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Portable crafterhe Portable crafter is an item available on Treasure Hunter. 0 gpNoYes
Portable Deposit BoxWas obtained during the 2015 Balthazar's Big Raffle and during the 2016 Summer Sweepstakes.---NoYes
Portable fairy ringPlayer made (see notes).---NoYes
Portable fletcherA possible reward from Treasure Hunter. Also player traded. 28.1k gpNoYes
Portable phylacteryUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Portable phylactery (damaged)Obtained by excavating Ancient magick munitions; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Portable rangePossible Treasure Hunter reward.28.2k gpNoYes
Portable sawmillPossible Treasure Hunter reward.1,212 gpNoYes
Portable skilling packTreasure Hunter---NoNo
Portable wellPossible Treasure Hunter reward.16.7k gpNoYes
Portent of deathPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of degradation IPlayer made (See notes section).12.9k gpNoYes
Portent of degradation IIPlayer made (See notes section).12.6k gpNoYes
Portent of degradation IIIPlayer made (See notes section).18.9k gpNoYes
Portent of item protectionPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of lifePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of passage IPlayer made (See notes section).---NoNo
Portent of passage IIPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage IIIPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage IVPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage IXPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage VPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage VIPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage VIIPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage VIIIPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of passage XPlayer made (See notes section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration IPlayer made (See notes section).4,052 gpNoNo
Portent of restoration I (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Portent of restoration IIPlayer made (See notes section).2,529 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration II (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration IIIPlayer made (See notes section).3,744 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration III (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration IVPlayer made (See notes section).5,199 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration IV (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration IXPlayer made (See notes section).3,350 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration IX (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration VPlayer made (See notes section).10.1k gpNoYes
Portent of restoration V (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration VIPlayer made (See notes section).11.7k gpNoYes
Portent of restoration VI (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration VIIPlayer made (See notes section).5,321 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration VII (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration VIIIPlayer made (See notes section).3,740 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration VIII (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Portent of restoration XPlayer made (See notes section).25.8k gpNoYes
Portent of restoration X (Dungeoneering)Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
PortholePossible reward from opening Prawn balls.74 gpNoYes
PortraitUpstairs in Falador castle inside the bedroom cupboard.0 gpNoNo
Ports azure packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports bamboo packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports bone packPurchased from Boni for 1,500 Chimes and 5 Taijitu; Obtained from a trunk within the Temple of Aminishi Elite Dungeon after partial completion of Curse of the Black Stone.---NoYes
Ports cherrywood packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports chi packPurchased from Boni for 1,000 Chimes and 2 Taijitu; Obtained from a trunk within the Temple of Aminishi Elite Dungeon after partial completion of Curse of the Black Stone.---NoYes
Ports gunpowder packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports jade packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports koi scale packPurchased from Boni for 1,000 Chimes and 3 Taijitu.---NoYes
Ports lacquer packPurchased from Boni for 1,000 Chimes and 2 Taijitu.---NoYes
Ports pearl packPurchased from Boni for 1,000 Chimes and 3 Taijitu.---NoYes
Ports plate packPurchased from Boni for 1,000 Chimes and 2 Taijitu; Obtained from a trunk within the Temple of Aminishi Elite Dungeon after partial completion of Curse of the Black Stone.---NoYes
Ports slate packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports spice packPurchased from Boni for 350 Chimes and 1 Taijitu.---NoYes
Ports steel packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Ports terracotta packPurchased from Boni.---NoYes
Positive energyHarvested from springs on Cyclosis or the third island of The Islands That Once Were Turtles; or bought from Halia for 10 Chimes each.---NoYes
Postage stampFound in fan mail, small parcels, medium parcels, large parcels, and huge parcels.---NoYes
Postie Pete's hatOriginally obtained from huge parcels during the first Postie Pete's Parcels From the Hedge Event, but has since been discontinued.---NoYes
Pot (unfired)Player made (See Notes Section).575 gpNoNo
Pot lidPlayer made (See Notes Section).15 gpYesYes
Pot of cornflourPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Pot of creamPurchased from Hudo's groceries in the Tree Gnome Stronghold or the Culinaromancer's Chest; Player Made (See Notes).828 gpNoYes
Pot of flourPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Romily Weaklax in the Cooks' Guild, the Port Sarim general store, Tree Gnome Stronghold, Tree Gnome Village, or the Culinaromancer's Chest after partially completing Recipe for Disaster; Monster drop.2,101 gpNoNo
Pot of quicklimePlayer made (See Notes Section.)---YesYes
Pot of tea (4,3,2 or 1)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Pot of tea (porcelain)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpYesYes
Pot of vinegarPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes