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Fury shark headPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Player Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Fury shark legsPossible reward from Treasure Hunter, during a promotion (initially March 2015); Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
FuseIn the old power station in the Dorgesh-Kaan agility area when you use a spanner on the console.---NoYes
Fuse (broken)If you fail an obstacle on the agility course with a fuse in your inventory, it will break.---NoYes
Fuse (Cabin Fever)Search the gun locker on lower deck of Bill Teach's ship in Port Phasmatys.---YesYes
Fuse boxPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Fish offcutsPlayer made (See notes).6 gpNoYes
Fishing baitMonster drop
Bought from the following:
Roachey in the Fishing Guild Gerrant in Port Sarim Shantay in Al Kharid Fernahei in Shilo Village
Frawd in Oo'glog Alison Elmshaper in Taverley Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven Hank in Lumbridge
Fishmongers in Miscellania and Etceteria Fish monger in Rellekka

4 fishing bait Respawn in southern Taverley by the dead troll just south of the Taverly Slayer master Turael.
13 gpNoNo
Fungal flakeMonster Drop.25 gpNoYes
FeatherMonster drop; Purchased from Fishing shops (See Notes); Harvesting produce from Chickens at the Manor farm.34 gpNoNo
Fremennik cloak (brown)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.48 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (purple)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.62 gpNoYes
Fried onionsPlayer made.67 gpNoYes
Fremennik shirt (brown)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.68 gpNoYes
Fire runeRespawns in Camelot, in Al Kharid (in the desert mine), and in the Karamja Dungeon. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.78 gpNoNo
Flax(Many) - A field located south of Seers' Village.
(Many) - Lletya.
(Few) - Tree Gnome Stronghold.
(Few) - Southwest of Rellekka.
(Few) - Taverley.
(Few) - Lunar Isle.
(Few) - South of the cowpin in Burthorpe.
106 gpNoNo
Fishing mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).110 gpNoYes
Fire orbPlayer made (see notes), monster drop, and pickpocketed from Heroes.113 gpNoYes
Fletching potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).132 gpNoYes
Feldip weasel furDropped by Feldip weasels in the Hunter skill.147 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (pink)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.155 gpNoYes
Forge Regent scroll (Inferno)Player made (See Notes Section).176 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).181 gpNoYes
Fishing mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).189 gpNoYes
Field rationGeneral Store on Void Knight Outpost.194 gpNoYes
Fruit Bat scroll (Fruitfall)Player made(See notes section).206 gpNoYes
Fletching potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).223 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (stripy)Player made (See Notes Section).230 gpNoYes
Fremennik bootsFremennik boots can be bought from Yrsa's Shoe Store in Rellekka for 650 coins after completing the The Fremennik Trials. 241 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (red)Player made (See Notes Section).244 gpNoYes
Flattened hideMonster drop.249 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).261 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (orange)Player made (See Notes Section).266 gpNoYes
Fragile cooking urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Fremennik shirt (beige)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.278 gpNoYes
Fancy teak dresserPlayer made (See Notes Section).345 gpNoYes
Fire talismanMonster Drop; Possibly obtained from Box of summoning ingredients; Purchased from Wizard Elriss.346 gpNoNo
Flickering energyNorth of Falador.399 gpNoYes
Fly trap seedPickpocketed from elves, gnomes, or dwarf traders, can be found while hunting Jadinkos.403 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (blue)Player made (See Notes Section).430 gpNoYes
Fletching potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).447 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (red)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.494 gpNoYes
FliesPurchased from pet shops in Taverley or Yanille.512 gpNoYes
Fremennik shirt (pistachio green)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.531 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (teal)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.536 gpNoYes
FurMonster drop; bought and sold by Baraek in Varrock, the Fur trader in Rellekka, and the Fur trader in Ardougne (East).543 gpNoNo
Fremennik shirt (red)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.544 gpNoYes
Fried mushroomsPlayer made. Also dropped by Ankous.562 gpNoYes
Flesh runePlayer Made (See Notes); Thalmund's Wares.576 gpNoYes
Fremennik shirt (blue)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.584 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (lavendar)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.601 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (yellow)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.620 gpNoYes
Flighted ogre arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).639 gpNoYes
Fire tiaraMade by using a tiara on the fire altar while carrying a fire talisman in your inventory.696 gpNoNo
Fremennik skirtMiscellania Dungeon clothes shop (500 gp) and Rellekka clothes shop (650 gp)727 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (dark green)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.732 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (yellow)Player made (See Notes Section).735 gpNoYes
Fly fishing rodBought at fishing stores. Please see our Fishing Guide to see locations.753 gpNoNo
Fremennik cloak (grey)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.756 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (cyan)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.779 gpNoYes
Fertile honeycombPlayer Made (See Notes).861 gpNoYes
Fragile farming urn (nr)Player made (See notes section)
Found on the Grand Exchange System
880 gpNoYes
Ful arrowPlayer Made (See Notes).890 gpNoYes
Fishing rodBought from a Fishing store.942 gpNoNo
Fragile hunter urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).965 gpNoYes
Fremennik robeMiscellania Dungeon (500 gp) and the Relleka clothes shop (650 gp)966 gpNoYes
Fever grassPicked in the jungle surrounding Oo'glog.972 gpNoYes
Fungal bowstringPlayer Made (See Notes).1,046 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).1,082 gpNoYes
Fragile divination urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).1,124 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (black)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.1,155 gpNoYes
Face maskBuy from Slayer masters in Burthorpe, Canifis, Edgeville Dungeon, Shilo Village, and Zanaris.1,187 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,216 gpNoYes
Fletching potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).1,311 gpNoYes
FezCan be bought from Ali in Al Kharid when you finished his mini quest(s).1,341 gpNoYes