wielding pickaxes - Note that your toolbelt pickaxe will work if you are wielding a Melee weapon. If you do not have a pickaxe, there will be a Novite one in one corner of the boss room. The bar at the top of the screen indicates how much further you have to go to break off the armor. When this is gone, the bar will disappear and a short animation of pieces of rock coming away from his body will play. You are now free to attack him with your normal weapon.
You can also use Magic to attack the Bulwark beast through his armor, negating the necessity of breaking it off. The Bulwark beast uses all three types of the combat triangle, so protect/deflect whatever style you are weak to.
Be aware that the Bulwark beast will trample you if you run underneath him, dealing a large amount of damage.
29 Dungeoneering

The Unholy Cursebearer is fairly easy to defeat. The only thing to worry about is the unholy aura which will lower your stats as long as you are in the boss room with him. You can always restore your stats using the unholy fonts (circled in red), but this will also heal the Cursebearer. In a normal large 5:5 dungeon, each player only needs to restore their stats once to easily kill this boss. The Cursebearer uses both Mage and Melee, and it is advised to protect/deflect Magic as it deals more damage than his Melee attacks.
35 Dungeoneering

Rammernaut only uses Melee attacks, so high melee defence is recommended. Do not use protect/deflect Melee as it will enrage the Rammernaut, making him use his "charge" special attack. FOr this special, he will charge after one player, chasing them either until he runs them over, stunning and badly injuring them, or until he runs until a wall himself. If you are run over by the Rammernaut, he will follow his attack by smashing his maul into you, disabling your prayer/curse and reducing your defence level. This boss is weak to Magic attacks and using this style makes it easier to avoid his charge attack. When he does use his special, it is advised to run next to the walls as much as you can, so as to make him run into them or place a gatestone outside and teleport to it when he charges, then re-enter the room.
35 Dungeoneering

Stomp is only partially in his boss room, coming through a portal which is powered by the two lodestones, one to each side of him. At three points in this boss fight, Stomp will become invulnerable, call rocks down from the ceiling, and activate the two lodestones. Two crystal shards will also fall down with the rocks; these will either be blue, red, or green depending on the level of Stomp's health. You must pick up both of these shards and use them on the lodestones. If you do not, Stomp will heal 1/3rd of his health. Be aware that the falling rocks can block you from accessing the crystals or the lodestones, but you can mine them out of the way. If one of the rocks falls on you, it will damage you for 25% of your maximum Life points. Stomp uses Range and Melee in his first phase, then all three combat styles in the rest of them; the damage from these can be reduced by using protect/deflect for the appropriate style.
After the first stage, Stomp can use a special attack which can hit you for 25% of your maximum Life points, regardless of armor worn. Luckily, this damage can be reduced by using protect/deflect Ranged.
35 Dungeoneering

Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter uses both Melee and Magic attacks. He can be a pain because of his ability to open portals on top of you. The longer you stay underneath a portal, the more damage you are going to take. He creates 3 different types of portals - flame, poison, and a stat-draining portal. Flame (red) will deal constant amounts of damage to you for as long as you are on top of it. Poison (purple) will simply poison you, but the longer you are under the portal, the higher the poison will hit you. The stat-draining portal (black) will drain your stats continually until you move off the portal. As long as you run out from a portal as soon he summons one, this boss is easy to defeat. It is recommended to use protect from Magic for this fight.
39 Dungeoneering

Lexicus Runewright can be a very difficult boss to defeat, mainly because of his ability to deflect 30% of the Melee damage you deal back onto you. Therefore, it is highly recommended to Range him. His main attacks are Magic and Melee based - you are advised to protect/deflect Magic. From time to time he will teleport away from his last spot and every time he does this he will call upon his "Almanac army", low level magic books that can be one hit killed but can deal a hefty amount of damage to you. Therefore, it is a good idea for one person to take these out as soon as they appear. The most dangerous of his attacks is called "Book Barrage", where 2 explosive books (per player) will appear, flashing red, flying straight towards your current location. Upon reaching that point they will explode, dealing a high amount of damage each. It is advised to run away from your current spot as soon as you see him say this.
45 Dungeoneering

