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Name ![]() ![]() |
Location ![]() ![]() |
Market price ![]() ![]() |
Quest | Members Only |
Dagon'hai robe bottom | In a wardrobe closet located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knights' Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps quest. | 45.0k gp | Yes | Yes |
Dagon'hai history | Found on the West bookcase in the North Eastern corner of the Varrock Library. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Dagon'hai hat | Found inside a wardrobe located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knights' Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps; Monster drop. | 415.8k gp | Yes | Yes |
Dagger key | Found in the prison beneath the mansion. | --- | Yes | No |
Dagger (class 5) | Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section). | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Dagger (class 4) | Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Dagger (class 3) | Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Dagger (class 2) | Obtained in the Stealing Creation mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Dagger (class 1) | Made during the Stealing Creation mini-game. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Dagannoth scale | Monster drop. | --- | No | Yes |
Dagannoth ribs | Kill a Dagannoth after the Rag and Bone Man quest. | --- | Yes | Yes |
Dagannoth Kings teleport | Monster Drop. | 1,953 gp | No | Yes |
Dagannoth hide | Monster drop. | 3,502 gp | No | Yes |
Dagannoth egg | Monster drop. | --- | No | Yes |
Dagannoth bones | Dropped by Dagannoth Prime, Supreme, and Rex. Also a reward from the Dominion Tower. | 9,414 gp | No | Yes |
Daeyalt ore | Meiyerditch mine. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemonheim shard | Obtained when training Dungeoneering after a player has reached level 99. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemonheim aura 4 | Claimed from the Thok after completing the Elite Daemonheim task set. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemonheim aura 3 | Claimed from Talsar after completing the Hard Daemonheim task set. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemonheim aura 2 | Claimed from the Rewards Trader after completing the Medium Daemonheim task set. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemonheim aura 1 | Claimed from the Dungeoneering Tutor after completing the Easy Daemonheim task set. | --- | No | Yes |
Daemoncap zygomite (unchecked) | Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia. | 185.5k gp | No | Yes |
Daemoncap zygomite | Result of checking a Daemoncap zygomite (unchecked); Result of breeding Arcspore zygomite and/or Zanarian zygomite at Player-Owned Farms. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
Daconia rock | Search the roots in the Tree Gnome Stronghold dungeon. | --- | Yes | Yes |
D&D token (troll invasion) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (the pit) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (the circus) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (tears of guthix) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (sinkholes) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (shooting star) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | Yes | Yes |
D&D token (phoenix lair) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (penguin hide and seek) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | 0 gp | No | Yes |
D&D token (god statues) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (fish flingers) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (familiarisation) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |
D&D token (evil tree) | This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune. | --- | No | Yes |