Entrance and Exit:
In order to enter and exit the Mountain Camp, you must climb over a pile of rocks. If you have not completed the Mountain Daughter quest, then you will need a Rope in order to enter. Go north of these rocks and climb the cliffside. If you have completed the quest, then you are able to pass freely over the rocks.
Ancient Rock:
This is the Ancient Rock plays an important rule in the Mountain Daughter quest. You need to chip off a bit of it during the quest.
Chieftain's Tent:
Here, you may start the Mountain Daughter quest by talking to Hamal the Chieftain.
In this is the small farm house, you will find Jokul. He is also accessed during the Mountain Daughter
Camp Dwellers:
Throughout the camp you will find adult (level 31) and infant (level 25) Camp Dwellers.
Shining Pool:
Here, you fill find the Shining Pool. Wandering around the shores you will find Ragnar. Both play a key roles in the Mountain Daughter quest.
Cave of The Kendal:
Deep in the cave blocked up by trees, resides the The Kendal. To gain access to the cave you need a hatchet. During the Mountain Daughter quest, you are required to kill this 'God'.
This City/Area Guide was written by hampster_hat. Thanks to DRAVAN, havoc_cat, anderson309, Shinraz, Oblivion590, QueenSteffie, DarkBlitz, INSIDE7, and Alfawarlord for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sat, Jun 25, 2005, at 06:31:01 PM by DRAVAN, and it was last updated on Fri, May 20, 2011, at 12:04:00 PM by DarkBlitz.
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