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Artisan's bandana add-onWon from Treasure Hunter; Purchased at Stealing Creation for 100 Reward points.---NoYes
Artisan's bandanaThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame, as well as points from the Stealing Creation Minigame.---NoYes
Artisan monkey trinketArtisan monkey trinket is an item involved with the Zodiac Training Treasure Hunter promotion. It is gained from completing one of the columns on the zodiac card.---NoNo
Arthur portraitBought from Sir Renitee for 1k Coins. ---NoYes
Arthur companion pet tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Gill.5.3m gpNoNo
Artefact receiptThe Artefact receipt is given to players when they have taken all the artefacts to Simon Templeton during the Dealing with Scabaras quest.0 gpYesYes
Artefact locations listIs assigned by the God emissaries.0 gpNoYes
Artefact empowered instructionsThe Artefact empowerment instructions is an item given to the player on the fourth skill-related assignment that's given by God Emissary leaders.0 gpNoYes
ArtefactObtained by using a Trowel on one of the artifact spots located in the unfinished train link in Dorgesh-Kaan.---YesYes
Arrowstorm drapeBought from the Grand Exchange.6,231 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 4)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 3)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 2)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrows (class 1)Player made during the Stealing Creation minigame (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Arrowheads (Varrock Museum)Varrock Museum's Archaeological exhibit.---NoYes
Arrow shaft (Dungeoneering)Player made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Arrow shaftPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Monster drop.35 gpNoNo
Arrav's heartReceived from Ali the Wise(Ritual of the Mahjarrat) or taken from the pedestal in the castle.0 gpNoYes
ArmsDigging one of the three graves at the Mausoleum, north of Canifis.---YesYes
Armour spikes (alloy)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Armour spikesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Armour shard (Another Slice of H.A.M.)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Armour gizmo shellPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Armour gizmoPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Armadylean yellowObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Aerated sediment; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.11.8k gpNoYes
Armadylean soulstoneMonster drop.---NoYes
Armadylean ceremonial robe topThis item can obtained by redeeming 500 Astromancer credits. ---NoNo
Armadylean ceremonial robe bottomThe Armadylean ceremonial robe bottom is an item that can obtained by redeeming 250 Astromancer credits. ---NoNo
Armadyl's featherObtained from Armadyl.---YesYes
Armadyl's Book of LawPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Armadyl's assaultPossible monster drop.---NoYes
Armadyl totemMonster drop. 0 gpNoNo
Armadyl stolePossible reward from an elite clue scroll.1.2m gpNoYes
Armadyl statuetteA possible reward from killing another player in a PvP world.0 gpNoNo
Armadyl runePlayer made (See Notes section).2,345 gpYesYes
Armadyl robe topTreasure Trails.1.3m gpNoYes
Armadyl robe legsPossible reward from Treasure Trails (level 2 Clue scroll).1.3m gpNoYes
Armadyl pendantAquired during the Temple of Ikov quest.---YesYes
Armadyl page 4Possible reward from any clue scroll.37.6k gpNoYes
Armadyl page 3Possible reward from any clue scroll.36.6k gpNoYes
Armadyl page 2Possible reward from any clue scroll.36.2k gpNoYes
Armadyl page 1Possible reward from any clue scroll.51.2k gpNoYes
Armadyl mitreTreasure Trails.1.3m gpNoYes
Armadyl hilt shardMonster drop.12.9k gpNoYes
Armadyl hiltMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).6.5m gpNoYes
Armadyl helmet shardMonster drop.5,125 gpNoYes
Armadyl helmet (charged)Player made (See notes section).---NoYes
Armadyl helmetMonster Drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).3.0m gpNoYes
Armadyl godswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).7.3m gpNoYes
Armadyl glovesMonster drop.3.4m gpNoYes
Armadyl dragonhide blessed setPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Armadyl crozierPossible reward from Treasure Trails (level 4 Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Armadyl crossbow shardMonster drop.16.8k gpNoYes
Armadyl crossbowMonster drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).3.8m gpNoYes
Armadyl communiquéAfter completing the Temple of Ikov Quest, a Guardian of Armadyl will randomly give this item to you if you sided against Lucien.---YesYes
Armadyl cloakPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Armadyl chestplate shardMonster drop.1,584 gpNoYes
Armadyl chestplateMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).5.4m gpYesYes
Armadyl chainskirt shardMonster drop.25.5k gpNoYes
Armadyl chainskirtMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).4.5m gpNoYes
Armadyl buckler shardMonster drop.244 gpNoYes
Armadyl bucklerMonster drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).3.3m gpNoYes
Armadyl bootsMonster drop.3.8m gpNoYes
Armadyl battlestaffPlayer made (See Notes Section).151.5m gpNoYes
Armadyl armour set (sk)Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Armadyl armour set (lg)Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Arm (Right)Dropped by the Skeletal Horror in the arena to the west of the Odd Old Man's shack while fighting it.---NoYes
Arm (Left)Dropped by the Skeletal Horror in the arena to the west of the Odd Old Man's shack while fighting it.---NoYes
Argway seedPossible reward from capturing jadinkos in Herblore Habitat.---NoYes
Argway potion (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Argonite WarhammerPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Argonite spearPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Argonite RapierPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Argonite plateskirtPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes