This is Witchaven's Saradomin chapel. If you have completed the Slug Menace quest, Brother Maledict will not be here.
Mayor Hobb's House:
Here, you will find Mayor Hobb. He is accessed in the Slug Menace quest. If you search his desk, you will obtain the first page of the book during the Slug Menace quest. After you have completed the Slug Menace quest, Mayor Hobb will not be here.
Sea Slug Quest Start:
If you speak to Caroline, you will start the Sea Slug quest. Here, you may also travel from Witchaven to the Fishing Platform. Additionally, Holgart may be found here.
Colonel O'Niall's Pier:
Colonel O'Niall is accessed in the Slug Menace quest. After you have completed the Slug Menace quest, Colonel O'Niall will not be here.
East Ardougne Dungeon Entrance:
This is the entrance to the East Ardougne dungeon. You will find the perfect gold mine for The Family Crest quest and the shrine for the Slug Menace quest here. You may fight Hobgoblins, Ogres, Hellhounds, and Giant Lobsters (only during the Slug Menace quest) here.
Kennith's House:
Here, you will find a house with a washbasin which may be used as a water source.
Spinning Wheel:
Here, you will find a spinning wheel which is useful for Crafting various items.
Lovecraft's Tackle:
This store contains fish and fishing supplies.
This City/Area Guide was written by Scorchy_Devil. Thanks to Blazeman, Jakesterwars, DownStrike, Carduel, Mythiquedame, Watsermetjou, MysticEchos, and Scott for corrections.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Nov 12, 2006, at 03:49:20 AM by Alk12, and it was last updated on Mon, Nov 22, 2010, at 03:32:01 AM by DRAVAN.
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