Sagittare lives in a maze room, as shown in the map above. He always has the protect/deflect Range on, so you can only Mage or Melee him, but as he is a ranger, he has a strong Defence from Magic. Melee is therefore the best option. This boss will take about a 6th of his Life points in damage before using his "arrow rain" special attack. In this attack, he will "rain" a 3X3 area of arrows from the ceiling where he was standing and teleport away. If you are caught in this, you will be frozen for a second, but it is easy to avoid if you start running when he shouts "enough!". Sagittare will continually teleport, usually closer to the middle of his maze, making you run around the whole room while he continually shoots you. He can also shoot an arrow which temporarily disables you, forcing you to walk for a few seconds. As Sagittare uses both Ranged and Magic attacks, you cannot completely protect yourself with prayers/curses. If you are using Melee, it is recommended to protect/deflect Magic. It is also likely you will need a lot of food, as there is a lot of running around while he attacks you from afar.
51 Dungeoneering

You will probably not notice when first encountering this boss, but at each corner of the night gazer's boss room there are pillars with torches on them (circled in red). You MUST light at least one of these to be able to damage the boss. Each candle makes the Night-Gazer take 25% of the damage you would hit, so it is best to keep all four lit at once. Depending on how many players the dungeon has been set up for, the torches will go out after a short duration and you must relight them. Make sure you are not standing near the torches when they go out or the shadows engulfing the flames will damage you in the process. Be aware of the Night-Gazer's special attack - when he glows blue and lifts up into the air. If you are standing next to him when he slams back down to the floor, you will get knocked away from him and into the wall, taking damage equal to about 80% of your life points. To avoid this attack, you must be at least one square away from him; this can be a good time to go and relight your torch(es).
The second form of the Night-Gazer is much easier to defeat, since the torches will automatically relight themselves and do not go out. All you will need to do is watch out for his special attack.
59 Dungeoneering

Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan is one of the hardest bosses you will encounter. He has powerful attacks that can not be avoided for the most part. It is best to protect/deflect Melee against him and to have plenty of good food; Protect/deflect Mage and Ranged will not provide protection against any of his attacks. He spurts green acid on any walkable square of the boss room, which can hit very high. The most dangerous attack from this boss is when he shuts his eyes and glows, as soon as he does this you must run behind one of the four pillars he hangs from (safezones outlined in red). If you do not, you'll be hit by his Magic blast which deals a high amount of damage and severely drains your stats. If you are hit by this blast, you are most likely dead or at least useless against him until you restore your stats. However, if you stay behind the pillars for too long, you can be attacked by shadows which deal moderate damage fairly quickly.
65 Dungeoneering

Upon entering this boss room, you will notice a bar on the top part of the screen telling you how high Bal'lak's defence is. This bar will gradually rise while anyone is in the room with him. There are two ways to lower his defence: lure Bal'lak so he is standing over the toxic pools (circled in red) that he creates or by leaving the boss room via a gatestone. This boss will only target one player with his Melee attack. You can control who he goes after by one player using a defence-style Melee attack. This person should protect/deflect Melee and lure Bal'lak over the slime pools, making sure to stay more than one space away themselves or they will take small, but constant, amounts of damage and have their Defence lowered. The rest of the party should protect from Magic while attacking.
71 Dungeoneering

The Skeletal Trio can be considered one of the hardest bosses to defeat, as they can all hit very high and you cannot protect from all of their attacks. There are three bosses - a Celestial skeleton mage, a Sagittarian skeleton ranger, and Primal skeleton warrior. They always have one of the protection prayers/curses on, so timing upon entering can be crucial. Make sure you have a lot of food for this boss. It is recommended to go in with protect/deflect Mage, as the Mage can hit up to 800. The Ranger also regularly hits 400-500's, so using vengeance spells is incredibly useful. The Trio will normally target one player only, who can take a massive amount of damage very quickly. This boss can be a team-destroyer. There are two main tactics to use. The preferred tactic depends very much on your team.
- One person goes in for a few seconds to lure the bosses. As soon as they are noticed, they will teleport out. They should then move to one side of the room next to the boss room, and have the Trio against the wall. Preferably the warrior would be trapped behind the Mage or Ranger, so he cannot reach your team when they enter. From here, the team can enter and MUST stay against the wall, so that none of the Trio have an opportunity to spread out and it keeps the warrior trapped behind the other two.
- The other tactic is to simply use a binding spell to bind the warrior. The danger for this is that there is a few seconds between him breaking free of the binding spell and being bound again. Therefore normally he will get an attack in on someone, potentially dealing a high amount of damage, before he is bound again.
71 Dungeoneering

