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Thaumic chronometerThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. ---NoYes
Thatch spar (medium)By hacking medium jungles on Tai Bwo Wannai village 34 gpNoYes
Thatch spar (light)By hacking light jungle in Tai Bwo Wannai village.36 gpNoYes
Thatch spar (dense)By hacking dense jungles on Tai Bwo Wannai village.80 gpNoYes
Thaler It can be earned by playing any of the selected 14 minigames and is rewarded at a rate of 1 thaler every 5 minutes. In addition, a different minigame is spotlighted every three days to reward 1 thaler every minute. 0 gpNoYes
Thalassus toothQuest item.---YesYes
Thalassia's RevengeBy completing the voyage around the Wushanko Isles eight times in the Beyond the Arc Treasure Hunter event.---NoYes
Tetsu wakizashiPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Tetsu setObtained from Sojobo. ---YesYes
Tetsu platelegsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.3m gpNoYes
Tetsu katanaPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Tetsu helmPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.2m gpNoYes
Tetsu bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.5m gpNoYes
Tetrahedron 4Found within rubble near the mural on the wall where you first arrive in Kethsi.---YesYes
Tetrahedron 3Northeast along the coastline, in rubble; found with a Strange device.---YesYes
Tetrahedron 2Obtained by searching rubble on a small island.---YesYes
Tetrahedron 1Obtained from the wall puzzle requiring Bob's Collar.---YesYes
Tetracompass piece (right)Randomly obtained while Excavating hotspots or material caches; Reward from several Collections (See Notes).---NoYes
Tetracompass piece (needle)Randomly obtained while Excavating hotspots or material caches; Reward from several Collections (See Notes).---NoYes
Tetracompass piece (left)Randomly obtained while Excavating hotspots or material caches; Reward from several Collections (See Notes).---NoYes
Tetracompass piece (dial)Randomly obtained while Excavating hotspots or material caches; Reward from several Collections (See Notes).---NoYes
Tetracompass (unpowered)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Tetracompass (powered)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Test paperGiven by Professor Henry in the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence.---NoNo
Tessa's soulbound armourOn an armor stand in the Western barracks on the ground floor of the Black Knights' Castle.---YesYes
Terrorbird wingMonster drop.---YesYes
Terrorbird plushie Christmas piñata loot bag. 0 gpNoNo
Terrorbird mountBought from Solomon's store (for free) from April 4th until 23:59 on the 30th April 2016.---NoNo
Terrier puppyPurchased from Pet Shops.---NoNo
TerrierObtained from growing a Terrier puppy.---NoNo
Terrible pie (uncooked)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Terrible piePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Terrasaur maulPlayer Made (See Notes).258.0m gpNoYes
Terracotta statueBought from Boni.---NoYes
Teralith LeggingsThey can be bought for 10000 Teci from the Armoursmith in the city of Mazcab. They provide the best defensive bonuses for thier particular slot.---NoYes
Teralith Helmet This item can be bought for 8500 Teci from the Armoursmith in Mazcab. Besides Daemonheim-only armour. It possesses the best defensive bonus for an item in this slot---NoYes
Teralith GauntletsThey can be purchased for 6500 Teci from the Armoursmith in Mazcab. Besides Daemonheim-only armour. This item has the best defense bonus of any item located in this slot.---NoYes
Teralith Cuirass. It can be purchased for 12500 Teci (rewarded for completing Raids) from the Armoursmith in Mazcab. Besides Daemonheim-only armour, it offers the best defensive bonuses for any item in its slot, tied with other Raids equipment. ---NoYes
Teralith bootsThis item can be bought for 6500 Teci from the Armoursmith in Mazcab. This item has the best defensive bonuses for an item located in this slot.---NoYes
Tenti pineappleGiven to you by Al Shabim at the Bedabin Camp. ---YesYes
TentEastern side of Ice Mountain.---YesNo
Tengu tsubaCross Guard standard voyage in the shield region of Player-Owned Ports.---NoYes
Temple library keyGiven to you by Drezel at the Temple of Paterdomus, west of Canifis.---YesYes
Tempest bodyObtained in raids.---NoYes
Tempered fungal shaftObtained from the Zygomite Carestyling activity on the Ranch Out of Time island.150 gpNoYes
Telos' tendrilMonster drop from Telos, the Warden---NoYes
Telescope lensesPossible reward from opening a Prawn ball.22 gpNoYes
Telescope (treasure hunter)Can be bought from the Rare token store for 7,000 tokens.---NoNo
TelescopeBought from Boni.---NoYes
Teleportation crystal (damaged)Obtained from crystallised rubble during the quest.---YesYes
Teleportation crystalPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Teleportation compactorPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Teleport to housePlayer Made (See Notes).8,952 gpNoYes
Teleport crystal (3)Monster drop.---NoYes
Teleport crystal (2)Monster drop.---NoYes
Teleport crystal (1)Monster drop.---NoYes
Teleorb (While Guthix Sleeps)Given to you by Silif during the quest, While Guthix Sleeps.---YesYes
Teleorb (Ritual of the Mahjarrat)Obtained from Akrisae in Falador.---YesYes
TelegramSearch a sorting table in the penguin secret hideout on the iceberg.---YesYes
Tele-orb (Fist of Guthix)Given to you by Fiara when you enter the battle lobby.---NoNo
Tegid's soapObtained by searching the laundry basket near Tegid, in Taverley---YesYes
TeddySearching a bush at the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Tectonic robe topPlayer Made (See Notes).39.5m gpNoYes
Tectonic robe bottomPlayer Made (See Notes).27.6m gpNoYes
Tectonic maskPlayer Made (See Notes).13.8m gpNoYes
Tectonic energyMonster drop.732.1k gpNoYes
TeciObtained by defeating Beastmaster Durzag and Yakamaru. ---NoYes
Technical plansChest on second floor of the building inside the Desert Mining Camp.---YesYes
Teasing stickYanille or Nardah hunting shops and from a Hunter kit (Made by using the level 71 Lunar spell, Hunter Kit).1,950 gpNoYes
Teapot with leaves (porcelain)Player made using Tea leaves on a Teapot. ---NoYes
Teapot with leavesPlayer made using Tea leaves on a Teapot.---NoYes
Teapot (porcelain)Shelves (Wooden shelves 3, Oak shelves 2 and better) in your house. ---YesYes
Teapot (empty)Shelves (Wooden shelves 1 and 2, Oak shelves 1) in your house.---NoYes
Team-9 capeBought from Simon. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.539 gpNoNo
Team-8 capeBought from Edmond. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.673 gpNoNo