The Wilderness shared loot table is a wilderness specific rare drop table. These drops are tertiary drops so they often drop in addition to the normal loot. Luck does not affect which drops you get and access to the table increases as the level off content goes up, i.e. higher level monsters have a higher chance to access the table.

Table Access:
  • Killing any Slayer Monster in the wilderness (even off task). (See list below)
  • Killing Revenants
  • Muddy Chest
  • Pickpocketting: Rogue, Rogue enforcers, or Rogue captains.

Item Quantity GE price
Adrenaline crystal Adrenaline crystal 1-15 (noted) 8,518 Coins - 127.8k Coins
Ancient warriors' equipment patch 1
Bloodweed seed Bloodweed seed 1-3 19.9k Coins - 59.7k Coins
Fremennik equipment patch 1
Preserved meat 1 Not Sold
Revenant drop enhancer 1 Not Sold
Wilderness hilt Wilderness hilt 1 43.8k Coins
Brawling gloves (Agility) Brawling gloves (Agility) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Cooking) Brawling gloves (Cooking) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Fishing) Brawling gloves (Fishing) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (FM) Brawling gloves (FM) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Hunter) Brawling gloves (Hunter) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Magic) Brawling gloves (Magic) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Melee) Brawling gloves (Melee) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Mining) Brawling gloves (Mining) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Prayer) Brawling gloves (Prayer) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Ranged) Brawling gloves (Ranged) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Smithing) Brawling gloves (Smithing) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (Thieving) Brawling gloves (Thieving) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K
Brawling gloves (WC) Brawling gloves (WC) 1 Not Sold
High Alch 30K

Monster list
Abyssal BeastAbyssal demonAbyssal LordAbyssal Savage
Acheron mammothBlack demonBlack dragonBlue dragon
Chaos ElementalDark beastGargoyleGlacor
Greater demonGreater demon ash lord (Wilderness)Greater demon berserker (Wilderness)Green Dragon
HellhoundHydrix dragonIce strykewyrmKal'gerion demon
Lava strykewyrmOnyx dragonRevenant cyclopsRevenant dark beast
Revenant demonRevenant dragonRevenant goblin (level 16)Revenant goblin (level 19)
Revenant goblin (level 22)Revenant goblin (level 28)Revenant hellhoundRevenant hobgoblin
Revenant icefiendRevenant impRevenant knightRevenant ork
Revenant pyrefiendRevenant vampyreRevenant werewolfRipper demon

This Special Report was written by Ksb Single.
This Special Report was entered into the database on Wed, Mar 22, 2023, at 03:35:12 AM by KsbSingle, and it was last updated on Thu, Mar 23, 2023, at 02:53:25 AM by KsbSingle.

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