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Fishbowl (with fish)Made by getting a tiny fish in the Aquarium and using it with a fishbowl which has water and seaweed in it.---NoYes
Fishbowl and netGiven to you by Captain Braindeath on Braindeath Island and Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Fishbowl helmetMade by Murphy in exchange for a Fishbowl.---YesYes
Fishing accumulatorThis can be created at your Invention workbench.---NoYes
Fishing baitMonster drop
Bought from the following:
Roachey in the Fishing Guild Gerrant in Port Sarim Shantay in Al Kharid Fernahei in Shilo Village
Frawd in Oo'glog Alison Elmshaper in Taverley Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven Hank in Lumbridge
Fishmongers in Miscellania and Etceteria Fish monger in Rellekka

4 fishing bait Respawn in southern Taverley by the dead troll just south of the Taverly Slayer master Turael.
13 gpNoNo
Fishing bootsPurchased from any Fisherman.---NoYes
Fishing capePurchased from the Master fisher.---NoYes
Fishing cape (t)Purchased from the Master fisher.---NoYes
Fishing explosiveCan be bought from slayer masters.---NoYes
Fishing flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).10.6k gpNoYes
Fishing guild decorationPossible reward from opening Prawn balls.---NoYes
Fishing hatPurchased from any Fisherman.---NoYes
Fishing hoodReceived from the Master fisher when buying a Fishing cape.---NoYes
Fishing jacketPurchased from any Fisherman.---NoYes
Fishing master capePurchased from the Master fisher.---NoYes
Fishing mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).110 gpNoYes
Fishing mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).189 gpNoYes
Fishing notesFound while doing activities at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub.---NoYes
Fishing passGiven to you by Austri and Vestri.---YesYes
Fishing potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).181 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).261 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,061 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,216 gpNoYes
Fishing rodBought from a Fishing store.942 gpNoNo
Fishing rod (o)In a room of a dungeon. In the chest in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Fishing rod-o-maticPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Fishing tomeReward from the Temple Trekking mini-game.---NoYes
Fishing tridentUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Fishing trident (damaged)Obtained by excavating Oikos fishing hut remnants; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Fishing trophyReward for winning Fishing Contest.---YesYes
Fishing wadersPurchased from any Fisherman.---NoYes
Fishy mushPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Fist of guthix tokenWinning matches while playing the Fist of Guthix. You will also earn 1 token if you lose and earn 0 tokens in a forfeit. ---NoNo
Fixed Device60 Ranged to wield.---YesYes
Fiyr remainsMonster drop.4,802 gpYesYes
FlagBought from Mrs. Winkin or Farmer Blinkin.---NoYes
Flail dustPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Flame fragmentStolen from various inhabitants of Gielinor.---YesYes
Flame glovesReward for lighting 10 beacons at the same time in the Beacon Network activity.---NoYes
Flameburst defenderMonster drop.0 gpNoYes
Flaming headPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Flaming sword enchantmentPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.5m gpNoNo
Flamtaer BraceletPlayer made. See notes.6,185 gpNoYes
Flamtaer hammerBought from Razmire Keelgan's General Store in Mort'ton and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild; Looted from a Silver key chest in the Mort'ton catacombs.0 gpNoYes
Flamtaer hoodPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Flamtaer robe bottomPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Flamtaer robe topPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Flared trousersPossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Flarefrost bootsWhere rune dragons are slain.Unknown, please submit.NoYes
Flash powderRogue's Den.---NoYes
Flask of stew-waterPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Flat capUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Flat cap (damaged)Obtained by excavating Flight research debris; Obtained by completing Stormguard Citadel Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Flatfish & edicap potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Flatfish & gissel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Flatfish potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Flatpack depackerPlayermade (see notes).0 gpNoYes
Flattened hideMonster drop.249 gpNoYes
Flax(Many) - A field located south of Seers' Village.
(Many) - Lletya.
(Few) - Tree Gnome Stronghold.
(Few) - Southwest of Rellekka.
(Few) - Taverley.
(Few) - Lunar Isle.
(Few) - South of the cowpin in Burthorpe.
99 gpNoNo
Flax (Back to the Freezer)Some like it Cold storage room, in the South West corner of penguin secret bunker.---YesYes
Flax cap-ice-i-torPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Flesh runePlayer Made (See Notes); Thalmund's Wares.570 gpNoYes
Fletched shardObtained when training Fletching after a player has reached level 99.---NoYes
Fletcher's bootsTrading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion.---NoYes
Fletcher's chestpieceTrading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion.---NoYes
Fletcher's glovesTrading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion.---NoYes
Fletcher's headwearTrading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion.---NoYes
Fletcher's legwearTrading Lightweight feathers to the Fletching(Alison Elmshaper) and Agility(Drill Sergeant Hartman) tutors in Burthrope during the March 10, 2016 to March 14, 2016 Treasure Hunter promotion.---NoYes
Fletching capePurchased from Hickton.---NoYes
Fletching cape (t)Purchased from Hickton.---NoYes
Fletching crate (large)This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Fletching crate (small)This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Fletching flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).15.3k gpNoYes
Fletching hoodReceived from Hickton when buying a Fletching cape.---NoYes
Fletching master capePurchased from Hickton.---NoYes