The Runebound Behemoth starts off by having all 3 protection prayers on at the same time. Whenever all of these are on, he can use a devastating special attack which can easily kill you in one hit. He will shout "raaaawwwwwwwwrrrrrrrr" and send glowing balls over a part of the boss room, dealing very high damage that stacks up. In order to avoid this special, you need to deactivate two of the three crystals in the room (2 are circled in red). After a short while the prayers will return and you must wait a short while before you can deactivate the crystal again. Be sure to avoid deactivating all three at once, as doing such will run the risk of being hit by the special, because all three prayers will come on at the same time. It is best to rotate the crystal deactivation, so there is always one prayer turned off. It makes sense to bring two types of attack in - e.g Melee and Ranged. Do not run under the Runebound Behemoth, as it can trample you for a large amount of damage.
71 Dungeoneering

The Gravecreeper is a fairly easy to defeat boss as he only uses two basic attacks: Melee and Ranged. Scattered across the room are 16 tombs (circled in red). From time to time this boss will shout "Burrrrrry", "Digggggg", or "Brrainnns" and will disappear. When he disappears, a lot of the room spawns purple splotches and the tombs next to them become blessable. It is a good idea to bless a couple of these, near the door in particular, so that you have room to fight the Gravecreeper. After doing this, you should teleport out using a gatestone. If you are in the room when the purple splotches activate, your Defence level is severely decreased. Be sure to not stand on any of these purple areas, as you will be hit with constant regular damage as long as you are on them. If you Melee him, at random times the Gravecreeper will shout "Buuurrn" which will create a few purple splotches around him. These will deal rapid damage as well as drain your Prayer points. Using Ranged to defeat attack him is a good way to avoid this. It is best to protect/deflect Melee if you are using Melee, or Ranged if you are using Ranged here.
77 Dungeoneering

One of the first things you will notice upon entering this room is that there in a line of zombie arms separating you from the Necrolord. He only uses Magic attacks, therefore, it is advised to use protect/deflect Magic. The fence also prevents you from using Melee to kill him, so it is suggested to use Ranged or Magic to fight him. At several points during the battle, he will summon skeletal minions. It is recommended to leave the boss room until these skeletons disappear if you don't have much food. Some players choose to "tank" by switching to protect/deflect Melee and eating a lot of food as they damage from the Necrolord. If you do not protect/deflect Melee for the skeletons, they can deal a lot of damage that can hit through your prayer/curse.
83 Dungeoneering

The Flesh-Spolier Haasghenahk is often considered one of the easiest occult bosses, because he mainly concentrates on one player and for the rest of the party his attacks do not hit hard at all. For the tank though, he often hits 400-600's. The tank should protect/deflect either Mage or Melee, but the rest of the party doesn't need to protect/deflect anything as they cannot block his attacks. It is possible to control who is tank by having a Bloodrager familiar hit this boss with its special attack. When you have taken this boss down to 0, he will explode into a smaller eye with 4 Flesh-Spoiler Spawns. It is recommended for everyone to turn on protect/deflect Melee as protection from the spawns, who hit very quickly, and attack the main shrunken version. You do not need to kill the spawns as they will die as soon as the main eye dies.
89 Dungeoneering

Yk'Lagor the Thunderous is usually a player's favorite or most hated boss. You can enter this boss room and it will be completely safe, as long as you do not attack any of the mages. Be aware that there is always one side of Yk'Lagor that is one step closer between him and the pillars, and you should always fight on this side.
To start the fight, four of the mages surrounding Yk'Lagor must be distracted by attacking them. When you have four mages on you, run behind one of the two pillars on your side and wait for Yk'Lagor to break free. Shortly after he escapes, he will kill all of the mages in one shot. Remember that as soon as he sees a player he will start his first special attack. Yk'Lagor uses two normal and two special attacks.
Normal attacks:
If team members are both in and out of Melee range, he will switch between Magic and Melee attacks depending on which player he targets.
- Magic attack - Targets everyone in the room who is out of Melee range. It can be partially blocked by protect/deflect Magic.
- Melee attack - Only used if you are standing next to him. This attack can be partially blocked with protect/deflect melee.
Special attacks:
- Healing attack - He will shout "Come closer!" and you have a short time to run behind a pillar. By hiding, you completely avoid the attack. Anyone who is not behind a pillar (safe spots circled in red) will be sucked next to him. This will heal Yk'Lagor about 1/6th of his health, while stunning you, disabling your prayer/curse for 4 seconds, and draining your prayer points. The first thing to do when you are caught by this attack is to focus on getting your Melee prayer/curse back up; it is highly recommended to use the Freedom ability to break free of the stun. As soon as you can move, run back behind your pillar because generally as soon as you can move again Yk'Lagor will already be initiating his next special attack. You need to be fairly quick to avoid it.
- Earthquake attack - This is by far his most deadly attack if you are caught by it. He will shout "This is...", as soon as you see this you should run behind your pillar. He will next shout "True power!" then jump up and slam back down into the ground, creating a small earthquake that spreads across the whole boss room. If you are behind the pillar or against any wall you will not get hit. If you are hit, he will either kill you or take you down to very few Life points. Although it is true that you can avoid this just by running up against the wall, it is better to run behind the pillar for consistency - if you get confused between true power and come closer, you can accidentally heal him.
It is advised to practice Yk'Lagor on a C1 as soon as you can reach him. Most players will advise you not to try him if it is your first time in a large dungeon, but to watch so you know his moves.
95 Dungeoneering

