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Mega-phonusReward from Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza.---NoYes
Megaleather bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megaleather bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megaleather chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megaleather coifPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megaleather shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megaleather torn bagMonster drop while Dungeoneering.0 gpNoNo
Megaleather vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Megamastyx hideDropped by a megamastyx; obtained by hunting a megamastyx; monster drop; bought from the smuggler in the start room when training Dungeoneering.0 gpNoYes
Meilyr potionPlayer made (See notes section).---YesYes
Meilyr potion recipeGiven by Gwir during the Plague's end quest.---YesYes
Meilyr symbol piecePickpocketed from Meilyr workers; Possible reward for completing a lap of the Hefin Agility Course.---NoYes
Melancholic beadOn the ground near the Happy Imp.---YesNo
Melee potion (Dungeoneering)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Melee Potion SetPurchased from Lanthus at the Castle Wars arena entrance for 1 Castle Wars ticket. This item automatically becomes 4 different potions upon purchase. 0 gpNoYes
Melee training dummyObtained from Large, Medium, and small combat training dummy crates or from Treasure Hunter itself.0 gpNoYes
MeloberryPicked from meloberry bushes planted on Tuai Leit (See Notes); bought from Sinuman or Terri when in stock.---NoYes
Meloberry seedCan be obtained from cross-pollinating Rumberry seeds and Mournberry seeds.---NoYes
Memory jar (empty)Eastern alcove in the Hall of Memories.---NoYes
Memory jar (full)Player made (see notes).---NoYes
Memory jar (partial)Player made (see notes).---NoYes
Memory shardObtained from the butterfly of recollection while harvesting memories in the Hall of Memories; Obtained from the Decree of Morality, Guardian of Life, and Sempiternal Souvenirs perks from the Memorial to Guthix.---NoYes
Memory strandThese can be found within various Divination springs throughout Runescape.---NoYes
Memory wandGiven to you by the Watchtower Wizard.---YesYes
Memory-Crushing scrimshawPlayer Made (See Notes).424.3k gpNoYes
Memory-storage botObtained by talking to The Archivist in the Hall of Memories after having filled and turned in Aagi, Seren, Juna, Edicts, and Cres.---NoYes
Menap action kilt (Purple)Players can obtain one by trading with Ali Morrisane after completing the miniquest Rogue Trader. 237 gpNoYes
Menap action kilt (Red)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid (see notes section).235 gpNoYes
Menap headgear (Purple)Players can obtain one after completing the miniquest Rogue Trader by trading with Ali Morrisane.649 gpNoYes
Menap headgear (Red)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid (see notes section).591 gpNoYes
Menaphite gift offering (large)From Menaphos City quests, Motherlode Maw, bought from the Traveling Merchant in the Deep Sea Fishing Hub. ---NoYes
Menaphite gift offering (medium)Received as rewards from Menaphos City quests or Shifting Tombs if using Level 3 or above lucky items.---NoYes
Menaphite gift offering (small)Found while doing Menaphos Activities.---NoYes
Menaphite honey beeFound when burning Acadia logs.---NoYes
Menaphite honey bee in amberFound when Mining mineral deposits in the VIP area or the Worker District.---NoYes
Menaphite robe (Purple)It can be obtained after completing the miniquest Rogue Trader. 491 gpNoYes
Menaphite robe (Red)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid (see notes section).496 gpNoYes
Menaphite top (Purple)Players can obtain one after completing the appropriate part of the miniquest Rogue Trader, by trading with Ali Morrisane, or from other players837 gpNoYes
Menaphite top (Red)Gotten by doing the Ali M. mini quest(s).992 gpNoYes
Menaphos journalObtained from Assistant Librarian Subotai.---NoYes
Menaphos shifting tombs teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).9,988 gpNoYes
Menaphos tabletPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
MenaphyriteFound while looting urn in the Pyramid Plunder minigame---NoYes
Menowin outfit tokenReward from the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie.588.1k gpNoNo
Mercenary's glovesBought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim. ---NoYes
Merchant district teleportPlayer made (see notes).5,663 gpNoYes
Merciless kiteshieldPossible reward for defeating the six Barrows Brothers in the Shadow Realm.16.1m gpNoYes
Mermaid's purse decorationPossible reward from opening Prawn balls.---NoYes
Message (Romeo and Juliet)None. Item is no longer obtainable since the Romeo and Juliet quest has been removed.---YesNo
Message (Safalaan)Use a Knife on a fireplace in a house in Meiyerditch.---YesYes
Message (Veliaf Hurtz)Received from Vertida Sefalatis at the Myreque hideout in Meiyerditch.---YesYes
Message from Mizgog Given to you by Wizard Mizgog.---YesNo
Message in a bottlePossible reward from opening Prawn balls.835 gpNoYes
Message in a bottle (Arc)Multiple locations (See Notes).---NoYes
Message in a bottle (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant. ---NoYes
Metal barSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Metal catapult partsGiven to you by Thaki the delivery dwarf, at the the pub in Port Sarim.---YesYes
Metal featherInside the Bird book.---YesYes
Metal keyDropped by the Mercenary captain.---YesYes
Metal rectangleIt is one of the items found when you open a Package.---YesYes
Metal sheetSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Metal spadeOn the table in the room with Miss Cheevers.---YesYes
Metal spade (without handle)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Metallic dragon trinketsWon from a Summer loot pinata or Treasure Hunter; hidden within a loot bag.---NoNo
Metallic objectObtained from the Mithril smelter along the Eastern most wall of the Adamant Dragon Dungeon within Brimhaven Dungeon.---YesYes
Metallic object (brittle)Player Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Metallic object (heated)Player Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Metamorphic geodeRarely obtained while Mining any of the following rocks: Orichalcite, Drakolith, Necrite, Phasmatite, Concentrated coal, Banite, Light animica, and Dark animica.---NoYes
Meteor shardThey can be mined from crashed rocks before they collapse, and they are also dropped by strange insects.---NoNo
Meteorite chunkMeteorite chunks were found by investigating a mysterious meteorite that crashed near the player, similar to the way mysterious relics are obtained---NoNo
MeterIn the old power station in the Dorgesh-Kaan agility area when you use a spanner on the console.---NoYes
Meter (broken)If you fail an obstacle on the agility course with a meter in your inventory, it will break.---NoYes
Miasma runePlayer Made (See Notes); Thalmund's Wares.929 gpNoYes
Miazrqa's pendantInside the mouse hole, under the witch's house in Taverley.---YesYes
Mighty slayer helmetPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes