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Blue dyePurchased from Oronwen; "Made" by giving Aggie the Witch the ingredients and a fee (See Notes).2,953 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide vambracesPlayer Made (See Notes Section).2,247 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide trimmed setPlayer made (See Notes Section).Unknown, please submit.NoNo
Blue dragonhide shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,989 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide setPlayer made (See Notes Section).9,006 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide gold-trimmed setPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide coifPlayer made (See Notes Section).2,860 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide chaps (t)Possible Treasure Trails reward (Hard Clue scroll).1.1m gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide chaps (g)Possible Treasure Trails reward (Hard Clue scroll).1.2m gpYesYes
Blue dragonhide chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,903 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,895 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide body (t)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (Hard Clue scroll).1.1m gpNoNo
Blue dragonhide body (g)Possible Treasure Trails reward (Hard Clue Scroll).1.1m gpNoYes
Blue dragonhide bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,546 gpNoNo
Blue dragonhideMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Blue dragons at the Manor farm.892 gpNoNo
Blue dragon tail-boneDropped by a Blue dragon only during the Odd Old Man's wish-list after the Fur 'n' Seek quest.---YesYes
Blue dragon scaleBlue dragons lair in 2 places within the Taverley members dungeon. The first spot is the main enclosure for the Blue Dragons which requires either a Dusty key to access, an Agility level of 70 and above, or an Agility level of 65 with a Summer pie to use the Agility pipe.1,086 gpNoYes
Blue dragon maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (hard).1.3m gpNoNo
Blue dragon leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,161 gpNoNo
Blue dragon egg (unchecked)Monster Drop.315.1k gpNoYes
Blue dragon eggMonster drop.---NoYes
Blue dragonResult of checking a Blue dragon egg (unchecked); Result of breeding dragons at Player-Owned Farms.0 gpNoYes
Blue destabiliserGiven to you by Diango during the Halloween event 2006. ---YesNo
Blue crystalSearch the chest past the door of cyan light.---YesYes
Blue crab potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Blue crab & gissel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Blue crab & edicap potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Blue crabPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop. Possible to spawn on the starting tables in a Dungeoneering dungeon0 gpNoYes
Blue cogFound in the Clock Tower basement, accessed via the trapdoor North East of the tower - See step 3 for a map.---YesYes
Blue circlePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blue checkered shirtPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Blue charm sliceMonster drop.---NoYes
Blue charm (Dungeoneering)Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Blue charmMonster Drop; Player Made (See Notes); Stolen from Average and Rich chests in Dorgesh-Kaan; Bought from Nomad or Zimberfizz for 30 Soul Wars Zeal; Possible reward for burning a Vyrewatch corpse; obtained from a Spirit impling; Pickpocketed from Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Blue capeReceived from Zimberfizz after completing Nomad's Requiem.---YesYes
Blue boaterPossible reward from completing a medium clue scroll1.3m gpNoYes
Blue blubber jellyfishPlayer Made (See Notes).10.5k gpNoYes
Blue blossom seedPurchased from Papa Mambo in Herblore Habitat.798 gpNoYes
Blue beretPossible reward from a Treasure Trail.1.2m gpNoYes
Blue almondThe Blue almond is an item used in The Prisoner of Glouphrie created by using a minute crystal seed on the singing bowl.---NoYes
Blowpipe finsMonster Drop.226.6k gpNoYes
Blowpipe featherMonster Drop.230.6k gpNoYes
Blowpipe chitinMonster Drop.252.7k gpNoYes
Bloody mourner topMonster drop.---YesYes
Bloody journalFound on the body of Palkeera in the Shadow Realm during Dishonour among Thieves.---YesYes
Bloodwood logsCut from a Bloodwood tree.
Wilderness locations: Chaos temple, Northeast of the Demonic Ruins and South of the Pirates' Hideout.
Quest related locations: Soul Wars (after Nomad's Requiem), The ritual plateau (after Ritual of the Mahjarrat) and outside the Darkmeyer Arboretum (after The Branches of Darkmeyer).
Bloodweed seedThese can be purchased from Notterazzo in the Bandit Camp within the Wilderness.17.2k gpNoYes
Bloodweed potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes)9,421 gpNoYes
Bloodweed incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).21.3k gpNoYes
Bloodveld younglingOn the lower and middle tiers of Darkmeyer.---YesYes
BloodstoneGiven to the player by Vanescula Drakan after the completion of the River of Blood quest.---NoYes
Bloodied kyzajThe Bloodied kyzaj is a quest reward for completing The Mighty Fall quest and is given if you choose to slay Zanik.---NoYes
Bloodcap MushroomIsadafar, West of the Tirannwn mushroom patch.---YesYes
Blood-stained glassPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blood-soaked featherMonster drop.---NoYes
Blood'n'tar snelm (round)Player made (See Notes Section).3,096 gpNoYes
Blood'n'tar snelm (pointed)Player made (See Notes Section).3,495 gpNoYes
Blood wardFound in the Western side of the Nodon Front after completing the Blood Ward puzzle.---YesYes
Blood tiaraMade by using a tiara on the blood altar while carrying a blood talisman in your inventory.4,485 gpNoYes
Blood tentacleThis pet drops as loot from the Nex: Angel of Death encounter.---NoYes
Blood talisman staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Blood talismanReward for completion of Legacy of Seergaze; Possible reward from Vyrewatch Corpse Burning.52.2k gpYesYes
Blood spindle wandPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Blood spindle trapPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Blood spindle staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Blood spindle shortbow (u)Player made (see Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Blood spindle shortbowPlayer made (see Notes section).0 gpNoNo
Blood spindle longbow (u)Player made (see Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Blood spindle longbowPlayer made (see Notes section).0 gpNoYes
Blood spindle branchesAcquired from chopping a Blood spindle tree or bought from the Smuggler's shop.0 gpNoNo
Blood rune (Runespan)The Runespan---NoYes
Blood rune (o)In the chest in the Enigmatic hoardstalker room.---NoYes
Blood runePlayer Made (See Notes); Potential loot from Pickpocketing Heroes; Monster Drop; Spawns in Wilderness: East of the Greater Demon House and South East of Red Dragon Isle, near the Poison Spiders.337 gpNoYes
Blood reaver scroll (Blood Siphon)Player Made (See Notes).4,614 gpNoYes
Blood of the HybridFound on a table in Meiyerditch laboratory.---NoYes