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Ticker (a)Obtained by ticking a Ticker.0 gpNoNo
Tiger sharkPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Tiger shark bodyPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Purchased from Vic the Trader; Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tiger shark feetPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Purchased from Vic the Trader; Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tiger shark handsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Purchased from Vic the Trader; Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tiger shark headPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Purchased from Vic the Trader; Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tiger shark legsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Purchased from Vic the Trader; Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tight springPossible reward from 2016 summer bash treasure map minigame.
Possible reward for Menaphite gift offering.
Tight spring x20Made off the invention bench.---NoYes
Tightrope 101Given to you by the Agility Assistant in Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza.0 gpNoYes
TileSpawns in level 17 wilderness southwest of Clan Wars and level 21 wilderness in the Ruins. 0 gpNoNo
Timber beamBought from Razmire Keelgan's Builders' Merchants in Mort'ton.16 gpNoYes
TimeFound in the first chest in the riddle room of Armadyl's Citadel.---YesNo
Time capsuleGiven to you by the Goblin scribe in exchange for a Box of artefacts.---YesYes
Time engramFound under a shrub near the base of a tree at Glarial's tombstone (See Notes for location image).---NoYes
Time engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Timepiece (paused)Obtained by pausing a Timepiece (running).0 gpNoNo
Timepiece (running)Obtained by starting a Timepiece (stopped), or stopping a Timepiece (paused).0 gpNoNo
Timepiece (stopped)Sold by Faruq in Al Kharid.0 gpNoNo
TinIn a crate in the room with Miss Cheevers.---YesYes
Tin (filled)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Tin oreObtained by Mining Tin rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso and Ordan in Keldagrim.859 gpNoNo
Tin ore powderOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. ---YesYes
Tin soldier head(See notes section).---NoYes
Tin stone spiritObtained from mining Tin rocks; Monster Drop.567 gpNoNo
TinderboxRespawns on the top floor of Draynor Manor near Professor Oddenstein's machine.

There is a tinderbox respawn on the wrecked ship on the north of Harmony Island.

There is a tinderbox respawn next to furnace in the eastern wilderness ruins.

Searching certain shelves of the Wise Old Man's home gives a tinderbox, possibly book(s) and a message questioning why he keeps so many tinderboxes. This is likely due to Dinoysus's eventual assault upon the Wizards' Tower. Though it is possible to quickly obtain multiple tinderboxes from it, your character will only take one at a time, and only if your inventory has none; this can be easily bypassed through the drop trick.

Bought from any General Store in RuneScape, Dodgy Derek in the Thieves Guild, and from Ignatius Vulcan northeast of Thormac's tower; Searching the Old Mans shelves upstairs and downstairs in Draynor Village; Possible monster drop.
588 gpNoNo
Tinderbox (Dungeoneering)Nowhere (for more information see Notes).0 gpNoNo
Tinderbox (Gower)Obtained when you use the Small key on the bumpy wall.---YesNo
Tinsel scarfUnlocked under the Christmas tree in the Lumbridge crater.---NoNo
Tiny bladed adamant salvageMonster Drop.3,553 gpNoNo
Tiny bladed bronze salvageMonster Drop.137 gpNoNo
Tiny bladed iron salvageMonster Drop.611 gpNoNo
Tiny bladed mithril salvageMonster Drop.2,476 gpNoNo
Tiny bladed rune salvageMonster Drop.8,867 gpNoNo
Tiny bladed steel salvageMonster Drop.975 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.3,779 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.156 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.491 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt mithril salvageMonster Drop.1,164 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt rune salvageMonster Drop.5,660 gpNoNo
Tiny blunt steel salvageMonster Drop.1,161 gpNoNo
Tiny keyThe key can be pickpocketed from the curator within the museum.---NoYes
Tiny NetBought from Harry in Catherby.---NoYes
Tiny plated adamant salvageMonster Drop.1,198 gpNoNo
Tiny plated bronze salvageMonster Drop.145 gpNoNo
Tiny plated iron salvageMonster Drop.446 gpNoNo
Tiny plated mithril salvageMonster Drop.1,009 gpNoNo
Tiny plated rune salvageMonster Drop.6,362 gpNoNo
Tiny plated steel salvageMonster Drop.604 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky adamant salvageMonster Drop.1,004 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky bronze salvageMonster Drop.196 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky iron salvageMonster Drop.99 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky mithril salvageMonster Drop.646 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky rune salvageMonster Drop.6,227 gpNoNo
Tiny spiky steel salvageMonster Drop.181 gpNoNo
Tirannwn quiver 1Given to you by the Elf tracker after completing the Easy Tirannwn Task Set.---NoYes
Tirannwn quiver 2Given to you by Gwir after completing the Medium Tirannwn Task Set.---NoYes
Tirannwn quiver 3Given to you by Arianwyn after completing the Hard Tirannwn Task Set.---NoYes
Tirannwn quiver 4Given to you by Elen Anterth after completing the Elite Tirannwn Task Set.---NoYes
To-do listInside a secret compartment of a piano in the witch's house in Taverley.---YesYes
To-Do list (Rebuilding Edgeville)Given to you by Mandrith in Edgeville bank.---NoYes
Toad battaPlayer Made (See Notes).744 gpNoYes
Toad crunchiesPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.36.0k gpNoYes
Toad egg sacHarvested from a patch of reeds.---NoYes
Toad labelIn the basement of Hetty's house in Rimmington.---YesYes
Toad's legsPlayer made.2,039 gpNoYes
Toadflax incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).10.9k gpNoYes
Toadflax potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).5,940 gpNoYes
Toadflax seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper.569 gpNoYes
ToastoolThese mushrooms can be found while foraging mushroom clusters found on the Uncharted Isles in The Arc.---NoYes
Toban's goldInside Toban's chest on the small island south of Yanille.---YesYes
Toban's keyGiven to you by Og at the Ogre settlement, northwest of Yanille.---YesYes
Toffee appleThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
TofuDefender slots in a Barbarian Assault wave.---NoYes
TokenObtained by doing various jobs around Port Sarim to help defend it from the Skulls.---NoNo