The Arc:
To access The Arc, you must have first complete Impressing the Locals and then speak to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim. One of the fastest ways of reaching Gully is by teleporting to your Player-Owned port via the Captain's log, and exiting to Port Sarim.
Upon speaking to Quartermaster Gully, you will be presented with the following pop-up screen. This is your main way to travel within the Arc. From here, you can travel to Waiko, Aminishi, Whale's Maw, Tuai Leit, Cyclosis, Goshima, The Islands That Once Were Turtles, or Uncharted isles.
South Goshima
Upon arrival run directly south to what looks like an abandoned camp. Right before you get to it, you will see mushroom clusters. With 90 Farming you can forage these clusters to get mushrooms. Beware of the malignant entity. If you are in or near her black circle, she will drain your run energy, prayer points, and eventually your hit points. If you die, you will respawn back on the docks.
North Goshima
In the north portion of the island you will see negative energy springs. With 90 Divination you can harvest these springs and collect negative energy. You unfortunately are still in range of the malignant entity. Simply move away when she appears to avoid any reductions.
City of Gongdung
The city of Gongdung is locked from the island. The only way to unlock the city is through Player-Owned Ports. Some of the residents of Gongdung are sirens, cyclopes and sea singers.
This City/Area Guide was written by Numerous One.
This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Jan 16, 2017, at 10:07:51 PM by Numerous One, and it was last updated on Sun, Jan 22, 2017, at 04:01:55 AM by Numerous One.
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