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Sceptre of the godsObtained by looting the engraved sarcophagus in the 8th room of Pyramid Plunder.---NoYes
Schematic (assembled)Player made (See notes Section).---YesYes
Schematic (Dondakan)Given to you by Dondakan the Dwarf in Keldagrim.---YesYes
Schematics (Engineer)Given to you by the Dwarf Engineer at Wemund's Wrench Warehouse in Keldagrim.---YesYes
Schematics (Khorvak)Given to you by Khorvak, a dwarven engineer, at the pub below White Wolf Mountain.---YesYes
Scimitar (class 1)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Scimitar (class 2)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Scimitar (class 3)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Scimitar (class 4)Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Scimitar (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
ScimitopsResult of checking a Scimitops (unchecked); Result of breeding scimitops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Scimitops (unchecked)Found when skinning Scimitops in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).874.4k gpNoYes
Scimitops blavumResult of breeding scimitops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Scimitops blavum (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.745.7k gpNoYes
Scimitops meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,429 gpNoYes
Scimitops palusResult of breeding scimitops at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Scimitops palus (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.732.7k gpNoYes
Scorpion cageGiven to you by Thormac.---YesYes
Scorpion meatPossible reward from the Rewards box in the lobby of the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Scrambled eggPlayer made (See Notes Section).166 gpNoYes
Scrap metalObtained from Scrap metal hotspots when not doing Effigy Incubator.---NoYes
Scrap of paperGiven to you by Thurgo, south of Port Sarim.---YesYes
Scrap of scriptureObtained by opening a Phylactery.---NoYes
Scrap paperRespawns in the northeastern room of the Sinclair Mansion.---YesYes
ScrapbookReceived from Benedict Encumberyak.---NoNo
Scrapey Tree BarkBy chopping a Scrapey tree and using a knife with the logs.0 gpNoYes
Scratched noteRespawns inside the Crate in Ungadulu's cave.

The Scrawled note is an item obtained while searching the crate in Ungadulu's cave during Legends Quest.
0 gpNoYes
Scrawled notesObtained while searching the crate in Ungadulu's cave.0 gpNoYes
Scribbled notesA scribbled note can be found while performing a search in the table in Ungadulu's cave during Legends Quest.0 gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of aggressionTreasure Hunter Promotion.---NoYes
Scrimshaw of aggression (inactive)Obtained via Treasure Hunter Promotion.1,000.0k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of attackPlayer Made (See Notes).616.3k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of corruptionTreasure Hunter Promotion; Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Scrimshaw of corruption (inactive)Obtained via Treasure Hunter Promotion; Obtained from Motherlode Maw; Player Made (See Notes).5.4m gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of crueltyPlayer Made (See Notes).570.2k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of magicPlayer Made (See Notes).569.6k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of rangingPlayer Made (See Notes).623.4k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of sacrificeTreasure Hunter Promotion.---NoYes
Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive)Obtained via Treasure Hunter Promotion.4.7m gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of the elementsPlayer Made (See Notes).586.2k gpNoYes
Scrimshaw of vampyrismPlayer Made (See Notes).1.2m gpNoYes
Scripture of BikMonster Drop (Croesus).123.6m gpNoYes
ScrollKill Jonny the Beard in Varrock's Blue Moon Inn0 gpYesNo
Scroll (Barbarian Assault)Barbarian Assault, on a table in each of the recruitment rooms.---NoYes
Scroll (Making History)Given to you by Droalak at Port Phasmatys.---YesYes
Scroll (Royal Trouble)Given to you by King Vargas, at the castle on Miscellania,---YesNo
Scroll (The Elemental Workshop II)Obtained by reading the Beaten book.---YesYes
Scroll boxFound while doing clue scrolls.---NoYes
Scroll box (CS Week)Received when a Clue Scroll(CS Week) has been solved.---NoNo
Scroll fragment 1Found after reading Ingram's notes.---YesNo
Scroll fragment 2Found after reading Ormod's scribblings.---YesNo
Scroll fragment 3Found after reading Ingram's ramblings.---YesNo
Scroll of cleansingBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of DaemonheimBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of dexterity Bought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoNo
Scroll of efficiencyBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoNo
Scroll of knowledgeThe scroll of knowledge is a reward from defeating the Gnome Champion of Champion.---NoYes
Scroll of lifeBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of praiseGiven to you by Reldo, at the Varrock Castle library, in exchange for an Al kharid flyer.---YesYes
Scroll of proficiencyBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of quick teleportationBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoNo
Scroll of renewalBought from the Rewards trader and Wythien.---NoYes
Scroll of the deadDropped by Skeleton looters (level 60) in the Missing My Mummy quest pyramid.---YesYes
Scrubbed bear peltPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed black unicorn hidePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed cave crawler skinPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed cockatrice skinPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed fenris wolf peltPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed fox peltPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed hobgoblin skinPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed rock crab carcassPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubbed unicorn hidePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Scrubby brushObtained from the cleaning supplies bucket.---YesYes
Scrumpled noteIn the cave where Ungadulu is.---NoYes
Scrumpled paperThe Scrumpled paper is obtained randomly by talking to Shantay at the Shantay Pass. It will fall out of his pocket.---NoYes