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Diamond amulet (unstrung)Player made (See Notes Section).3,271 gpNoYes
Dwarven stout (1)Player made (See Notes Section).3,192 gpNoYes
Defence potion (3)Player made (See Notes); Bought from Lilly in the Warriors' Guild; Possible monster drop.3,187 gpNoNo
Dragon fire arrows (lit)Player made (See Notes Section).2,999 gpYesYes
Desert robes (Set two from Ali)Can be bought from Ali in Al Kharid when you finished his mini-quest(s).2,890 gpNoYes
DemonhideObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Fiery brimstone; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.2,824 gpNoYes
Death talismanObtained from Thorgel after completing his list; Monster drop. 2,757 gpNoYes
Desert top (Set one from Ali)Can be bought from Ali in Al-Kharid when you finished his mini quest(s).2,733 gpNoYes
Defence potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).2,662 gpNoNo
Desert bootsCan be bought from a variety of persons and stores: Shantay; Ali Morrisane after The Feud quest; Bandit Bargains in Bandit Camp (Desert); Monkey Colony General Store; Pollnivneach general store; Raetul and Co's Cloth Store in Sophanem; Rasolo the Wandering Merchant.2,638 gpNoYes
Dust runeMonster drop, or player made (see notes). 2,462 gpNoYes
Dragon fire arrows (unlit)Player made (See Notes Section).2,458 gpYesYes
Dragon bitter (m1)Player made (See Notes Section).2,207 gpNoYes
Dagannoth Kings teleport Monster Drop.1,953 gpNoYes
Dragon bonesMonster drop.1,914 gpNoNo
Defence potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,850 gpNoNo
Dragon bitter (1)Player made (See Notes Section).1,806 gpNoYes
Desert camo legsMade by bringing two Desert devil furs to the fancy dress shop owner in south-east Varrock.1,800 gpNoYes
Desert camo topMade by bringing two Desert devil furs to the fancy dress shop owner in south-east Varrock.1,769 gpNoYes
Dragon bitterPlayer made (See Notes Section); Sold at the "Ye Ol Dragon Inn" in Yanille.1,599 gpNoYes
Desert top (Set two from Ali)Can be bought from Ali in Al-Kharid when you finished his mini quest(s).1,528 gpNoYes
Dwarf weed seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper, and a possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse.1,391 gpNoYes
Davy kebbit hatMade by giving Frawd a Diseased kebbit fur.1,367 gpNoYes
Dwarven stout (m)Player made (See Notes Section); Reward from Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf.1,299 gpNoYes
Dwarven stoutBars in Falador and Burthorpe.1,164 gpNoNo
Decorated fishing urnA decorated fishing urn can be created while fishing with a decorated fishing urn (r) in your inventory.---NoYes
DinarrowPlayer Made (See Notes).932 gpNoYes
Desert wyrm pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).899 gpNoYes
Dark arrowheadsMonster drop.855 gpNoYes
Defence mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).812 gpNoYes
Dragonstone bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).799 gpNoYes
Dragon throwing axeMonster drop.767 gpNoYes
Diamond bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).734 gpNoYes
Dragonstone bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).726 gpNoYes
Diamond bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).674 gpNoYes
Defence mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).640 gpNoYes
Dinosaur 'propellant'Obtained igniting Potterington Blend #102 Fertiliser.621 gpNoYes
DiamondPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from  Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin.596 gpNoNo
Dragon arrowheadsLooted from Dragon impling jars.564 gpNoYes
Dark animica stone spiritObtained from mining Dark animica rocks; Monster Drop.526 gpNoYes
Drakolith stone spiritObtained from mining Drakolith rocks; Monster Drop.500 gpNoYes
Devil's snare seedMonster Drop.486 gpNoYes
Dashing kebbit furMonster drop.466 gpNoYes
Dragonfruit seedMonster Drop; Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).465 gpNoYes
Dragon boltsPlayer made (see notes).429 gpNoYes
Dreadfowl pouchPlayer made (See Notes).420 gpNoNo
Dark kebbit furMonster drop.384 gpNoYes
Dragon bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).317 gpNoYes
Dragon javelinAbomination after the Hero's Welcome quest is completed. 289 gpNoYes
Dragon scale dustPlayer made (See Notes Section); Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.281 gpNoYes
Druid's robe (top)Monster drop.267 gpNoNo
Diamond bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).265 gpNoYes
Desert goat hornDropped by Goats and Billy Goats.239 gpNoYes
Death runeRespawns south-west of the abandoned house in Feldip hills, south of Gu'Tanoth. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.235 gpNoNo
Dragon arrowPlayer made (See notes).233 gpNoYes
Druid robe (bottom)Dropped by Druids in Taverley.229 gpNoNo
Diamond boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).224 gpNoNo
Dinosaur clawsHarvesting produce from Feral and Ripper dinosaurs at the Ranch Out of Time.207 gpNoYes
Dragon bolt tipsPlayer made (See Notes Section).201 gpNoYes
Desert robeShantay Pass Shop, south of Al Kharid for 40 coins. 198 gpNoYes
Desert shirtShantay Pass store, south of Al Kharid.187 gpNoYes
Dwellberry seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, or bought in Vinesweeper.171 gpNoYes
Dragon dartPlayer made (See Notes Section); Possible Dragon impling jar loot.116 gpNoYes
Desert solePlayer made (See Notes).112 gpNoYes
Diseased kebbit furObtained from catching Diseased kebbits using the Hunter Skill.104 gpNoYes
Diamond bolt tipsPlayer made.93 gpNoNo
Desert devil furObtained by hunting desert devils.77 gpNoYes
Dark arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).71 gpNoYes
Desert Wyrm scroll (Electric Lash)Player made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoYes
Dreadfowl scroll (Dreadfowl Strike)Player made.36 gpNoYes
Dinosaur scaleMonster Drop.29 gpNoYes
D&D token (evil tree)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (familiarisation)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (fish flingers)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes
D&D token (god statues)This item was a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune.---NoYes