The Stronghold of Player Safety is available to all players, both free and members.
The Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence lies between Edgeville and the Barbarian Village. You can teleport there via the Skull sceptre.

Note: If you are over the age of 13, you do NOT have to follow Steps 2 - 5.
After you have arrived at The Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence, go behind the house and click Use Jail Entrance to get down.
Once you are in the dungeon, head north and talk to the Guard. The Guard will tell you how to report abuses.
Go to the broken prison and pull-back poster to get floor two.
Go to the northeastern part of the dungeon and climb up using the stairs.
Once you are on floor three, go a little west and go to the room where there are a few Cockroach soldiers (level 36). Pull the lever which is in the rear of the room.
Go back to the second floor using the same stairs. Enter the hidden tunnel just east of the place where you are.
Follow the tunnel until you get to the intersection. Now, head a bit north and you will notice a chest on the right.
Open the treasure chest. Congratulations! You get 2 Antique lamps which give 500 experience each, 10,000 Coins and Safety gloves as your reward!
This Miniquest Guide was written by Skeletonmat. Thanks to Gagan, Alfawarlord, Goldish Star, Radmite, Jakesterwars, Jett_Man, Senug5, DarkBlitz, Draggy, and Scott for corrections.
This Miniquest Guide was entered into the database on Fri, Mar 21, 2008, at 11:54:55 PM by Jakesterwars, and it was last updated on Wed, Nov 02, 2016, at 11:27:08 AM by Dark.
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