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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
Elizabeth's printPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Elon's listGive to you by Elon, in the penguin secret bunker.---YesYes
Elvarg's headCut from the body of Elvarg after killing her during Dragon Slayer.---YesNo
Elvarg's treasure hoardObtained from Grand Exchange clerk.---YesYes
Elysian sigilA possible drop from the Corporeal Beast, or can bought from other players.19.8m gpYesYes
Elysian sigil shardMonster drop.41.6k gpNoYes
Elysian spirit shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).12.5m gpNoYes
Embalming manualRespawns on the second floor of the Embalmer's house in Sophanem.---YesYes
Emberkeen bootsNone.23.3m gpNoYes
Embroidered pouchUpstairs of Pikkupstikx's house in Taverley.---YesNo
EmeraldPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from  Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin.870 gpNoNo
Emerald amuletPlayer made(See Note Section); buy at Port Sarim jewelry store7,115 gpNoNo
Emerald amulet (Unstrung)Player made using the Crafting skill.4,281 gpNoNo
Emerald bakriminel boltsPlayer Made (See Notes).937 gpNoYes
Emerald bakriminel bolts (e)Player Made (See Notes).964 gpNoYes
Emerald bolt tipsPlayer made.59 gpNoNo
Emerald boltsPlayer made.119 gpNoNo
Emerald bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).154 gpNoYes
Emerald braceletPlayer made (See notes).2,518 gpNoYes
Emerald demon statuetteLumbridge Catacombs.---NoNo
Emerald Golem BootsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Emerald Golem GlovesPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Emerald Golem HeadPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Emerald Golem LegsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Emerald Golem TorsoPossible reward from Treasure Hunter minigame, can be purchased from Vic the Trader, and Player Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Emerald lanternGiven to you by the Cabin Boy during the Lunar Diplomacy quest. ---YesYes
Emerald lensGiven to you by the Cabin boy during the Lunar Diplomacy quest.---YesYes
Emerald necklacePlayer Made (See Notes).5,196 gpNoNo
Emerald ringPlayer made (See notes section); Monster drop; Jewelry shop in Port Sarim; and possible loot from a bird's nest.4,776 gpNoNo
Emerald ring (i)Bought from Commander Loman's reward shop at Mobilising Armies.---NoYes
Emergency flask of stewFound within Evil Dave’s bank.---YesYes
Emergency pocket sandFound within Evil Dave’s bank.---YesYes
Employment certificationReceived from Batal.---YesYes
Empowered air staffPlayer made. The staff can be created from any Tier 9 or higher wood staff giving 90.5 xp. 0 gpNoYes
Empowered catalytic staffPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Empowered earth staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Empowered fire staffPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Empowered water staffPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Empty bag callerSold by Faruq in Al Kharid.0 gpNoNo
Empty bottleCreated when you use the potion on the latrine.---YesYes
Empty boxGiven to you by Queen Sigrid, on the second floor of the castle on Etceteria, in return for a Heavy box.---YesYes
Empty bucketSearch a cupboard in Peer the Seer's house in Rellekka.---YesYes
Empty bucket (Violet is Blue)Picked up from the ground at the first puzzle.---YesNo
Empty cannon basePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Empty canopic jarGiven to you by Senliten (the Pharaoh Queen) during The Curse of Arrav quest.---YesYes
Empty cupShelves (Wooden shelves 1 and 2, Oak shelves 1) in your house or player made.1,653 gpNoYes
Empty enchanted "vacuum" vialObtained from Wizard Myrtle.---YesYes
Empty flask of stewPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Empty fuse boxPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Empty jarObtained from Trevor.---YesNo
Empty jar (Violet is Blue)Obtained from under Violet's bed in her room.---YesNo
Empty jugSearch chests in Peer the Seer's house in Rellekka.---YesYes
Empty light orbPlayer made (see notes). Also may be found when Thieving chests in Dorgesh-Kaan.---NoYes
Empty oil bucketGiven at the start of Troll Invasion Distraction and Diversion challenge, and also respawns south of the oil well.---NoYes
Empty oysterOpening up an Oyster and finding nothing.0 gpNoYes
Empty potSold at General stores
Respawns:Lumbridge Castle Kitchen and Cooking Guild's 3rd floor.
Product of using a Pot of flour
Player made (see notes).
122 gpNoNo
Empty sackPlayer made (See Notes Section); bought from Sarah in Falador, Alice in Port Phasmatys, Richard in Ardougne, and Vanessa in Catherby.1,357 gpNoYes
Empty sack packFound in Farming shops.---NoYes
Empty seaweed netPlayer made (See Notes Section).46 gpNoYes
Empty tax bagGiven to you by King Gjuki Sorvott IV on Jatizso.---YesYes
Empty vial (Lunar Diplomacy)Baba Yaga.---YesYes
Empty wine bottleAfter you drink a wine bottle bought from Fortunato in Draynor Village.---NoYes
Enakhra's memoryCollected using a fully-charged Engrammeter in Enakhra's Temple.
See the miniquest guide for directions.
Enakhra's memory (book)Is given to you after you give Enakhra's memory to Kharshai.---YesYes
Enchant diamondPlayer Made (See Notes). 425 gpNoYes
Enchant dragonstn.Player Made (See Notes).765 gpNoYes
Enchant emeraldPlayer Made (See Notes).1,976 gpNoYes
Enchant onyxPlayer Made (See Notes). 1,261 gpNoYes
Enchant rubyPlayer Made (See Notes).1,674 gpNoYes
Enchant sapphirePlayer Made (See Notes).429 gpNoYes
Enchanted barThe result of having Zooknock enchant a Gold bar during the Monkey Madness quest.rn---YesYes
Enchanted bear meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Enchanted beefPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Enchanted bunny eggTreasure Hunter Reward.0 gpNoYes
Enchanted chick eggThis item is obtained from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoNo