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Dusk eelPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.---NoNo
Dusk eel & edicap potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Dusk eel & gissel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Dusk eel potatoPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
DuskweedThroughout dungeons on plants or monster drop; Bought from the Smuggler in the start room of dungeons in Daemonheim.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed clothPlayer made (See notes section).0 gpNoYes
Duskweed glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed hoodPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed orbPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Duskweed robe bottomPlayer made (see Notes section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed robe topPlayer made (See Notes Section) or monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Duskweed shoesPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Dusty keyBought from Siegfried Erkle in the Legends' Guild. Obtained from Velrak the explorer.---NoYes
Dusty scrollPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dusty Tarddian JournalSouth East Tarddiad, search crystals near the North to South bridge East of the entrance to Tarddiad.---YesYes
Dwarf brewPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dwarf fragmentFound by using the Memory wand on various items throughout the quest.---YesYes
Dwarf remainsThird floor or the watchtower south of the fenced Coal Trucks mining area.---YesYes
Dwarf snowman hatObtained during and after doing the 2007 Christmas Holiday Event.---NoNo
Dwarf squad (heavy)Bought during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Dwarf squad (heavy) (defeated)Can be found during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Dwarf squad (light)Bought during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Dwarf squad (light) (defeated)Can be found during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Dwarven army axeAcquired from Major Mary Rancour by saying you have lost your Dwarven army axe. Although, players who did not obtain it before its removal, of Machinery Of War, can obtain it from her by asking for "free stuff".---NoNo
Dwarven battleaxeGiven to you by Santiri.---YesYes
Dwarven battleaxe (restored)Given to you by Thurgo.---YesYes
Dwarven battleaxe (with gems)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dwarven black diamondGiven to you by Evryn while Mining and wearing a Jewelled black iron ring between October 5th and 29th 2013.---NoYes
Dwarven black iron oreObtained while mining, wearing a Black iron ring or Jewelled black iron ring.---NoYes
Dwarven chainaxeReceived after powering-up an Dwarven chainaxe (inactive).---NoNo
Dwarven chainaxe (inactive)Received when opening either a Small dwarven toolbox or a Large dwarven toolbox.---NoNo
Dwarven delightThis item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune, or brought with Valentine hearts.---NoNo
Dwarven fish extractorReceived after powering-up an Dwarven fish extractor (inactive).---NoNo
Dwarven fish extractor (inactive)Received when opening either a Small dwarven toolbox or a Large dwarven toolbox.---NoNo
Dwarven keyPickpocketed from Drorkar.---YesNo
Dwarven loreGiven to you by Rolad at the Dwarven base on the foot of the Ice Mountain, North of Falador.---YesYes
Dwarven ramhammerReceived after powering-up an Dwarven ramhammer (inactive).---NoNo
Dwarven ramhammer (inactive)Received when opening either a Small dwarven toolbox or a Large dwarven toolbox.---NoNo
Dwarven rock cakeMade for you by the old dwarf after you give him Asgarnian ale(g)---YesYes
Dinosaur scaleMonster Drop.29 gpNoYes
Dreadfowl scroll (Dreadfowl Strike)Player made.36 gpNoYes
Desert Wyrm scroll (Electric Lash)Player made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoYes
Dark arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).71 gpNoYes
Desert devil furObtained by hunting desert devils.77 gpNoYes
Diamond bolt tipsPlayer made.93 gpNoNo
Diseased kebbit furObtained from catching Diseased kebbits using the Hunter Skill.104 gpNoYes
Desert solePlayer made (See Notes).112 gpNoYes
Dragon dartPlayer made (See Notes Section); Possible Dragon impling jar loot.116 gpNoYes
Dwellberry seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, or bought in Vinesweeper.171 gpNoYes
Desert shirtShantay Pass store, south of Al Kharid.187 gpNoYes
Desert robeShantay Pass Shop, south of Al Kharid for 40 coins. 198 gpNoYes
Dragon bolt tipsPlayer made (See Notes Section).201 gpNoYes
Dinosaur clawsHarvesting produce from Feral and Ripper dinosaurs at the Ranch Out of Time.207 gpNoYes
Diamond boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).224 gpNoNo
Druid robe (bottom)Dropped by Druids in Taverley.229 gpNoNo
Dragon arrowPlayer made (See notes).233 gpNoYes
Death runeRespawns south-west of the abandoned house in Feldip hills, south of Gu'Tanoth. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.235 gpNoNo
Desert goat hornDropped by Goats and Billy Goats.239 gpNoYes
Diamond bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).265 gpNoYes
Druid's robe (top)Monster drop.267 gpNoNo
Dragon scale dustPlayer made (See Notes Section); Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.279 gpNoYes
Dragon javelinAbomination after the Hero's Welcome quest is completed. 289 gpNoYes
Dragon bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).317 gpNoYes
Dark kebbit furMonster drop.384 gpNoYes
Dreadfowl pouchPlayer made (See Notes).420 gpNoNo
Dragon boltsPlayer made (see notes).429 gpNoYes
Dragonfruit seedMonster Drop; Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).465 gpNoYes
Dashing kebbit furMonster drop.466 gpNoYes
Devil's snare seedMonster Drop.486 gpNoYes
Drakolith stone spiritObtained from mining Drakolith rocks; Monster Drop.500 gpNoYes
Dark animica stone spiritObtained from mining Dark animica rocks; Monster Drop.523 gpNoYes
Dragon arrowheadsLooted from Dragon impling jars.564 gpNoYes
DiamondPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from  Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin.596 gpNoNo
Dinosaur 'propellant'Obtained igniting Potterington Blend #102 Fertiliser.621 gpNoYes