Entrance Gate:
Here we find the entrance to the Fishing Guild. Using a Skills necklace will teleport you here, otherwise you can use the Ardougne lodestone and walk North West. To the West we can find a Musician as well.
Entrance Hall:
Just inside the gate, or inside the Hall, you will find the Master fisher. At level 99 he will sell you the Fishing Cape for 99,000 coins and at virtual level 120 he will sell you the Master fishing cape for 120,000 coins.
Inside the Hall on the ground floor, you can find the Harpoon, Big fishing net, and Lobster pot respawns. Within the building you will also find a range where you can cook the fish caught at the guild.
Fishing Guild Shop:
West of the Entrance Hall is the Fishing shop. Here you can buy and sell a selection of raw and cooked fish from Roachey. Outside the shop you will also find a Fisherman, who can teleport you to Fish Flingers, and Goomah, who can take you to the Deep Sea Fishing Hub. The sign next to Goomah advertises which levels you need to catch specific fish at the Hub.
North of the Fishing Shop is a bank. This helps make the Fishing Guild an excellent place to train fishing due to its proximity to the fishing spots on the docks. Just outside the Bank is Jones, whom can help you start Deadliest Catch and hunt the Thalassus after completing it, as well as ‘The Guns', after completion of Deadliest Catch.
There are two docks in the Fishing Guild - The Northern dock, closest to the bank and the Southern dock, closest to the range. Between these docks there are 11 Cage/Harpoon spots (Lobsters, Swordfish, and Tuna) and 9 Net/Harpoon spots (Cod, Bass, Mackerel, and Sharks).
Small Obelisk:
Slightly East of the bank, next to the Northern dock is also a Summoning obelisk where you can recharge your Summoning points.
This Guild Guide was written by ChathMurrpau. Thanks to Previous guide writer: Javezz, as well as Brenden, Alfawarlord, Clamball, Jakesterwars, Taavi, Crypto416, Drizzt_Do_Urden, Mimz, read639, and Gagan for corrections.
This Guild Guide was entered into the database on Fri, Apr 16, 2004, at 06:54:13 PM by stormer, and it was last updated on Fri, Jun 08, 2018, at 01:45:04 AM by ChathMurrpau.
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