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A broochSearch the bedside tables in past A at Farmer Brumty's farm north of East Ardougne.---YesYes
A containerPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
A handwritten book (The Eyes of Glouphrie)Obtained during The Eyes of Glouphrie.---YesYes
A handwritten book (The Prisoner of Glouphrie)On a crate in Bolrie's lab.---YesYes
A journal pageObtained by killing bosses in the Dominion Tower.---NoYes
A key (Waterfall Quest)Search crates in the eastern sections of the Tree Gnome Village Maze dungeon and on the floor in the western section of the Waterfall Dungeon.---YesYes
A key to a chestSearch a chest in Golrie's caves, in the Tree Gnome Village Maze dungeon.---YesYes
A magic scroll (Hand in the Sand)Given to you by Bert.---YesYes
A magic scroll (Plague City)Reward from the Plague City quest.---YesYes
A patternGiven to you by Ava at Draynor Manor.---YesYes
A scrap of paperIn the Lair of Kang Admi during the Glorious Memories quest.---YesYes
A scruffy noteObtain from Bravek during the Plague City quest.---YesYes
A small keySearch the barrels in the boarded up building on the south side of West Ardougne where Elena is detained.---YesYes
A special tiaraDropped by Suqahs during the Lunar Diplomacy quest.---YesYes
A stone bowlInside of boxes in the Elemental Dungeon.---YesYes
A stone bowl (lava)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
A Taste of HopeReceived from Ivan Strom.---YesYes
A used spellObtained after casting a Druidic spell during the Nature Spirit quest.---YesYes
A visit to an old friendFound on the tables around Sliske's secret room.---YesYes
AagiReceived from The Archivist in the Hall of Memories.---NoYes
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer bodyPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, obtainable during the promotion from 13th to 17th of October 2016.0 gpNoYes
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer feetPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, obtainable during the promotion from 13th to 17th of October 2016.0 gpNoYes
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer handsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, obtainable during the promotion from 13th to 17th of October 2016.0 gpNoYes
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer headPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, obtainable during the promotion from 13th to 17th of October 2016.0 gpNoYes
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer legsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, obtainable during the promotion from 13th to 17th of October 2016.0 gpNoYes
Abomination capeIt is a possible drop from the Abomination after the quest Hero's Welcome. 720.3m gpYesYes
Absorption bootsMonster drop.0 gpNoYes
Abyssal bookReward from the Mage Of Zamorak at the completion of his Miniquest.---NoYes
Abyssal charmMonster drop.---NoYes
Abyssal demon scroll (Abyssal Block)Player Made (See Notes).2,953 gpNoYes
Abyssal fleshMonster drop.1,208 gpNoYes
Abyssal headMonster Drop.---NoYes
Abyssal head (stuffed)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssal lurker pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).8,270 gpNoYes
Abyssal Lurker scroll (Abyssal Stealth)Player made (See Notes Section).650 gpNoYes
Abyssal minionPurchased from Soul Wars.---NoYes
Abyssal orbMonster drop.1.4m gpNoYes
Abyssal parasite pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,808 gpNoYes
Abyssal Parasite scroll (Abyssal Drain)Player made (See Notes Section).551 gpNoYes
Abyssal soul remnantFound in various locations on Erebus.---YesYes
Abyssal titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).16.9k gpNoYes
Abyssal Titan scroll (Essence Shipment)Player made (See Notes Section).546 gpNoYes
Abyssal vine whipCan be created by combining a Whip vine from the Jadinko Lair with a regular Abyssal whip. ---NoYes
Abyssal wandMonster drop.201.0k gpNoYes
Abyssal whipMonster drop.74.2k gpNoYes
Abyssal whip (joke)Obtained by talking with your Abyssal minion. ---NoYes
Abyssalbane arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Abyssalbane arrowheadsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssalbane barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssalbane boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssalbane bolts (unf)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Abyssalbane orePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Academy 2h swordObtained from the tutorial of combat academy---NoNo
Academy arrowObtained from the tutorial of the combat academy.0 gpNoYes
Academy bodyThe Academy body is a body obtained from the tutorial of the Combat Academy.---NoYes
Academy boltThe Academy bolts are a set of bolts obtained from the tutorial of combat academy.---NoNo
Academy chapsThe Academy chaps are chaps obtained from the tutorial of the Combat Academy.0 gpNoYes
Academy cowlThe Academy cowl is a cowl obtained from the tutorial of the Combat Academy.---NoNo
Academy crossbowThe Academy crossbow is a crossbow obtained from the tutorial of combat academy.---NoNo
Academy daggerThe Academy dagger is a dagger obtained from the tutorial of combat academy.0 gpNoNo
Academy full helmCan be obtained at the combat academy.---NoNo
Academy knifeThe academy knife is a knife obtained from the Combat Academy tutorial.---NoNo
Academy maceThe Academy mace is a mace obtained from the tutorial of the Combat Academy.---NoNo
Academy magic hatThe Academy magic hat is a hat obtained from the tutorial of combat academy.0 gpNoYes
Academy magic robe skirtCombat Academy.0 gpNoNo
Academy magic robe topCombat Academy.0 gpNoNo
Academy platebodyCombat Academy0 gpNoNo
Academy platelegsThe academy scimitar is a scimitar obtained from the tutorial of the combat academy in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Academy scimitarThe academy scimitar is a scimitar obtained from the tutorial of the combat academy in Lumbridge.---NoNo
Academy shortbowThe Academy shortbow is a shortbow obtained from the tutorial of the Combat Academy.---NoNo
Academy wand The Academy wand is a wand obtained from the tutorial of Combat Academy.---NoNo
Acadia framePlayer Made (See Notes).76.0k gpNoYes
Acadia incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).5,084 gpNoYes
Acadia logsCut from an Acadia Tree.1,406 gpNoYes
Acadia plankPlayer made (See Notes).2,590 gpNoYes