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Dominion marker (stage 1)Claimed as a reward from the Strange Face, in the lobby of the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion marker (stage 2)Claimed as a reward from the Strange Face, in the lobby of the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion marker (stage 3)Claimed as a reward from the Strange Face, in the lobby of the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion marker (stage 4)Claimed as a reward from the Strange Face, in the lobby of the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion medallionGiven to you by the Strange face inside the Dominion Tower, in the lobby.---NoYes
Dominion pelte shieldUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Dominion pelte shield (damaged)Obtained by excavating Stadio debris; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Dominion staffPossible reward from the Rewards box, in the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion swordPossible reward from the Rewards box, in the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
Dominion torchUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Dominion torch (damaged)Obtained by excavating Dominion games podium; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research and the Saradominist Special Research "Studio Ga Ga"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Dominion tower damage enhancerTaken from the Motherlode Maw inside the Edimmu Resource Dungeon (requires 115 Dungeoneering and at least level 95 in all skills); Obtained from Wythien in exchange for 10 Crystal motherlode shards or an Unfocused damage enhancer.---NoYes
Dominion Tower maulObtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.

This item can be reclaimed from Diango in Draynor if it was destroyed.
Doogle leavesSee Notes for spawn locations.---YesNo
Doogle sardinePlayer made (See Notes).---YesNo
Doomcore staffMonster drop.0 gpNoYes
Door key (Darkness of Hallowvale)Search a pile of pots in a house in Meiyerditch.---YesYes
Door key (Witch's House)Under potted plant next to the Witch's house's front door in Taverley.---YesYes
Door transcriptionGiven to you by Savant, through your Commorb v2.---YesYes
Dorgesh-kaan sphereOldak, in Dorgesh-Kaan.---NoYes
Dorgeshuun crossbowBought from Nardok in the Dorgeshuun caves (after the Lost Tribe quest).4,680 gpYesYes
Dorgeshuun spearUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Dorgeshuun spear (damaged)Obtained by excavating Kyzaj champion's boudoir; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research and the Bandosian Special Research "Too Many Bones"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Dormant Anima Core BodyCan be obtained within the Heart of Gielinor (God Wars 2).

Dropped by:
120.2k gpNoYes
Dormant Anima Core helmCan be obtained within the Heart of Gielinor (God Wars 2).

Dropped by:
117.2k gpNoYes
Dormant Anima Core LegsCan be obtained within the Heart of Gielinor (God Wars 2).

Dropped by:
119.0k gpNoYes
Dormant Seren godbowDropped by Telos, The Warden.907.7m gpNoYes
Dormant Staff of SliskeDropped by Telos, the Warden30.7m gpNoYes
Dormant Zaros godswordDropped by Telos, the Warden47.2m gpNoYes
Dororan's engraved ringPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Doru spearUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Doru spear (damaged)Obtained by excavating Optimatoi debris; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
DossierGiven to you by Sir Amik Varze after you accept to start the Black Knight's Fortress quest.---YesNo
Double Escape codexPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Double Escape codex (tradeable)Player Made (See Notes).72.7m gpNoYes
Double spin ticketThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoNo
Double Surge codexPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Double Surge codex (tradeable)Player Made (See Notes).75.8m gpNoYes
Double-headed coinThe double-headed coin is obtained after flipping the coin given by Gypsy Aris.---NoYes
DoubloonsFound on Treasure Hunter, killing Pirates, pickpocketing them, or collecting tickets in the Brimhaven Agility Course.---NoYes
DoughnutBrought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.10.1k gpNoNo
Dowsing rodCan be obtained from the model boat in the hall of Uzer Mastaba.0 gpNoYes
Draccles (plushie)Under the Hair of the Dog Tavern in Canifis, the first corridor on the right holds a room with a tomb. The plushie is located on a set of rocks near the tomb.---YesYes
Draccles (reward)Received within the Hair of the Dog Tavern in Canifis, after completing The Lost Toys Miniquest.---NoYes
Draconic energyMonster Drop.464.0k gpNoYes
Draconic fruitJadinko Lair offering table, you can buy random fruits in exchange for Jadinko Lair reward points.---NoYes
Draconic jadinkoResult of checking a Draconic jadinko (unchecked); Result of breeding jadinkos at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Draconic jadinko (unchecked)Found when hunting Draconic jadinkos.4.8m gpNoYes
Draconic vineObtained by trapping draconic jadinkos.---NoYes
Draconic visageMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Royal dragons at the Manor farm (very rare).1.2m gpNoNo
Dragon 2h crossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).4.3m gpNoYes
Dragon 2h swordMonster drop; Looted from Kingly implings.176.5k gpNoYes
Dragon Armadylean tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Dragon arrowPlayer made (See notes).233 gpNoYes
Dragon arrowheadsLooted from Dragon impling jars.564 gpNoYes
Dragon Bandosian tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Dragon battleaxeBought from Helemos in the Heroes' Guild; Monster drop.117.0k gpNoYes
Dragon battlestaffBought from Santiri in Keldagrim.364.4k gpNoYes
Dragon bitterPlayer made (See Notes Section); Sold at the "Ye Ol Dragon Inn" in Yanille.1,599 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,806 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,359 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,861 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (4)Player made (See Notes Section).5,500 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (flatpack)Player made (See Notes Section).10.9k gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m)Player made (See Notes Section); Sold at the "Ye Ol Dragon Inn" in Yanille.5,987 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m1)Player made (See Notes Section).2,207 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,163 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m3)Player made (See Notes Section).6,448 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (m4)Player made (See Notes Section).9,985 gpNoYes
Dragon bolt tipsPlayer made (See Notes Section).201 gpNoYes
Dragon boltsPlayer made (see notes).429 gpNoYes
Dragon bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).317 gpNoYes
Dragon bonesMonster drop.1,898 gpNoNo
Dragon bootsMonster Drop.18.4k gpNoYes
Dragon burnerUnknown, please submit.---NoYes