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Lamp of laughter (Violet Is Blue Too)Quest reward from completing the quest.---YesNo
Lamp of the DjinnMade by combining the Vetal lamp, Marid lamp, Ghul lamp, Sila lamp, Ifrit lamp and Bottled genie.---NoYes
Lamp of wonderQuest reward from Violet.---YesNo
Lamp of wonder (Violet Is Blue Too)Quest reward from completing the quest.---YesNo
Lampenflora seedMonster Drop.214 gpNoYes
Lantadyme incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).23.7k gpNoYes
Lantadyme potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).6,750 gpNoYes
Lantadyme seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper.326 gpNoYes
Lantern lensPlayer made (See Notes Section).448 gpNoYes
Lapis lazuli broochPlayer Made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Lapis lazuli gemPlayer Made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Lapis lazuli ringPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,883 gpNoYes
Large animal pen kitPurchased from Granny Potterington.---NoYes
Large bag of componentsFound within lost property (weighty).---NoYes
Large bladed adamant salvageMonster Drop.8,425 gpNoNo
Large bladed bronze salvageMonster Drop.202 gpNoNo
Large bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.1,084 gpNoNo
Large bladed mithril salvageMonster Drop.10.8k gpNoNo
Large bladed rune salvageMonster Drop.29.5k gpNoNo
Large bladed steel salvageMonster Drop.4,743 gpNoNo
Large blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.21.7k gpNoNo
Large blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.157 gpNoNo
Large blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.675 gpNoNo
Large blunt mithril salvageMonster Drop.8,363 gpNoNo
Large blunt rune salvageMonster Drop.29.6k gpNoNo
Large blunt steel salvageMonster Drop.4,028 gpNoNo
Large bright lampTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Large bright starTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Large cash bagThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large cogIn a crate on the basement floor of the Elemental Workshop dungeon. ---YesYes
Large combat training dummy crateObtained from Treasure Hunter.---NoNo
Large crate (classic components)Player Made (See Notes).31.0m gpNoYes
Large crate (historic components)Player Made (See Notes).16.0m gpNoYes
Large crate (timeworn components)Player Made (See Notes).1.1m gpNoYes
Large crate (vintage components)Player Made (See Notes).4.1m gpNoYes
Large crystal urchinCaught on the highest tier of the Prifddinas waterfall.---NoYes
Large dark lampPossible reward from the 2018 Christmas advent calendar and from Treasure Hunter (during special promotions).---NoNo
Large dwarven toolboxPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, obtainable only during the promotion from April 17th to 20th, 2015.---NoNo
Large fallen star (Agility)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Attack)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Constitution)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Construction)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Cooking)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Crafting)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Defence)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Divination)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Dungeoneering)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Farming)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Firemaking)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Fishing)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Fletching)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Herblore)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Hunter)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Magic)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Mining)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Prayer)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Ranged)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Runecrafting)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Slayer)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Smithing)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Strength)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Summoning)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Thieving)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large fallen star (Woodcutting)Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Large festive lampObtained as a reward from various event items, such as from the 2018 Christmas cracker crate.---NoNo
Large food bagThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
Large Gizmo BagPlayer made (see notes).---NoYes
Large hydra lampPossible reward from the 2018 Christmas advent calendar and from Treasure Hunter (during special promotions).---NoNo
Large loot bagUpgrade purchased from Dodgy Derek. ---NoYes
Large loot crateMonster drop.0 gpNoYes
Large mapBought from Sir Renittee for 1k gp. Requires 4 Mahogany planks to use and gives 591 xp.---NoYes
Large meteoriteTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Large mystery boxFalador Park.---NoNo
Large oak bedPlayer made using 5 Oak planks and 2 Cloths on an Oak workbench or better.992 gpNoYes
Large ornate keySearch a portrait in a house in Meiyerditch, after having used a Knife on the portrait.---YesYes