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Battle hood 0Player made (See Notes Section).647.4k gpNoYes
Oculi apoterrasaur (unchecked)Found when skinning Oculi apoterrasaurs in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).650.9k gpNoYes
Spicati apoterrasaur tilia (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.665.7k gpNoYes
Spicati apoterrasaur purpura (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.667.6k gpNoYes
Dragon chain armour set (sk)The Grand Exchange.675.1k gpNoYes
Powder of penancePlayer Made (See Notes).678.7k gpNoYes
Oculi apoterrasaur glacies (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.695.1k gpNoYes
Elder rune pickaxe + 3Player Made (See Notes).696.8k gpNoYes
Dazzling whirligig shellMonster Drop.700.6k gpNoYes
Spicati apoterrasaur (unchecked)Found when skinning Spicati apoterrasaurs in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).701.3k gpNoYes
Karil's skirt (broken)Karil's skirt degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.704.8k gpNoYes
Dharok's platelegs (broken)Dharok's platelegs degrade to this after 15 hours of combat.707.7k gpNoYes
Torag's platelegs (broken)Torag's platelegs degrade to these after 15 hours of combat.711.6k gpNoYes
Dagon'hai robes setThe Grand Exchange.714.1k gpNoYes
Off-hand ripper clawMonster drop.714.1k gpNoYes
Laceration bootsMonster Drop.719.1k gpNoYes
Black salamander (unchecked)Obtained from Dream of Iaia. 721.2k gpNoYes
Shovel sword override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.724.3k gpNoNo
Black mask (10)Monster drop.730.9k gpNoYes
Arcane apoterrasaur natura (Unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.731.1k gpNoYes
Scimitops palus (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.732.7k gpNoYes
Arcane apoterrasaur iratum (unchecked)Dream of Iaia.734.8k gpNoYes
Verac's plateskirt (broken)Verac's plateskirt degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.735.5k gpNoYes
Dragon chain armour set (lg)Grand Exchange.737.4k gpNoYes
Scimitops blavum (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.745.7k gpNoYes
Necronium platebody + 3Player made (See Notes Section).751.3k gpNoYes
Holy elixirMonster drop.751.9k gpNoYes
Ahrim's robe skirt (broken)Player made (See Notes Section).752.0k gpYesYes
Santa costume boots (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 760.3k gpNoNo
Moonstone necklacePlayer Made (See Notes).761.0k gpNoYes
Elder rune round shield + 3Player made (See Notes Section).763.0k gpNoYes
Dragonstone greavesRandomly found in either the Triskelion Treasures or Crystal Key chest.768.4k gpNoNo
Elder rune armoured boots + 5Player made (See Notes Section).769.6k gpNoYes
Ocean's Archer Body and Hands tokenWon from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). 779.0k gpNoNo
Tectonic energyMonster drop.786.3k gpNoYes
Pirate impling jarCan be obtained after having captured a Pirate impling (Completion of the Rocking Out quest and 76 Hunter is required.)792.4k gpNoYes
Shield right halfBought from Siegfried Erkle in the Legends' Guild.795.0k gpNoYes
Crystal legsPurchased from Angof.797.3k gpNoYes
Small crate (vintage components)Player Made (See Notes).797.4k gpNoYes
Dwarf multicannonGrand Exchange Clerk at the Grand Exchange.798.4k gpNoYes
Dragon sq shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).799.3k gpNoYes
Bane platelegs + 4Player made (See Notes Section).804.8k gpNoYes
Dragonstone gauntletsRandomly found in either the Triskelion Treasures or Crystal Key chest.819.5k gpNoNo
Dinosaurhide chapsPlayer Made (See Notes).821.9k gpNoYes
Dragonstone helmRandomly found in either the Triskelion Treasures or Crystal Key chest.827.8k gpNoNo
Arcane apoterrasaur (unchecked)Found when skinning Arcane apoterrasaurs in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).839.7k gpNoYes
Fortune cape tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie.844.7k gpNoNo
Khopesh of the KharidianDropped by monsters in the Sophanem slayer dungeon and in chest from Shifting tombs.848.7k gpNoYes
Magical cape rackPlayer made (See notes section).849.4k gpNoYes
Akrisae's war maceObtained as a possible reward from the Barrows chest.855.6k gpNoYes
Glaiven wing-tipWhere rune dragons are slain.856.3k gpNoYes
Revenant bane longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).859.7k gpNoYes
Sirenic maskPlayer Made (See Notes).863.3k gpNoYes
Bane 2h sword + 4Player made (See Notes Section).864.0k gpNoYes
Scimitops (unchecked)Found when skinning Scimitops in Big Game Hunter; Chance to obtain from Irwinsson's Hunter Mark Shop's Dinosaur Egg option (80 hunter marks).864.9k gpNoYes
Bane platebody + 3Player made (See Notes Section).866.3k gpNoYes
Crystal bodyPurchased from Angof.869.6k gpNoYes
Necronium 2h greataxe + 4Player made (See Notes Section).875.9k gpNoYes
Elder rune platebody + 2Player made (See Notes Section).877.7k gpNoYes
Zamorak hiltMonster drop.885.2k gpNoYes
Ripper clawMonster drop.886.3k gpNoYes
Adamant gold-trimmed armour set (sk)The Grand Exchange.897.5k gpNoNo
Elder rune longsword + 4Player made (See Notes Section).909.4k gpNoYes
New crystal bowBought from Islwyn in Isafdar (he moves between the Magic trees southwest of Lletya and a clearing northeast of the Tyras camp every 5 minutes).915.5k gpNoYes
Asciatops aurum (unchecked)Dream of Iaia.923.1k gpNoYes
Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or) Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).935.6k gpNoYes
Dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp) Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).943.2k gpNoYes
Powerburst of opportunity recipePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Bane platebody + 4Player made (See Notes Section).945.5k gpNoYes
Asciatops acta (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.945.9k gpNoYes
Elder rune platelegs + 3Player made (See Notes Section).952.9k gpNoYes
Bucket staff override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event; Bought from Sheldon for 50 Rune Coins.958.0k gpNoNo
Dragonstone hauberkRandomly found in either the Triskelion Treasures or Crystal Key chest.959.1k gpNoNo
Verac's brassard (broken)Verac's brassard degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.965.4k gpNoYes
Golden rosesRandomly obtained while harvesting any bush in Het's Oasis; Obtained from the Water filtration system.965.9k gpNoYes