- Village Center:
In the center of town, you will find a well. The most common use of this particular well is to fill a Bucket with water, which could be used to transform Clay into Soft clay. For more information, please refer to the Crafting Skill guide. The Polar bear agent can sometimes be spied here after completing the Hunt for Red Raktuber quest.
- Anja's and Hengel's House:
This building is Anja's and Hengel's house. Upstairs, you will find Anja and Hengel, as well as a bronze scimitar respawn. Downstairs, you will find a bronze pickaxe respawn. If you speak to Anja, you have a possibility of obtaining a few coins if you ask her if she has anything to give to you. Both Anja and Hengel have the ability to be pick pocketed. For more information about pickpocketing, please refer to the Thieving Skill guide.
- Hetty the Witch
In this house, you will find Hetty and Gus. They play an important role in the Swept Away quest.
- Archery Store:
This is the home of Brian's Archery Supplies. On the table to the right of the front door, you will find a bronze arrow respawn and two log respawns.
- Crafting Store:
This building houses Rimmington's crafting store, Rommik's Crafty Supplies.
- General Store:
In this building, you are able to access the Rimmington General Store.
- Chemist:
In this building, you will find the Chemist, who is a part of the Regicide quest and an expert lamp maker. Directly outside of his house, you will find Hops, Chancy, and Da Vinci. These three people are in the Biohazard quest.
- Bush Patch:
By the spade icon on your minimap, you will see a bush farming patch. If you desire to farm on this bush patch, you must have at least level 10 Farming (redberry bushes are the lowest-level bushes). Next to the farming patch, you will see a Tool Leprechaun and Taria. The Tool Leprechaun will keep hold of your farming equiptment . If you pay Taria, she will watch over your crop(s) for you. It is also possible to buy farming equipment or compost from her for a few coins For more information about farming, please refer to the Farming Skill guide.
- Trees:
In this location, you will find 4 yew trees, some oak trees, and many normal trees.
- Player-Owned House, Constructor tutor, and Plank maker:
This is where your Rimmington POH ("Player-Owned House") portal is located. It will teleport you to and from your house. In order to use this portal, you must first purchase a plot of land from an Estate Agent for 1,000 gp. For more information regarding house portals and the construction skill, please refer to the Construction Skill guide.
Right next to the portal you will also find the Construction tutor Alfred Stonemason, and the Plank maker.
- Lucille:
In this house you will find Lucille. You can talk to her to start the Song from the Depths quest.
- Melzar's Maze
Melzar's Maze is an elemental part of the Dragon Slayer quest as you will obtain a map piece after you kill the Lesser Demon at the end of the maze, which is needed to complete the quest. In order to access this maze, you must first obtain a maze key, which is obtained during the quest. Since this combat area can be accessed after the quest (assuming you have the key in your inventory), Melzar's Maze is a wonderful way for low-level non-members to train combat.
- Field:
This field contains two types of foods: cabbages and onions. The north side of this field contains fifteen cabbage crops, while the south side of the field contains fifteen onions.
- Rimmington Mine:
In this location, you will find the largest area in Rimmington, the Rimmington mine. Check out this map of the Rimmington mine indicating the position and quantity of rocks.
- Customs Sergeant and Deposit Box:
This building houses the Customs Sergeant and a deposit box, in the form of a locker. After completing the Rocking Out quest, you will be able to use the deposit box and travel to The Rock to thieve items by getting arrested. For more information, please refer to Thieving Skill Guide.
- Skippy:
Here, you will find Skippy. In addition to this, you will also find many Willow trees in this area. When you talk to him, you will have the ability to do the Mogre mini-quest for him. Once completed, you will be able to kill Mogres at the Mudskipper Point to the south.
- White Knight Camp and Grotworm Lair Entrance:
Here you will find a small obelisk, used to recharge your Summoning points and the entrance to the Grotworm lair, guarded by Sir Rebrum.
- Wheat Field:
The final area to conduct activities in Rimmington is the Rimmington wheat field. When a crop circle is present, members will have access to a portal leading to Puro Puro and the Impetuous Impulses activity.
Respawn Map:
This City/Area Guide was written by The Peleton and MysticEchos. Thanks to Fireball0236, xyff, watsermetjou, godofalltime, thehellkeeper, boyboy126, dravan, stormer, hampster hat, giant otter, spaz, Realruth, Sire_TRM, Ralkal, Alk12, and Javezz for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Thu, Apr 22, 2004, at 03:55:00 PM by Monkeychris, and it was last updated on Sat, Apr 25, 2020, at 07:34:05 PM by Alk12.
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