Quest Requirements:
Skill/Other Requirements:
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
20 Orthenglass (can be obtained during quest)
Items Recommended for Quest:
Items Acquired During Quest:
Quest Points:
Ability to challenge the fourth Rex Matriarch - Osseous and 2 Treasure Hunter keys.
Start Point:
Anachronia Base Camp near the Osseous skeleton
To Start:
Talk to 'Calm' Archaeologist
  1. Talk to 'calm' Archaeologist and, after a brief conversation, accept the quest. He will then offer to teleport you to the Rex Matriarch Lair. While you do not have to accept the teleport right away, there is no real reason not to.


  2. Once you have teleported, or made your way to the lair entrance, activate the teleportation device to enter.

    None Shall Pass?

  3. Once inside, head East and talk to the 'calm' Archaeologist. He will tell you about the best discovery that no one else has found... Bones! Oh my. Unfortunately, before he can work his fossilomancy on them he needs to be able to get to them, hence why he needs you since he still needs to prepare for the ritual. He will advise that there is an inactive teleporter in the beast's lair and that if you can get it working, you will be able to reach the bones. A dragonkin crystal should do the trick.


  4. Run North East to the Rex Matriarch boss entrance, then follow the path to the North all the way West around to the balcony with the Ancient Artefact. Activate it to open a gate South West of the 'calm' Archaeologist.

    Ancient Artefact
    Click image for map

  5. After activating the Artefact, head back towards the 'calm' Archaeologist then continue South West to the now open gate and pass through it.

    First Gate

  6. After passing through the gate, follow the path to the East. Once you're in the corridor, head North and activate the Ancient Artefact to open the gate to the West.

    Ancient Artefact
    Click image for map

  7. Once activated, run back to the gate just West of the corridor and pass through it.

    Second Gate

  8. After you're through the gate, go East and follow the path around to another gate. Pass through this gate as well.

    Third Gate

  9. On the other side you will find a balcony with a pile of soil. Uncover it to reveal a Crystalised rubble pile. Excavate the pile until you receive a Teleportation crystal (damaged). While excavating, you will also obtain some Orthenglass, note that 20 are needed to repair the crystal.

    Dig Man!
    Click image for map

  10. Head to any Archaeology workbench and restore the Teleportation crystal (damaged).


  11. After restoring the Teleportation crystal you will need to make your way back to the Rex Matriarch Lair and speak once more to the 'calm' Archaeologist, there will be a cutscene showing you entering the lair and Osseous being born. Unfortunately for the 'calm' Archaeologist, Osseous is a bit famished and will eat him while you manage to escape to safety.

    Wrap Up

Congratulations, Quest Complete!

Quest complete

This Quest Guide was written by Sy Accursed, Robbie07731, and ChathMurrpau.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Jun 01, 2024, at 04:44:57 PM by Chath, and it was last updated on Sat, Mar 08, 2025, at 11:42:43 PM by Chath.

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