- Ranging Guild:
Here, you will find the entrance to the Ranging Guild. To enter this guild, you must have a ranging level of 40. For more information regarding this guild, please refer to the Ranging Guild guide.
- Grandpa Jack:
In this house, you will find Grandpa Jack, who is accessed in the Fishing Contest quest. Additionally, you will find a glassblowing pipe respawn.
- Fishing Contest:
Here, you will find the primary location which is accessed in the Fishing Contest quest.
- Anvils:
In this room, there are three anvils. The closest banks to these anvils are located in the Fishing Guild and in East Ardougne.
- Temple of Ikov:
Here, you will find the entrance to the Temple of Ikov. In the Temple of Ikov, you could obtain boots of lightness which reduce the weight that you are carrying.
- Fishing Guild
This is the entrance to the Fishing Guild. In order to enter this guild, you must have a fishing level of 68. For more information regarding the guild, please refer to the Fishing Guild guide.
This City/Area Guide was written by hampster_hat and MysticEchos. Thanks to King_dean2, Mimz for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Jul 06, 2005, at 03:10:40 PM by Switcher, and it was last updated on Sun, Oct 10, 2010, at 04:41:24 PM by Alfawarlord.
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