Upon entering this room, you will notice that Blink is invulnerable and that there are a total of 16 sunken pillars. During the fight, Blink will run through the many portals on the walls of the room. To stop him, you need to raise a pillar that is in his path. When he runs into it, he will fall over and become vulnerable to attack. A good tactic for this is to watch the minimap - Blink's yellow dot will appear where he is about to emerge - and raise a pillar along the wall (circled in yellow) that is in his path when he appears. Be careful when running around the room though, as it is easy to misclick and raise a pillar. This is a problem because only one pillar can be raised at a time. It is advised to protect/deflect Ranged when fighting Blink. Below is a list of his attacks:
- When he is running around the room and is invulnerable, he uses blue particle magic which can hit very hard (over 3,000 each time). This is only avoidable if you are far enough away from him, but as you are normally running to raise a pillar you're probably going to be hit.
- His second magic attack will target all team members and, if you can't avoid it, will deal a lot of damage. Blink will yell "Here it comes!" and a few seconds later hit everyone in range with high magic damage. This attack will only be partially blocked by Magic protection. The best way to avoid this is to raise a sunken pillar and run behind it or break his line of sight by hiding in the doorways.
- He can throw a knife into the nearest portal, which multiplies out of several portals and will deal a small amount of Ranged damage.
- He will also use a variety of Melee, Ranged, and Magic attacks.
95 Dungeoneering

The Warped Gulega is an easy boss if at least one team member has a Bloodrager familiar with some scrolls for special attacks. Without any Bloodragers, it can be a long and painful fight. The Gulega uses all three sides of the combat triangle, but it is possible to avoid all damage by prayer/curse switching; though it is best to favor protect/deflect Melee as that attack is the one that gives the least warning.
- Magic - the Gulega raises its tentacles and yellow orbs appear. Switching quickly to protect/deflect Magic can help you avoid taking all damage.
- Ranged - the Gulega lunges its head forward. Switch to protect/deflect Range to escape the attack.
- When it pushes its two front tentacles into the ground, it is using one of two attacks:
- Normal Melee attack - negated by protect/deflect Melee.
- Special attack - this will leave you with only one Life point remaining if it hits you. Four tentacles will emerge out of the ground around you (only two if you are near a wall - so be cautions) then go back in. After a moment, four more will emerge closer to you before disappearing again (as seen in the image). Finally, one will erupt from the ground beneath you. If you see that the four are targeting you, click away immediately. Generally, if you haven't clicked away by the time the first four have disappeared, you will likely be caught.
95 Dungeoneering

Dreadnaut is the warped version of Rammernaut who uses devastating attacks. His melee and ranged attacks look identical and can only be partially blocked by protection prayers/curses. His special attack consists of pointing his shield at you and firing a red beam which can inflict damage and temporarily disable your protection prayers/curses. Sometimes his attacks will open rifts in the floor which will damage you if you stand on or near them. It is recommended to fight him by running around the corners of the room, halting temporarily to attack him with Magic before resuming your run. Choosing to Melee this boss solo is a horrible idea; when in a group, you can Melee as long as you are not the tank. The tank should always be running around the corners of the room if they wish to survive.
101 Dungeoneering

