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Half plain pizzaResult of eating a plain pizza.1,597 gpNoNo
Half-moon spectacles (black)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Half-moon spectacles (blue)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Half-moon spectacles (green)Possible reward from Reward casket (master).1.3m gpNoYes
Halgrive's proclamationGiven by Councillor Halgrive during the Plague's end quest.---YesYes
Hallowed bootsBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Hallowed cloakBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoNo
Hallowed glovesBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Hallowed hoodBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Hallowed lanternUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Hallowed lantern (damaged)Obtained by excavating Prodromoi remains; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research and the Saradominist Special Research "Lions and Unicorns and Centaurs, Oh My!"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Hallowed lantern (lit)Unknown, please submit.---NoYes
Hallowed robe skirtBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
Hallowed torsoBought from Brother Righteous during the Halloween 2012 event.---NoYes
HammerRespawns at the Karamja Island Map shipyard, the top floor of the furnace building in Falador, and in the Artisan's Workshop; Can be purchased from most General Stores; Monster Drop.918 gpNoNo
Hammer (Back to the Freezer)Some like it Cold storage room, in the South West corner of secret bunker.---YesYes
Hammer (Dungeoneering)Nowhere (for more information see Notes).0 gpNoNo
Hammer (o)On the table in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Hammer-tronPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Hammerstone hopsGrown in a hops patch, requires level 4 Farming.1,888 gpNoNo
Hammerstone seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, stolen from seed stall, or purchased from Olivia at Draynor Village marketplace.179 gpNoNo
HammockBought from Boni.---NoYes
HandIf you lose the Hand or should it get destroyed, you must return to the Jade Vine northeast of Shilo Village and kill creatures until you receive it---YesYes
Hand boneDropped by Crawling hands only after the Fur 'n' Seek quest.---YesYes
Hand cannonMonster drop.196.9k gpNoYes
Hand cannon shotMonster drop.145 gpNoYes
Hand mirrorTemple of light during Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light) quest.---YesYes
Hand-written noteFound on the walkway of Falador castle.---YesYes
Handful of strawWon from Treasure Hunter mini game.---NoYes
Handwritten messageFound in the Tomb of the Fallen.---YesNo
Handwritten message (Flashback)Obtained from the Bartender (Blue Moon Inn).---YesYes
Handwritten noteFound in a pile of books.---YesYes
Hangover curePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Hannibus HuntedGiven to you by Mr. Mordaut.---YesYes
Hard hatAnswering 'Black-eye's construction questions.---YesYes
Hard leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.1,108 gpNoNo
Hard leather bodyPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.1,560 gpNoNo
Hard leather bootsPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.394 gpNoNo
Hard leather chapsPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.1,726 gpNoYes
Hard leather cowlPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.1,030 gpNoNo
Hard leather glovesPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.394 gpNoNo
Hard leather shieldPlayer made or bought from the Grand Exchange System.956 gpNoNo
Hardened dragon bonesMonster drop and Possible reward from Falador resource bundle.14.0k gpNoYes
Hardened straight rootPlayer Made (See Note Section)---NoYes
Hardy gout tubersGiven to you by Murcaily in the Tai Bwo Wannai village.---YesYes
Harmonic dustObtained by playing a Harmonium Harp in the Ithell Sector of Prifddinas; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers.---NoYes
Harmony dustPlayer made (See Notes).---NoYes
Harmony mossPlayer made (See Notes Section).6,974 gpNoYes
Harmony moss seedBought from the Harmony pillar farmer or Lady Meilyr in Prifddinas; Pickpocketing Meilyr workers; Monster drop.468 gpNoYes
HarpoonRespawns within the Fishing guild. Can also be found in fishing stores.745 gpNoNo
Harpoon (class 1)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Harpoon (class 2)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Harpoon (class 3)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Harpoon (class 4)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.---NoYes
Harpoon (class 5)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Harpoon plansQuest item.---YesYes
Harralander incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).2,500 gpNoYes
Harralander potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).3,038 gpNoYes
Harralander seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by various monsters, and bought from other players.1,982 gpNoYes
Harralander tarPlayer made (See Notes Section).519 gpNoYes
Harry's cutlassBought from Smith on Mos Le'Harmless.---NoYes
Harvest Festival perfect produceTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Harvest Festival produceTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Harvest Festival seedsTreasure Hunter.---NoNo
Harvest flask (6)Player Made (See Notes).10.2k gpNoYes
Harvest potion (3)Player Made (See Notes).2,201 gpNoYes
Hasty whirligig shellMonster Drop.3,687 gpNoYes
Hat (Back to the Freezer)Cupboard of the Hide and Seek staging area, in the North East corner of secret bunker.---YesYes
Hat (class 1)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Hat (class 2)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Hat (class 3)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Hat (class 4)Obtained during the Stealing Creation Mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Hat (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Hat (green)Bought from Rometti for 160 coins.450 gpNoYes
Hat (grey)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.701 gpNoYes