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Witch skirtA reward for female characters for the Halloween 2008 event. You can reclaim it from Diango in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Witch topA reward for female characters for the Halloween 2008 event. You can reclaim it from Diango in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Witch's catPicked up on the second floor of the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Witchdoctor legsObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all 10 jadinkos (no god jadinkos), you will also obtain knowledge (XP) in the farming, hunter, or herblore skills, and there is a possibility of receiving the witchdoctor robes as well.---NoYes
Witchdoctor maskObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all three god jadinkos in one week.---NoYes
Witchdoctor robesObtained from Papa Mambo as a reward for catching all 10 vines (no god vines), you will also obtain knowledge (XP) in the farming, hunter, or herblore skills, and there is a possibility of receiving the witchdoctor legs as well.---NoYes
Witchwood iconBought from slayer masters.---NoYes
Withered vineObtained by trapping common Jadinkos.---NoYes
Wizard blizzardPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Gabooty.2,659 gpNoYes
Wizard bookBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.300 gpNoYes
Wizard bootsBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section).233 gpNoNo
Wizard boots (t)Possible reward from completing a medium clue scroll1.2m gpNoYes
Wizard glovesBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.107 gpNoNo
Wizard hatBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.2,172 gpNoNo
Wizard hat (g)Possible reward from a level 1 Treasure Trail.1.1m gpNoNo
Wizard hat (t)Possible reward from a level 1 Treasure Trail.1.2m gpNoNo
Wizard robe skirtBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.494 gpNoNo
Wizard robe skirt (g)Possible Treasure Trail reward (easy Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoNo
Wizard robe skirt (t)Possible Treasure Trails reward (easy Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoNo
Wizard robe topBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.677 gpNoNo
Wizard robe top (g)Possible Treasure Trail reward (Easy Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoNo
Wizard robe top (t)Possible Treasure Trail reward (Easy Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoNo
Wizard shieldBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Wizard wandBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.1,766 gpNoNo
Wizard's diaryPicked up with the high quality ore dropped by the Living rock brawler in the South East mine of Varrock.---YesNo
Wizard's headGiven to you by Mazion near the sandpit on Entrana.---YesYes
Wizard's mind bombFalador Tavern, Burthorpe Toad & Chicken Inn, Games Room, and Player made.2,075 gpNoNo
Wizard's mind bomb (m)Player made in the brewing vats in Keldagrim or Port Phasmatys (See Notes Section).3,151 gpNoYes
Wizards' Tower basement keyIn the Organ after you play the correct set of keys.---NoNo
Wizards' Tower staffObtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame. ---NoYes
Woad leafPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Wyson the Gardener; Monster Drop.19 gpNoNo
Woad seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, stolen from seed stalls, purchased from Olivia at the Draynor Village marketplace, or bought in Vinesweeper.569 gpNoYes
Wobbegong oilPlayer made (See Notes).---NoYes
Wolf boneMonster drop.---YesYes
Wolf bone arrowheadsPlayer made. (See Notes Section)58 gpYesYes
Wolf bonesWolf bones is a members-only item obtained by killing a wolf or werewolf on a pay-to-play world. A wolf killed in a free-to-play world will not drop wolf bones.3,681 gpNoNo
Wolf maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Wolf staffPossible reward from a Reward casket (elite).1.2m gpNoYes
Wolf whistleObtained from Rufus.---YesYes
WolfbaneQuest Reward.---NoNo
Wolpertinger pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,834 gpNoYes
Wolpertinger scroll (Magic Focus)Player made (See Notes Section).294 gpNoYes
Wood boxPlayer Made (See Notes).1,098 gpNoNo
Wood camo legsPlayer made (See Notes Section).919 gpNoYes
Wood camo topPlayer made (See Notes Section).13.8k gpNoYes
Wood dining tablePlayer made using 4 Planks and 4 Nails (any) on a workbench.7 gpYesYes
Wood kitchen tablePlayer made using 3 Plank and 3 Nails on a workbench. 7 gpNoYes
Wood logTaken from the table next to where the wizards are sitting.---NoNo
Wood spiritObtained from Bird's nest (Wood spirits).2,442 gpNoNo
Woodcutting accumulatorThis can be created at your Invention workbench.128.3k gpNoYes
Woodcutting capePurchased from Wilfred.---NoYes
Woodcutting cape (t)Purchased from Wilfred.---NoYes
Woodcutting hoodReceived from Wilfred when buying a Woodcutting cape.---NoYes
Woodcutting master capePurchased from Wilfred.---NoYes
Woodcutting ringPlayer made (See Notes section).---NoYes
Woodcutting tomeReward from the Temple Trekking mini-game. ---NoYes
Wooden bedPlayer made using 3 Planks, 3 Nails (any), and 2 Bolts of cloth on a workbench.1,541 gpNoYes
Wooden benchPlayer made using 4 Planks and 4 nails (any) on a Wooden workbench or better.11 gpYesYes
Wooden boardIn the cupboard in the Carnillean house basement.---YesYes
Wooden bookcasePlayer made (See notes section).8 gpNoYes
Wooden carvingObtained from the Toy box in Violet's room.---YesNo
Wooden catPlayer made.17.1k gpYesYes
Wooden chairPlayer made using 3 Planks and 3 nails (any) on a Wooden workbench or better.66 gpYesYes
Wooden diskStudy the bull's head in Peer the Seer's house in Rellekka. ---YesYes
Wooden framePlayer Made (See Notes).39.4k gpNoYes
Wooden incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).3,874 gpNoNo
Wooden knotReceived while cutting a tree with the Dwarven army axe. 0 gpNoYes
Wooden shardObtained when training Woodcutting after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Wooden shieldSold at Cassie's shield Shop in Falador; Respawn north of Varrock, by the Wilderness ditch.5,315 gpNoNo
Wooden spearPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Wooden spear (golden poison)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Wooden spear (phantasmal poison)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Wooden spear (sky-blue poison)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Wooden spoonBought from the Culinaromancer's chest after the Recipe for Disaster quest.2,838 gpNoYes
Wooden spoon (Pieces of Hate)Obtained by searching the desk on the ground floor of the jail.---YesYes