As long as the Hope Devourer is alive, you will be hit a low amount of damage every few seconds and your stats will be drained. Thankfully, this drain will not prevent you from casting a high level spells. The Hope Devourer is a boss that can hit incredibly hard if you are within Melee range. He uses a few Melee attacks, which can be partially blocked by prayers/curses, and a Magic special attack that can be avoided.
- Melee attacks
- Whips his tusks at you, hitting very hard.
- Pushes you back with his tusks, stunning you and again hitting high damage.
- Special attack - he yells "groooaaarr" and anyone who has any protection prayer/curse on must turn it off. If they do not, he will drain about half of their TOTAL Life points, heal himself, and disable prayers/curses.
The best way to defeat this boss is to use an entangle spell and freeze him in place. You should then use your highest magical attack against him. Stay as far away from him as you can, giving you the maximum time to entangle him when the original spell wears off. Generally in a team, there is one person who is "tank". Hope will always go after this person and will only attack other players if they attack him first or if the tank leaves the room. Another tactic is for the tank to stand in a corner and for another person to stand in front of them without attacking; this will block them from Hope, leaving your tank safe. As long as the tank keeps attacking, and the rest of the players do not stand too close, Hope will not be able to get a hit in.
107 Dungeoneering

The first thing you'll notice upon entering this boss room is that there are four NPCs instead of just one. In the middle of three of the walls are small eyes (circled in red) - a Melee eye, Ranged eye, and a Magic eye. Attacking these eyes makes the World-gorger stronger against that style of combat and weaker against the other styles. So attacking the Ranged eye means that the World-gorger will be weaker against Magic and Melee, but stronger against Ranged. Therefore, most teams will go in attacking the Ranged and Magic eyes so that the World-gorger is weakest to Melee attack styles. Each eye is weak to its respective combat style, so Ranged is weak to Ranged attacks for example. Despite their specific weaknesses, you can Melee all the eyes, you just won't hit as well. These eyes will also reopen during the battle, you'll get a notice in your chat box when this happens, so you will need to attack them again.
The World-gorger itself uses Melee and Magic attacks; of these styles, it is advised to protect/deflect Magic. These can both hit fairly hard, but by far the worst damage is from the eyes on the walls. These can shoot out painful blob attacks that can hit up to 500 damage. These can be avoided if you run away from the 3X3 square that it hits.
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Kal'Ger the Warmonger is the final boss you will encounter within Daemonheim. The boss room is separated in half by a stream of lava where the only way to cross this is by a teleport orb that always hovers around on the opposite side of Kal'Ger. You can operate this by standing on top of it and when it moves it will teleport one player to the other side of the room. It is, however, a slow way of getting across, so it is advised that when you cross the first time, you should drop a personal gatestone and use the group gatestone (preferably outside the boss room) to get back.
Kal'Ger will start off without any weapons, hitting you with his fists. After a short while, he will walk over to the primal longsword hanging on the wall, take it down, and attack you with this. When you have damaged him more, he will ditch the Primal longsword, leap into the air, and fly over the lava stream. Here he will take down a Celestial staff and start attacking you. Protect/declect Magic and use the teleport orb to get across and attack him. Don't forget to drop a gatestone once you are across. After you have damaged him more, he will fly back over to the first side, and grab his Primal maul; this weapon can hit very hard, so be aware. Use the group gatestone, or a second personal gatestone, to return to the first side and attack him once again. After fighting him to low health, he will fly back over, healing himself, and take down a Sagittarian bow. Now you should pray Range and use your personal gatestone to teleport over quickly to continue attacking. Finally, he will fly over one more time and attack with his Primal 2h. Follow him and finish him off. When you kill him, he will shout "Impossible!" and hit everyone in the room with something like a retribution prayer, taking you down to low Life points.
As a quicker method, it is advised to kill Kal'Ger using either Ranged or Mage. Doing so prevents the necessity of changing sides to continue fighting him.
Protection prayers/curses will act as T10 armor throughout the battle, but it is advised only to use them when Kal'Ger is using Magic or Ranged. If you keep them on the whole time, he will become enraged: first growling as a warning, then shouting "Enough!". He will then deactivate your prayer/curse and hit you for very high damage. If you use Turmoil from after he switches to his Primal maul until the end of the battle, he will steal your turmoil effects. It is therefore recommended not to use this. Whenever a player runs underneath Kal'Ger, he will jump into the air and stomp back down, damaging every player around him, so you need to be careful that you don't miss-click.
For more information about Dungeoneering in general, please see the skill guide.
This Special Report was written by Jakesterwars, 4399tina, Greg, Knight, Jarkur, and ChathMurrpau. Thanks to Zandahar, FlamaDiddles, and Telle for corrections.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Fri, Jan 05, 2018, at 04:19:05 PM by ChathMurrpau, and it was last updated on Sat, Feb 02, 2019, at 09:59:49 PM by Chath.
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