Fairy ring - DLQ, then walk north-east.

- Bridge:
Here, you will find the bridge which gives the quickest on-foot access to the Ruins of Uzer.
- Mines:
To the northwest of the Ruins of Uzer, you will find a mine which consists of eleven clay rocks. Previously, you could find the Desert Phoenix in this area (accessed in The Golem quest), surrounded by hoards of Golden Warblers, however, this has since been moved to west of Dominion Tower.
- Eagle's Cave:
- Broken Kiln:
- Magic Carpet:
After the completion of The Golem quest, you will be able to travel by a magic carpet to here.
- The Golem Quest Start:
Here, when you speak to the Broken Clay Golem, you will be able to start The Golem quest.
This City/Area Guide was written by 05grogan and MysticEchos. Thanks to Hampster_hat, DRAVAN, and Darren_1994 for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Sep 11, 2005, at 02:01:10 AM by Fireball0236, and it was last updated on Sun, Jun 30, 2013, at 12:46:06 AM by Javezz.
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