Name   |
Location   |
Market price   |
Quest |
Members Only |
Hypnotic parasol | Obtained by activating a Hypnotic parasol token. | --- | No | No |
Hymn book | Respawns at the chapel of the Citharede Abbey, East of Al Kharid. | --- | No | No |
Hydrix ring | Player made (See notes section). | 64.3m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix necklace | Player made (See notes section). | 65.7m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix dragon mask | Possible reward from a Reward casket (master). | 1.2m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix bracelet | Player made (See notes section). | 47.4m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix bolt tips | Player made (See notes section). | 6,018 gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix bakriminel bolts (e) | Player Made (See Notes). | 4,452 gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix bakriminel bolts | Player Made (See Notes). | 4,326 gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix amulet (unstrung) | Player made (See notes section). | 38.4m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix amulet | Player made (See notes section). | 69.6m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrix | Player made (See notes section). | 54.7m gp | No | Yes |
Hydrangeas | Randomly obtained while harvesting the Hydrangea bush in Het's Oasis; Obtained from the Water filtration system. | 121 gp | No | Yes |
Hydra scroll (Regrowth) | Using a Hydra pouch on an obelisk. | 183 gp | No | Yes |
Hydra pouch | Player made (See Notes Section). | 2,349 gp | No | Yes |
Huzamogaarb key | Pickpocketed from the Priest in the Huzamogaarb area of the Goblin Temple. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Huzamogaarb chaos crown (damaged) | Obtained by excavating Warforge scrap pile; Obtained by completing Warforge Dig Site Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. | --- | No | Yes |
Huzamogaarb chaos crown | Unknown, please submit. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunting mix (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 181 gp | No | Yes |
Hunting mix (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 101 gp | No | Yes |
Hunters' crossbow | Purchased from Leon for 1.3k. | 10.2k gp | No | Yes |
Hunter's talisman | Given to you by Sigli the Huntsman near Rellekka's entrance. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Hunter's legwear | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter's headwear | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter's gloves | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter's chestpiece | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter's Catalyst fragment | Received as a reward from Relomia. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter's boots | Bought from Boni (See Notes). | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter skill training dummy | Obtained from Large and Medium skill training dummy crates or from Treasure Hunter itself. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter potion (4) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 16.6k gp | No | Yes |
Hunter potion (3) | Player Made (See Notes). | 16.7k gp | No | Yes |
Hunter potion (2) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 684 gp | No | Yes |
Hunter potion (1) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 323 gp | No | Yes |
Hunter master cape | Purchased from Hunting expert. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter kit | Player made (See Notes Section). | 9 gp | No | Yes |
Hunter hood | Received from the Hunting expert when buying a Hunter cape. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter flask (6) | Player made (See Notes Section). | 35.6k gp | No | Yes |
Hunter cape (t) | Purchased from Hunting expert. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunter cape | Purchased from Hunting expert. | --- | No | Yes |
Hunk of crystal | It is obtained by killing one of three spirits: Ranalph Devere, Irvig Senay and San Tojalon in the dungeon under the Kharazi Jungle. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Humerus bone | Dropped by Tortoises (Level 79 or Level 92) only during the Odd Old Man's wish-list after the Fur 'n' Seek quest.
| --- | Yes | Yes |
Humble pie | Obtained by completing the Miss Schism vs. Draynor Village Court Case. | --- | No | Yes |
Human tooth | The searchable bunkbed in the southwest room of Gertrude's house. | --- | No | Yes |
Human eye | Found inside of the Sofa. | --- | No | No |
Human bones | Found inside the Fishtank. | --- | No | No |
Human ashes | Found by searching the furnace in the basement of the house in the Broken Home quest. | --- | Yes | No |
Huge xp lamp (Broken Home) | Reward from the weekly replay of the Broken Home quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Huge XP lamp | Reward from various Quests, Mini-quests, Achievement Diaries, and as a prize from the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge spiky steel salvage | Monster Drop. | 3,949 gp | No | No |
Huge spiky rune salvage | Monster Drop. | 37.4k gp | No | No |
Huge spiky mithril salvage | Monster Drop. | 5,264 gp | No | No |
Huge spiky iron salvage | Monster Drop. | 863 gp | No | No |
Huge spiky bronze salvage | Monster Drop. | 244 gp | No | No |
Huge spiky adamant salvage | Monster Drop. | 14.3k gp | No | No |
Huge space dust | Treasure Hunter. | --- | No | No |
Huge smouldering lamp | Huge smouldering lamp is an item obtainable via Treasure Hunter. | --- | No | No |
Huge prismatic lamp | This item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.
| --- | No | Yes |
Huge plated steel salvage | Monster Drop. | 3,524 gp | No | No |
Huge plated rune salvage | Monster Drop. | 37.2k gp | No | No |
Huge plated mithril salvage | Monster Drop. | 6,487 gp | No | No |
Huge plated iron salvage | Monster Drop. | 3,361 gp | No | No |
Huge plated bronze salvage | Monster Drop. | 2,073 gp | No | No |
Huge plated adamant salvage | Monster Drop. | 9,840 gp | No | No |
Huge parcel | Obtained during Postie Pete's Parcels From the Hedge event while skilling. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge meteorite | Treasure Hunter. | --- | No | No |
Huge loot crate | Monster drop. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge loot bag | Upgrade purchased from Dodgy Derek.
| --- | No | Yes |
Huge lava lantern | Treasure Hunter in May 2016. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Woodcutting) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Thieving) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Summoning) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Strength) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Smithing) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Slayer) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |
Huge fallen star (Runecrafting) | Won on the Treasure Hunter minigame. | --- | No | Yes |