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Goblin squad (light) (defeated)Can be found during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Goblin symbol bookFound on a bookcase in Varrock Castle Library.---YesYes
Goblin village sphereBought from Oldak in Dorgesh-Kaan for 2 Law runes and a piece of Molten glass. ---NoYes
God wars teleport Player Made (See Notes).9,952 gpNoYes
Godless ceremonial robe bottomObtained via Diango.---NoNo
Godless ceremonial robe topObtained via Diango.---NoNo
Godsword bladePlayer made (See Notes Section). 601.4k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 1Monster drop. 154.9k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 2Monster drop.150.5k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 3Monster drop.151.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (1 & 2)Player Made (See Notes section).311.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (1 & 3)Player Made (See Notes section).302.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (2 & 3)Player Made (see notes section).312.3k gpNoYes
Goebie backpack override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.317.2k gpNoNo
Goebie burial charmLiberation of Mazcab.---NoYes
Goebie disguise kitObtained from Lunch after offering to trade him the Magic flute four times.---NoYes
Goebie relicNo longer found. But still available if they were kept after the event.---NoYes
Gofannon amuletReceived as quest reward from Doric.---YesNo
Gold accumulatorBought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim.---NoYes
Gold amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section); Port Sarim jewelry store.1,547 gpNoNo
Gold amulet (unstrung)Player made (See Notes Section).566 gpNoNo
Gold Armadylean tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold athlete's gloves Bought for 1,000 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's hatBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's legsBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's shirtBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's shoesBought for 1,000 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold Bandosian tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold barRespawns in the basement of the West Varrock bank (requires 33 Magic for the Telekinetic Grab spell); Player Made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.2,295 gpNoNo
Gold bowlPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gold bowl (blessed w/pure water)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gold braceletPlayer made (See notes).758 gpNoYes
Gold cannon barrelsBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon baseBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon furnaceBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon standBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold charmClaimed for free from Pikkupstix in Taverley; Monster Drop; Player Made (See Notes); Reward for completing Wolf Whistle (275 charms); Stolen from Average and Rich chests in Dorgesh-Kaan; Bought from Nomad or Zimberfizz for 4 Soul Wars Zeal; Possible reward for burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Looted from a Spirit impling; Pickpocketed from Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.---NoNo
Gold charm (Dungeoneering)Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Gold charm sliceMonster drop.---NoYes
Gold dishUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Gold dish (damaged)Obtained by excavating Saurthen debris; Obtained by completing Orthen Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Gold helmetPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gold idol armsPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Gold idol bodyPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Gold idol headPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoYes
Gold idol legsPossible Squeal of Fortune prize between the 18th of October and the 8th of November, 2013.
This item is now discontinued.
0 gpNoNo
Gold keyLooted from cremating Fiyr remains or a Tortured soul while participating in Mort'ton Shade Burning.---NoYes
Gold leafBought from the Stonemason in Keldagrim and Sawmill operator in Prifddinas.140.2k gpNoYes
Gold medalPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold necklaceRespawns in the west Varrock bank, downstairs. It is possible to reach with the telekinetic grab spell. Also respawns in the lava maze near the lesser demon cage (level 45). Player made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; and the Cap'n Arnav random event.817 gpNoNo
Gold nuggetsMined from the Gielinor Games scrap pile.---NoNo
Gold oreObtained from Mining gold ore rocks; Respawns at the ruins North of the 'Graveyard of Shadows' in the Wilderness, Rogue's Castle in the Wilderness, the basement of the Varrock West Bank, and the Brimhaven North Mine; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso and Ordan in Keldagrim.1,081 gpNoNo
Gold ringPlayer made (See notes), Monster drop, and Jewellery Shop in Port Sarim.687 gpNoNo
Gold ring (i)Bought from Serjeant Cole's reward shop at Mobilising Armies for 37,100 reward credits.---NoYes
Gold Saradominist tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Gold sealPyramid Plunder Mini-game.32.1k gpNoYes
Gold stone spiritObtained from mining Gold rocks; Monster Drop.740 gpNoNo
Gold torchBought for 750 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold Zamorakian tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold zodiac costumeObtained by completing the Zodiac Training card five times during the promotion (February 2016).---NoNo
Gold-trimmed blue wizard setPlayer made (See Notes section).2.5m gpNoNo
Gold-trimmed leather armour setPlayer made (See notes section).218.9k gpNoNo
Golden Ahrim's hoodObtained by winning a raffle in the Balthazar's Big Raffle during September 2015. ---NoYes
Golden Ahrim's robe skirtObtained by winning a raffle in the Balthazar's Big Raffle during September 2015. ---NoYes
Golden Ahrim's robe topObtained by winning a raffle in the Balthazar's Big Raffle during September 2015. ---NoYes
Golden Ahrim's staffObtained by winning a raffle in the Balthazar's Big Raffle during September 2015. 0 gpNoYes
Golden BambooHarvested on Uncharted Isles.---NoYes
Golden bowl (blessed w/plain water)Player made (See notes section).---YesYes
Golden bowl (of plain water)Respawns by making a new bowl and fill with pool water. Smithing and filling with water from the pool.---NoYes
Golden bowl (of pure water)Created by using a Blessed gold bowl with the pool of water in the Kharazi Jungle.---NoYes
Golden candleWithin the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Golden canePossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame during the promotional period from 13th to 16th of March 2015; Purchased from Rare token store.---NoYes
Golden cavefish eggsFound occasionally while catching Raw cavefish; Random reward from a Golden mystery egg.---NoYes
Golden chaliceInside a display case in Father Urhney, at his house in the Lumbridge Swamp.---YesYes