Completed the 2006 Christmas event.
Given to you by
Shanty Claws after completing the Christmas 2006 update.
Must have completed Christmas event to obtain. You can operate it when you wield the hat in order to perform a emote. The emote consists of you jumping in the air, magic sparkles gleam around your head, and you land then wiggle your head like a Reindeer. If you loose them you can speak to
Diango in
Draynor Village to get them back. Can be stored in the toy box of your costume room. Any holiday item you are entitled to reclaim, but do not have in your inventory or bank, will automatically appear in your toy box (POH and minimum level of 42
Construction required, level 50 if you intend to build your own toy box.).
2 kg
A reindeer hat and a matching flashing nose.