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Gunnar's groundGiven to you by Dororan, near the bridge at the Barbarian Village.---YesNo
GunpowderTaken from the gun powder barrels on the main deck of both Bill Teach's and the enemy's ship in Port Phasmatys.---YesYes
Gunpowder (Damage control)In the barrel on the North West beach. There are two barrels floating in the water, the item is found in the one on the beach. ---NoYes
Guthan bobbleheadPlayer made (see notes section).---NoYes
Guthan the Infested necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Guthan's chainskirtPossible reward from Barrows chest.1.2m gpNoYes
Guthan's chainskirt (broken)Guthan's chainskirt degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.1.1m gpNoYes
Guthan's helmPossible reward from Barrows chest.1.1m gpNoYes
Guthan's helm (broken)Guthan's helm degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.220.9k gpNoYes
Guthan's platebodyPossible reward from Barrows chest.1.7m gpNoYes
Guthan's platebody (broken)Guthan's platebody degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.1.5m gpNoYes
Guthan's warspearPossible reward from Barrows chest.3.5m gpNoYes
Guthan's warspear (broken)Guthan's warspear degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.260.7k gpNoYes
Guthatrice eggPlayer made.5,464 gpNoYes
Guthix armour set (lg)Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Guthix armour set (sk)Player Made (See Notes).0 gpNoNo
Guthix arrowsPossible Treasure Trails reward (Any Clue scroll).166 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (1)Player made (See Notes Section).603 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (2)Player made (See Notes Section).391 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (3)Player made (See Notes Section).7,072 gpYesYes
Guthix balance (4)Player made (See Notes Section).12.9k gpNoYes
Guthix balance (unf) (1-dose)Player made (See Notes section).31 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (unf) (2-dose)Player made (See Notes section).58 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (unf) (3-dose)Player made (See Notes section).96 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (unf) (4-dose)Player made (See Notes section).129 gpNoYes
Guthix balance flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).50.4k gpNoYes
Guthix birdGrown from a Guthix chick.---NoYes
Guthix bowPossible Treasure Trails reward (Elite Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Guthix capeObtained from defeating Kolodion in the Mage Arena. ---NoYes
Guthix chickHatched from a Green bird's egg.---NoYes
Guthix cloakPossible reward from Treasure Trails (medium Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Guthix crozierPossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 3 Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Guthix dragonhide blessed setPlayer Made (See Notes).Unknown, please submit.NoYes
Guthix fruitJadinko Lair offering table, you can buy random fruits in exchange for Jadinko Lair reward points.---NoYes
Guthix haloPurchased from Lanthus at a href="/guide.php?type=minigame&id=466">Castle Wars. ---NoYes
Guthix mitrePossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 2 Clue scroll). 1.3m gpNoYes
Guthix mjolnirTo obtain one, either complete the Enchanted key miniquest, or trade with another player. However, you can only receive one Guthix mjolnir during the Enchanted key miniquest. 3,397 gpNoYes
Guthix page 1Possible reward from any level Clue scroll.44.4k gpNoYes
Guthix page 2Possible reward from any level Clue scroll.38.9k gpNoYes
Guthix page 3Possible reward from any level Clue scroll.38.5k gpNoYes
Guthix page 4Possible reward from any level Clue scroll.39.8k gpNoYes
Guthix raptorGrown from a Guthix bird.---NoYes
Guthix rest (1)Player made (See notes section).20 gpYesNo
Guthix rest (2)Player made (See Notes section).40 gpYesYes
Guthix rest (3)Player made (See Notes Section).6,048 gpYesYes
Guthix rest (4)Player made (See Notes Section).3,764 gpYesYes
Guthix rest flask (1)Player made (See Notes Section).940 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (2)Player made (See Notes Section).1,493 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (3)Player made (See Notes Section).2,367 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (4)Player made (See Notes Section).2,978 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,815 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).44.2k gpNoYes
Guthix robe legsPossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).1.3m gpNoYes
Guthix robe topPossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 1 Clue scroll).1.3m gpNoYes
Guthix staffBought from the Chamber Guardian at the Mage Arena in the Wilderness.---NoYes
Guthix stolePossible reward from a Treasure Trails (level 3 Clue scroll).1.2m gpNoYes
Guthix vineObtained by trapping guthix jadinkos.---NoYes
Guthix's Book of BalancePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Guthix's gift (1)Result from drinking a guthix's gift (2).---NoYes
Guthix's gift (2)Result from drinking a guthix's gift (3).---NoYes
Guthix's gift (3)Player made (See Notes Section).66.8k gpNoYes
Guthix's gift (4)Player made (See Notes Section).11.8k gpNoYes
Guthix's gift flask (6)Player made (See notes section).---NoYes
Guthixian brazierA possible reward from killing another player in a PvP world.0 gpNoNo
Guthixian cache boostObtained from Guthixian Cache if you obtain more than 100 points in 1 game.---NoYes
GypsumOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers.---YesYes