Name   |
Location   |
Market price   |
Quest |
Members Only |
Khali brew | Bought from the Khazard barman. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Khazard cell keys | Stolen from a lazy Khazard guard after giving him a Khali brew. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Khazard armour | Spawns On an armor stand in most northeastern house of Fight Arena. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Khazard helmet | Respawns on an armor stand in most North-Eastern house of Fight Arena. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lathas' amulet | King Lathas in East Ardougne. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Pet kitten | Quest reward; Purchased from Gertrude. | --- | Yes | No |
Klank's gauntlets | Given to you by Klank on the third floor of the Underground Pass dungeon. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Cog (Clock Tower) | Respawns in the Clock Tower dungeons. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lava eel | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lens | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lens mould | Observatory dungeon, in the kitchen guarded by a Goblin. Inspect the stove. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Lever | Respawns in the Temple of Ikov dungeon, in the room west of broken bridge. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Liquid honey | Given to you by Elena in West Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Locating crystal | Search the tomb dolmen in Bervirius's tomb on Cairn Isle. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Magenta key | Dropped by Melzar the mad in Melzar's Maze. | --- | No | No |
Magic gold feather | Received from King Arthur. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Magic ogre potion | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
A magic scroll (Plague City) | Reward from the Plague City quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Magic whistle | Found on a table on the top floor of Draynor Manor IF you have a
Holy table napkin with you; Spawns at various locations in the Fisher King's realm. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Magnet (Recruitment Drive) | On a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Hazeel's mark | Reward from Hazeel Cult quest if you join Clivet; Found in Butler Jones' room. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Thieves' armband | Gang Headquarters (Katrine, leader of Black Arm Gang, or Stravan, leader of Phoenix Gang). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Maze key | Bought from Siegfried Erkle in the Legends' Guild. Given by Guildmaster at the Champions' Guild. | --- | Yes | No |
Message (Romeo and Juliet) | None. Item is no longer obtainable since the Romeo and Juliet quest has been removed. | --- | Yes | No |
Metal key | Dropped by the Mercenary captain. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Barrel (Tourist Trap) | In the underground mine of the Desert Mining Camp. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Miscellaneous key | Received from Grip (or your Black Arm Gang partner). | 0 gp | Yes | Yes |
Mixed chemicals | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Pungent pot | respawns on the first floor of Sinclair Mansion. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Killers' print | Made by comparing the suspect's fingerprint with the Unknown print. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Cave nightshade | Respawns in the Skavid caves below Gu'Tanoth.Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Nitroglycerin | Obtained by showing the Terry Balando an Unidentified liquid. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Nulodion's notes | Given by Nulodion at the Dwarven base south of the Ice Mountain. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Odd cocktail | Player made (see notes). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Potion (Watchtower) | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Ogre relic | Given to you by the Watchtower Wizard, on the third floor of the Watchtower north of Yanille, in exchange for the Relic part 1, the Relic part 2, and the Relic part 3. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Relic part 1 | Given to you by Og at the Ogre settlement, northwest of Yanille, in exchange for the Gold. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Ogre tooth | Kill Gorad on the small island south of Yanille. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Oil can | Respawns in the Draynor Manor. | --- | No | No |
Oily fishing rod | Player made (See Note Section).
Can be redeemed from Gerrant after the completion of the Heroes Quest | --- | Yes | Yes |
Old boot | Random result of Trawler Fishing, tracking, digging, and possibly from the Mystery Box in the Quizmaster Random Event. | --- | No | No |
Old journal | Found near a well in the Underground Pass dungeon. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Old tooth | Using a Trowel, with a Specimen jar and a Specimen brush in your inventory, on the discolored soil patch north east of the Buried skeleton in the north east corner at the Digsite east of Varrock. | --- | No | Yes |
Orange key | Dropped by Ghost in Melzar's Maze. | --- | No | No |
Orb of light | None. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Orb of protection | In a chest in one of the ruins of the Khazard Stronghold. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Palm leaf | Palm leaves may be obtained by 'shaking' the leafy palm trees located around the small pool of water in the middle of the Kharazi Jungle. | --- | No | Yes |
Panning tray | On a table in the southern part of the Digsite, east of
Varrock. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Paramaya ticket | Kaleb, Paramaya Inn, at Shilo Village. | --- | No | Yes |
Skin paste | Skin paste is a quest item for Prince Ali Rescue. | 0 gp | No | No |
Armadyl pendant | Aquired during the Temple of Ikov quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Pendant of Lucien | Received from Lucien in Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Phoenix crossbow | Respawns in the Phoenix gang weapons storeroom. The phoenix crossbow can only be obtained normally by Black Arm Gang members after killing the Weaponsmaster in the Phoenix weapon store during the Shield of Arrav quest, as Phoenix Gang members cannot attack the Weaponsmaster, although members of both gangs can use Telekinetic grab to obtain the Phoenix crossbow. You can also go back after Shield of Arrav, as a member of the Phoenix Gang, and talk to Straven to get the store room key back, and re-obtain the Phoenix Crossbow. | 0 gp | No | No |
Picture | Respawns at a table in Edmond's house in East Ardougne. It can be found in Edmond and Arlena's house in the north-west of East Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Pigeon cage (full) | Respawns behind Jerico's house in East Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Plague sample | Given to you by Elena in West Ardougne. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Sheep bones (1-4) | Dropped by diseased sheep. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Poison | Respawns in the Draynor Manor kitchen storage room; Bought form Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse after completion of Horror From The Deep and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild. | --- | Yes | No |
Sheep feed | Given to you by Councillor Halgrive. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Poisoned fish food | Player Made (See Notes Section). | 0 gp | No | No |
Portrait | Upstairs in Falador castle inside the bedroom cupboard. | 0 gp | No | No |
Crystal (Purple) | Given to you by the Mad skavid in the Skavid caves below Gu'Tanoth. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Relic part 2 | Given to you by Grew at the Ogre island, west of Yanille, in exchange for the Ogre tooth. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Relic part 3 | Given to you by Toban on the small island south of Yanille. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Crystal (Yellow) | Given to you by Og at the Ogre settlement or Grew at the Ogre island, west of Yanille. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Pressure gauge | This item is found submerged in the waters of the piranha-infested fountain in the south-western area of Draynor manor. To get this item, the player must kill the piranha using poisoned fish food made from the poison (found in the witch's larder in the main floor) and the fish food (found in the 1st floor among the Ghosts). | 0 gp | No | No |
Prototype dart tip | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Prototype dart | Player made (See Notes Section). | --- | Yes | Yes |
Radimus notes | Given to you by Radimus Erkle, at the Legends Guild. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Railing | Given by Captain Lawgof. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Piece of railing | Search the cage containing a Unicorn in the Underground Pass dungeon. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Rashiliya corpse | Taken from the dolmen in Rashiliyia's tomb after you have defeated Nazastarool in its 3 forms. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Rat poison | Respawns at the clock Tower dungeon, northwestern corridor.
Given to you by Hooknosed Jack in
Varrock. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Rat's tail | Dropped by all rats, except Giant rats. | --- | Yes | No |
Raw giant carp | Player caught during the Fishing Contest quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |